Arboretum Poker Walk Challenge


Ready to get back on the trails?  Enjoy UW-Green Bay’s beautiful arboretum trails while participating in this fun wellness challenge for employees!  This five-week challenge will last from Monday, April 9th to Friday, May 11th, and each week, there will be a poster like the image above on a trail kiosk.  Simply take a photo of the poster (or a selfie with the poster!) with your phone when you are out on the trail, and then show your pic to the Kress Events Center front desk, the Human Resources front desk (CL 710), or email it to to pick your playing card for that week.  We’ll keep track of the cards you pick, and then at the end of the five weeks, we’ll see who has the best poker hand!

Don’t have a camera on your phone but want to participate?  Please email

Where will the poster be each week?  Click on this link to see which trail to take to get to that week’s poster.

Questions? Please email us at or call ext. 2203.



Student Employee Appreciation

National Student Employment Week is April 9-13, 2018!  At UW-Green Bay, the week will kick off with a ceremony to announce the Student Employee of the Year award recipient and recognize all nominees.  Watch the UWGB Student Employment Facebook page for more information about the candidates or attend the program on Monday, April 9 at 2:00pm in Phoenix B.  All student employees can take advantage of special free giveaways each day of the week.  Supervisors can check out a list of ideas for showing some extra appreciation on the Student Employment website.


Welcome Staci Baumann!

Staci BaumannStaci Baumann started as the Assistant Building Operations Manager for the University Union on April 4, 2018.  Prior to joining UWGB, she worked at St. Norbert College for three years.  She was an undergrad at UW-Oshkosh and received her Master’s Degree from UW-Milwaukee in Administrative Leadership, with a concentration in higher education.

Staci has been married to her husband Matt for over a year and is from Port Washington, Wisconsin.

Welcome, Staci!

Eliminate stress on your vacation with these tips!


“Vacation stress” may sound like a contradiction in terms. But any kind of change-even a fun one-can trigger stress. Add children to the mix, and you can have a recipe for more work than relaxation. But some pre-planning can help keep everyone smiling:

  1. Let kids be kids. If children are on the vacation, plan at least one child-oriented activity a day, such as a visit to the zoo.
  2. Make sure everyone receives enough sleep and relaxation time.
  3. Plan fewer activities than you think you have time for. Rushing to reach a destination or catch a plane can add unwelcome stress to your vacation.
  4. Schedule time for stress-busting naps and exercise along the way.
  5. Bring a “fun bag” stuffed with favorite snacks, books, games, and other items your peers may enjoy.
  6. Try to keep to a daily routine as much as possible.

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC

Sleep better by eating this before bed

Try eating foods with tryptophan before bed for better sleep tonight.

You’ve likely heard that eating turkey makes people especially sleepy thanks to the sleep-inducing amino acid called tryptophan that it contains. Turns out there is science behind that tale. Some research shows that foods with tryptophan help your body product serotonin, which helps promote sleepiness. And there are foods with even more tryptophan than turkey. Try one or more of these tonight:

  • WalnutssleepLady
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Soy foods
  • Shellfish
  • Eggs
  • Whole grains, like oatmeal
  • Dairy products

Carbohydrates help your brain use tryptophan. Proteins are the building blocks of tryptophan. So combinations of carbs and proteins can pack a bedtime punch. Try hummus on whole-grain crackers, cereal with milk, or peanut butter on whole-wheat bread.

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC

Winter Bingo Challenge Results

Thanks to everyone who participated in the winter bingo challenge!  Here are some results:Snowman

  • At least 20 of the 25 bingo card squares checked off: 18 people
  • Department with the most people participating: Continuing Education and Community Engagement (5 people)
  • Building with the most people participating: Cofrin Library (9 people)
  • Most bingo card squares checked off: Karen Peterson

Everyone who submitted their completed bingo card by February 9th will get a small gift for participating (will be sent to you) thanks to a wellness grant from the Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF).  The biggest winners are those who keep making healthy choices and incorporate wellness into their every day lives throughout the rest of 2018!

Self Defense Workshop on February 28th

BrochureLearn more than skills, learn to EMPOWER yourself!  Herb Blue’s Total Self Defense LLC will be presenting two Self Defense Workshops to UW-Green Bay employees thanks to a wellness grant from the Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF).

Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2018


  • 11:00 a.m. to Noon (workshop for women only)
  • 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. (workshop for all)

Location: University Union, Room 103


Each workshop is limited to 30 employees, so please email to sign-up and indicate which session you prefer (first come, first serve).  Herb Blue’s Total Self Defense LLC will have each participant sign a waiver to participate in the workshop.  It is recommended that you wear comfortable clothing, but your work clothes are fine – no need to change for the workshop.

Please contact or ext. 2203 with any questions.

Farewell to Mitchell Sabez

MitchellSabezMitchell Sabez has announced his departure effective Friday, February 2, 2018. Mitchell began with the HR office in 2016 with most recent duties in personnel transaction processing, recruitment, student employment, Law Room training, website management, and other IT functions and data requests. Mitchell will be transferring into a new position as an Affinity Group Generalist with UW-System Administration in Madison, WI. We wish Mitchell all the best in his new endeavor!

Please contact or ext. 2390 for questions on the areas Mitchell previously handled and one of our staff will get back to you.