June Lunch ‘n Learn



The UW-Green Bay Wellness Committee Presents:

What: Wellness Lunch ‘n Learn “Straw Bale Gardens” with Professor Heidi Fencl

When: Monday, June 1, 2015
15 to 1:00 p.m.

Where: Cofrin Library, 7th floor, Room 735

Please RSVP at http://uwgreenbay.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_0IEDrJMclVfn9IN by Thursday, May 28, 2015.

Straw bale gardens are a great way to grow fresh produce for people with soil, space, or time limitations.  They take some set up in the spring, but then largely care for themselves over the rest of the summer.  A single bale can support two tomato plants or 30 bean plants, or 3 potato plants, so even one or two bales can provide a nice garden.  Come to this session if you would like to learn more about setting up and maintaining a straw bale garden of your own.

Heidi Fencl is a Professor in the Physics department at UW-Green Bay.  She has a 24 bale garden this year and is looking forward to fresh green beans, cucumbers and tomatoes!

Bellin Run & Step Into Spring Challenge Prize Winners Announced!

Prize Winners Announced

Barbara Tomashek-Ditter and Amanda Wildenberg win prizes for their participation in wellness events.

Logging an impressive 94.1 miles, the equivalent of 21 hours and 5 minutes of exercise since the beginning of 2015, Barbara Tomashek-Ditter has proven her dedication to wellness. She was randomly selected as the winner of a water bottle for her participation in the Step Into Spring Challenge. Congratulations Barbara!

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Barbara Tomashek-Ditter

After registering for the Bellin 10K Run, an event being held on June 13th in Green Bay, Amanda Wildenberg was randomly chosen to win a chic Bellin Run sweatshirt. Congratulations Amanda!

Amanda Wildenberg
Amanda Wildenberg

March Lunch n’ Learn and Newsletter


The UW-Green Bay Wellness Committee, in partnership with the UW-Credit Union presents:

What:   Wellness Lunch and Learn

Building your Budget

When:  Friday, March 20, 2015

12:15 p.m.  – 1:00 p.m.

Where: Room 103, University Union


Join financial expert Wayne Resch from the UW Credit Union in an interactive discussion about how to make and maintain a sensible, effective budget. Wayne will help you learn to create a well-balanced budget and answer your burning questions!

Check out our monthly newsletter, our March 2015 Newsletter is entitled “Step Into Financial Wellness!”

Visit the Wellness Committee website for information on other wellness topics, newsletters, and upcoming events!

Wellness Newsletter and Upcoming Events

View the February Newsletter!


The UW-Green Bay Wellness Committee Presents:

What: Wellness Lunch and Learn
Heart Healthy Living

When: Thursday, February 19, 2015
12:15 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Where: Alumni Rooms A/B, University Union

February is Heart Health month. In interest of heart health, this months’ Lunch and Learn is focused on what it means to have a healthy heart and how we can keep it that way. Alex Stenner, student intern with the Kress Events Center, will present on building action steps into everyday habits for the promotion of healthy heart function- not running away from heart disease. Attendees can expect to examine lifestyles, habit, behavior, and immediate options that promote heart health.

Check out the attached newsletter for more on heart health, or visit the American Heart Association website for more news about the heart.

Lunch and Learn: A’viands Cooking Demo



What: Wellness Lunch and Learn
A’viands Cooking Demo
When: Thursday, October 23, 2014
11:30 a.m.  – 12:15 p.m.
Where 1965 Room, University Union
A’viands Wellness Dietitian, Laura Rowell, will be giving a cooking demonstration on how to prepare a healthy local soup and homemade hummus and chips.  Learn about the new foods A’viands is bringing to your table as well as the health benefits that these foods have.  Please come hungry for a light and healthy lunch!  Sign up to attend this unique and informational session, as space is limited.  Lunch will be available for those who attend.
RSVP: Space is limited to the first 20 people who sign up.  To save a spot for this cooking demo, please respond back to the Wellness Committee at wellness@uwgb.edu.

54218 Challenge


54218 Challenge
Sunday, July 13 – Saturday, July 19

Sign-up today for our week-long 54218 Challenge designed to help faculty, staff and students live healthier using 54218 every day!

Live54218 Mission: To create environments in the community that support and promote all residents daily in:

5 – Consuming 5 fruit and vegetables
4 – Drinking 4 bottles of water
2 – Having less than 2 hours of screen time (outside of your work)
1 – Participating in at least 1 hour of physical activity
8 – Sleeping 8 hours a night


Benefits: Live54218 Vision to make Brown County, Wisconsin (and our UW-Green Bay Campus) the healthiest community in the nation!

Registration: To participate in the challenge, send an e-mail to the Wellness Committee at wellness@uwgb.edu by Friday, July 11th.

Tracking Form: Complete the tracking form and submit the form electronically to wellness@uwgb.edu or by intercampus mail (HR CL710). Forms must be turned in by Noon on July 23rd to be considered for prizes.

Prizes: Participants filling in 100% (all 84) of the circles will be entered into a drawing to win one of two UW-Green Bay sweatshirts from the Phoenix Bookstore. All other participants completing 90% (76 or more) of the circles will be eligible for a Wellness Water Bottle.

For additional 54218 opportunities in our community check out: www.Live54218.org.

Wellness Lunch and Learn


What: How could the Employee Assistance Program help me or a co-worker?
When: Wednesday, July 16
12:10  – 1:00 p.m.
Where: Spring Room (Student Services 1400)
The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential, work place based Employee Assistance Program.  The program is designed to assist in the prevention, early identification and resolution of personal issues with may affect both an employee’s sense of well-being and their ability to effectively carry out their work responsibilities.  Examples of issues which the EAP might be helpful with are health, marital, family, financial, alcohol and other drug, emotional, stress and other personal concerns.Join Greg Smith, Senior Counselor for this lunch and learn that will focus on how the EAP program could help you or a co-worker.  The goals will be to help you learn what services are provided, how to access services and what other resources are available in the community.  You will also have a chance to provide ideas on how EAP services could be enhanced on our campus.