June Lunch ‘n Learn



The UW-Green Bay Wellness Committee Presents:

What: Wellness Lunch ‘n Learn “Straw Bale Gardens” with Professor Heidi Fencl

When: Monday, June 1, 2015
15 to 1:00 p.m.

Where: Cofrin Library, 7th floor, Room 735

Please RSVP at http://uwgreenbay.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_0IEDrJMclVfn9IN by Thursday, May 28, 2015.

Straw bale gardens are a great way to grow fresh produce for people with soil, space, or time limitations.  They take some set up in the spring, but then largely care for themselves over the rest of the summer.  A single bale can support two tomato plants or 30 bean plants, or 3 potato plants, so even one or two bales can provide a nice garden.  Come to this session if you would like to learn more about setting up and maintaining a straw bale garden of your own.

Heidi Fencl is a Professor in the Physics department at UW-Green Bay.  She has a 24 bale garden this year and is looking forward to fresh green beans, cucumbers and tomatoes!