Bicycle Benefits

Bicycle Benefits teams up with area businesses to offer discounts for biking around the United States.  Purchase a $5 sticker and take advantage of great discounts, including 20% off at The Phoenix Bookstore (see store for details).  During June, participates may also play Bike Bingo. Get your card at the store, ride around collecting stamps at area businesses and win great prizes!

Arboretum Poker Walk Challenge – Week Five

WkFiveThe fifth and final week of the Arboretum Poker Walk Challenge brings us to the trail near the bay in Bayshore Woods!  The kiosk near the parking area will have the tear off sheets for the week of April 30th to May 6th.  Check out the trail map at

The Wellness Committee decided that any employee who participates in this challenge and gets at least one playing card will be entered in a drawing for prizes, so it’s not too late to get out there and discover the beautiful areas around our campus!  Your body and mind will feel better after a brisk walk or run.

After you have gotten your final playing card during week five, turn in all your playing cards at the Human Resources (CL 710) or Kress Events Center front desk by Friday, May 12th to be entered in the drawing.  If you collected a card each of the five weeks, we’ll see how your poker hand plays against the other hands, and announce who won the game!

More information about the Arboretum Poker Walk Challenge:

June Lunch ‘n Learn



The UW-Green Bay Wellness Committee Presents:

What: Wellness Lunch ‘n Learn “Straw Bale Gardens” with Professor Heidi Fencl

When: Monday, June 1, 2015
15 to 1:00 p.m.

Where: Cofrin Library, 7th floor, Room 735

Please RSVP at by Thursday, May 28, 2015.

Straw bale gardens are a great way to grow fresh produce for people with soil, space, or time limitations.  They take some set up in the spring, but then largely care for themselves over the rest of the summer.  A single bale can support two tomato plants or 30 bean plants, or 3 potato plants, so even one or two bales can provide a nice garden.  Come to this session if you would like to learn more about setting up and maintaining a straw bale garden of your own.

Heidi Fencl is a Professor in the Physics department at UW-Green Bay.  She has a 24 bale garden this year and is looking forward to fresh green beans, cucumbers and tomatoes!

Bellin Run & Step Into Spring Challenge Prize Winners Announced!

Prize Winners Announced

Barbara Tomashek-Ditter and Amanda Wildenberg win prizes for their participation in wellness events.

Logging an impressive 94.1 miles, the equivalent of 21 hours and 5 minutes of exercise since the beginning of 2015, Barbara Tomashek-Ditter has proven her dedication to wellness. She was randomly selected as the winner of a water bottle for her participation in the Step Into Spring Challenge. Congratulations Barbara!

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Barbara Tomashek-Ditter

After registering for the Bellin 10K Run, an event being held on June 13th in Green Bay, Amanda Wildenberg was randomly chosen to win a chic Bellin Run sweatshirt. Congratulations Amanda!

Amanda Wildenberg
Amanda Wildenberg

April Lunch n’ Learn and Newsletter

View the April Newsletter!


The UW-Green Bay Wellness Committee Presents:

What: Wellness Lunch and Learn
“Why You Should Hug a Tree”

When: Tuesday, April 28, 2015  **Date & Location Updated**
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Where: 1965 Room, University Union

Protecting the environment is an important part of environmental wellness because it ensures access to clean water and air, but access to the natural environment also provides less tangible health benefits. A growing body of scientific research is showing that interacting with nature has positive and long-lasting health benefits including reduced stress, lower blood pressure, and improvements in mental health. Vicki Medland from The Cofrin Center for Biodiversity will discuss some of the new research on wellness and environment and talk about some of the best places to enjoy the outdoors on our UW—Green Bay natural areas.

Vicki Medland is the Associate Director of the Cofrin Center for Biodiversity where she works with UWGB students, faculty and staff, and community members on biodiversity related projects and teaches courses in environmental science. She has a PhD. in Ecology from the University of Georgia and is on the Board of Directors for the Ridges Sanctuary in Door County.

Lunch n’ Learn: Zen

When: December 4, 2014
Where: 1965 Room at the University Union
Time: 12:15 – 1:00PM
Facilitator: Raymond Reed Hardy, Ph.D.

Raymond Reed Hardy, Ph.D. is a retired Psychology Professor from St. Norbert College and is an author of four books including: Zen, Zen Master: Practical Zen by an American for Americas (2000) and Zen Student: Remember Live Right Now! (2006).

Natural and Applied Sciences Heirloom Plant Sale

Date: Saturday, May 17, 2014
Time: 9 am to 3 pm
Location: Laboratory Science Greenhouse
Someone will be available at the greenhouse between 7:00 to hand out numbers, so that you do not need to stand in line. Doors open at 9 AM and people will be allowed to enter in order by number. Cash and checks only.
Natural & Applied Sciences invites you to the 18th annual Heirloom Plant Sale. We typically include over 50 varieties of peppers and over 70 different varieties of tomatoes. Other vegetables will likely include eggplants, cucumbers, broccoli, and lettuce. We also have herbs and fine selection of flowers. We will be offering a number of unusual herbs and flowers this year including several unique basils.
For more information:

Lunch & Learn: What do food labels REALLY mean?


What: What do food labels REALLY mean?
When: Thursday, January 16, 2014
12:10 – 1 p.m. OR 4:40 – 5:30 p.m.
Where: University Union, Phoenix A
Presenter: Laura Stalland, Dietetics Intern
Bachelor of Science in Human Biology with an emphasis in Nutrition
Have you ever wondered what’s the difference between “low fat” and ” fat free”  or even what “organic” vs. “natural” REALLY mean when reading a food label? Come learn how to quickly scan various food products, and figure out which ones work best for you and your health goals!
Have a topic you would like to suggest for a lunch and learn or future wellness event?  Take the 2014 Wellness Committee programming survey to provide us with your thoughts and feedback.
Visit the Wellness Committee website for information on other wellness topics, newsletters, and upcoming events!