Stressless Challenge

The Stressless Challenge is taking place from February 28 – March 27. Challenge yourself to find 5 minutes each day to focus on something that helps you feel good and earn incentive credit while you’re at it.

Stress can have surprising effects on overall health, from the way we think and feel to the way we eat and behave. There are lots of ways stress can affect you, but you can have a major effect on your stress, too. Taking as little as 5 minutes for yourself to unwind each day can make a difference. There are lots of ways to relieve stress—what works for you is what’s important. Try stretching, meditating, or doing something you enjoy.

Enjoy downtime every day

Did you know taking “me time” can help you become more mindful, which can help you sleep better, stay on top of stress and improve your heart health?  Be sure to register before March 7, and start reducing stress and restoring your well-being.

During the Stressless challenge, you’ll track your downtime for 21 of 28 days between February 28 and March 27. Take five minutes to relax for 21 days to enjoy better well-being! Completing the Stressless Challenge counts as completing your well-being activity, which is one step toward earning $150. (Complete your health assessment and a health check, too, to earn the full amount.)


Well Wisconsin Radio Podcasts

Well Wisconsin Radio is back in 2022 and better than ever-podcasting! We are excited to share the first episode.  Listen in as host Morgan Meinen interviews Dr. Christine Whelan, clinical professor in the School of Human Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, about setting goals and finding purpose during times of uncertainty.

Check out the new Well Wisconsin Radio webpage. Episodes will be released monthly with a few bonus shows along the way. Last year’s episodes are still available.

You can be notified when new episodes are available by subscribing through Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Podcasts or the platform of your choice. While listening to an episode, you’ll hear a code that you can enter in the wellness portal. Entering codes from two episodes earns the well-being activity step towards your wellness incentive!

Random Acts of Kindness Week: February 13-19

Did you know this week is Random Acts of Kindness Week?  According to the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, “There are scientifically proven benefits of being kind.  The positive effects of kindness are experienced in the brain of everyone who witnessed the act, improving their mood and making them significantly more likely to ‘pay it forward.’ This means one good deed in a crowded area can create a domino effect and improve the day for dozens of people!  This month celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week and reap some of those benefits for your team.”

The kindness calendars provide many easy, practical and effective ideas for improving your wellness as well as those around you, and there is a new idea each day of the year!  We still have some calendars left, so just email if you would like one sent to you.  If you prefer an online calendar, or just want to check it out, click here to view the calendar online.

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
~ Leo Buscaglia

Kindness Calendars Available

UW-Green Bay has received 100 full-size 2022 Kindness Calendars as part of UW-System’s wellness initiative!  Each day includes an activity/thought/suggestion to help improve your life.

  1. Please email to request a calendar and we’ll send you one!
  2. Complete and check off at least 21 of the activities.
  3. Complete this survey ( to receive your code.
  4. Enter that code on the Rewards tab at under “My Reward” and “Employer Sponsored Activity” before October 14, 2022.  This would take care of the “Activity” step to get your $150 wellness incentive!

If you have any questions, please email

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud”
~ Maya Angelou

December Wellness Challenge: Gratitude

People who regularly practice gratitude tend to live healthier, happier lives. Gratitude is like a muscle — the more you practice it, the more your gratefulness will grow. This month participate in our 12 Days of Gratitude challenge and explore all the benefits of practicing gratitude!

Please email after you have completed all 12 days, and receive a wellness prize!

Fall in love with the life you already have.

Well Wisconsin Radio: Caring for Caregivers

Well Wisconsin Radio is a monthly podcast style program that interviews health and wellness experts from around the state. Participants can get credit for attending live or by listening in to the recording.

Supporting Caregivers of Aging Parents

Join our host, Morgan Meinen, for the last episode of 2021!  This episode will be in partnership with the Wisconsin National Family Caregiver Support Program to discuss resources available to help families that provide care.

  • Tuesday, December 14th
  • Noon to 12:30 pm
  • Topic: Caring for Caregivers
  • Expert: Wisconsin National Family Caregiver Support Program

Registration link and details: HERE