LinkedIn Learning September Challenge: Grow Your Executive Presence





In a survey conducted by a leading technology research firm, executive presence was ranked #2 among the top 20 leadership skills needed for success.

And although some people think it is an innate quality and that “you either have or you don’t”, the truth is that executive presence is a learnable skill that can be improved over time.

To demystify what is executive presence and how can develop your own, we’re excited to launch the LiL September Challenge: Grow Your Executive Presence, kicking off September 14th.

Challenge yourself to participate every day – it takes ~5 minutes or less. To stay on track, try keeping a journal or print the calendar and initial each day when you’ve completed it.

Happy learning!

Follow these steps to participate:

  • Print or save the September Challenge Calendar
  • Complete each day’s short LiL learning (~5 mins or less)
  • Initial each day’s box once you’ve watched the daily video
  • Share your biggest takeaway to by Wednesday, October 6

LinkedIn Learning August Challenge: Keep Calm and Learn On

LinkedIn Learning August Challenge: Keep Calm and Learn On

For most, the past 18 months have taken a toll on our mental health. A pandemic, isolating lockdowns, natural disasters, & social unrest are a lot to cope with. More than ever, it’s critical we take care of ourselves and one another.

We’re launching the LiL August Challenge: Keep Calm and Learn On, kicking off August 10th.  The content focuses on understanding anxiety in week 1, followed by coping strategies in week 2, and tips for supporting others in week 3.

Challenge yourself to participate every day – it takes ~5 minutes or less. To stay on track, try keeping a journal or print the calendar and initial each day when you’ve completed it. Keep calm and learn on.

Follow these steps to participate:

  1. Print or save the August Challenge Calendar
  2. Complete each day’s short LiL learning (~5 mins or less)
  3. Initial each day’s box once you’ve watched the daily video
  4. Share your biggest takeaway to by Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Access the LinkedIn Learning Page

2021 Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program Graduates

Congratulations to the 2021 graduates of the Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program!  The following UW-Green Bay employees have completed the certificate program during this past year:

    • Michael Bubolz
    • Kate LaCount
    • Mai Lo Lee

The Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program is a collaboration between Continuing Education & Community Engagement (CECE) and UW-Green Bay Office of Human Resources and Workforce Diversity. Participants progress through a program designed to build leadership skills and enhance the capabilities of their department with a program designed to advance careers!

If you are interested in being considered for this program, please complete the top section of the Interest Form and forward electronically to your supervisor.  Next level supervisors should review and complete their portion of the form, and forward to the Area Leader no later than July 2, 2021. If you have questions about the Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program, please see this blog post or contact Judy Price at or (920) 366-8328.

Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program – Fall 2021

The University is pleased to continue an exclusive Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program available to five UW-Green Bay supervisors seeking professional development for the Fall, 2021 semester.

Build your leadership skills, fulfill your potential and enhance the capabilities of your department with a program designed to advance careers! Five supervisors are selected to begin this program each semester with $600 in expenses for materials and other items charged to their department.

To earn the UW-Green Bay Supervisory Leadership Certificate participants must complete eight courses (Fall 2021 course dates identified below):

    • Core Course:  Developing Yourself and Others (3-hour interactive virtual session and 3+ hours self-paced online study) – Online study materials available Aug. 2, Virtual Session Aug. 11, 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
    • Five topic courses: (each class has a 3-hour interactive virtual session and 3+ hours self-paced online study):
      • Interpersonal Communication-From Collaboration to Conflict Resolution (Online study materials available Aug. 16th, Virtual Session Aug. 25, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon)
      • Change Management-Leading Through Change (Online study materials available Aug. 30, Virtual Session Sept 8, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon)
      • Creating Cultural Transformation (Online study materials available Sept 13, Virtual Session Sept 22, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon)
      • Coaching for Performance (Online study materials available Oct. 11, Virtual Session Oct. 20, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon)
      • Helping Your Team Achieve Optimal Organizational Management (Online study materials available Oct. 25, Virtual Session Nov. 3, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon)
    • UW-Green Bay Human Resources’ Supervising for Success (Date TBD)
    • Capstone Course:  Developing an Action Plan (Online study materials available Nov. 1, Virtual Session Nov. 10, 8:30 – 10:30 a.m.)

Approximately $600 in expenses for course materials and other items will be charged to the department. Supervisors are encouraged to discuss the cost with Division Heads/Area Leaders if funding is a barrier to participation.

If interested in being considered for this program, please complete the top section of the Interest Form and forward electronically to your supervisor.  Next level supervisors should review and complete their portion of the form, and forward to the Area Leader no later than July 2, 2021.  Forms will be forwarded to the Position Review Committee for consideration, and decisions made on attendees will be communicated to employees and supervisors in mid-July.

Please visit the Leadership Development website for more information regarding professional development opportunities for supervisors.

The Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program is a collaboration between Continuing Education & Community Engagement (CECE) and UW-Green Bay Office of Human Resources and Workforce Diversity. If you have questions about the Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program, please feel free to contact Judy Price at or (920) 366-8328.


LinkedIn Learning May Challenge: Mindset Matters

LinkedIn Learning May Challenge: Mindset Matters

Henry Ford famously said, “Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you’re right.” Ford’s adage highlights the power of positive thinking, warns of the danger of negative thinking, and it reminds us how much mindset matters.

While we may think that success leads to happiness, studies consistently demonstrate that the reverse is actually true: happiness leads to success. Happiness promotes success in health, work, and relationships.

We’re excited to launch LinkedIn Learning’s May Challenge, kicking off May 11th, focusing on the power of positive thinking and how to foster a growth mindset.

Challenge yourself to participate every day – it takes ~5 minutes or less. To stay on track, try keeping a journal or print the calendar and initial each day when you’ve completed it. Happy learning!

Follow these steps to participate:

  1. Print or save the May Challenge Calendar
  2. Complete each day’s short LiL learning (~5 mins or less)
  3. Initial each day’s box once you’ve watched the daily video
  4. Share your biggest takeaway to by Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Access the LinkedIn Learning Page

LinkedIn Learning April Challenge: Let’s Talk Communication Participants

Thank you to all those who participated in the LinkedIn Learning April Challenge: Let’s Talk Communication. Employees who participated in this challenge were asked to watch a short video each day and then send us their biggest takeaways. Here is what they learned:

Pieter deHart: My biggest takeaway for the LinkedIn Learning April Challenge is that there are three types of listening: Listing for Affirmation, Listening to Defend, and Listening to Discover. To communicate effectively, one should learn to listen effectively, working toward Listening to Discover.

Donna Mleziva: My biggest takeaway from the LinkedIn Learning April Challenge: Let’s Talk Communication was being mindful of weak words to purge from use. I use “just” or “actually” when I am concerned about coming off too strong or forceful when communicating. It is something to keep in mind while communicating. The tips about how to explain a task were also helpful.

Lea Truttmann: I had a few takeaways but the big one for work was the 10c’s of business writing.  I just find it so helpful, especially in emails (which is most of our communication!) to have all the information.  It can be frustrating to send emails back and forth and communication is lost when emails become too lengthy.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the April Challenge.

LinkedIn Learning April Challenge: Let’s Talk Communicaton

LinkedIn Learning April Challenge: Let’s Talk Communication

Communication is at the heart of everything we do – in the workplace, in social situations, and in relationships. Effective communication helps us understand and be understood, strengthens relationships, and improves productivity. While some may think strong communication is a natural talent, it is a life skill that everyone can learn.

This month, we’re excited to launch LinkedIn Learning’s April Challenge, kicking off April 13th, which will give you the tools you need to be a clear and confident communicator, an active listener, and a great teammate.

Challenge yourself to participate every day – each one takes ~5 minutes or less. To keep yourself on track, try keeping a journal or print the calendar and initial each day when you’ve completed it. Happy learning!

Follow these steps to participate:

  1. Print or save the April Challenge Calendar
  2. Complete each day’s short LiL learning (~5 mins or less)
  3. Initial each day’s box once you’ve watched the daily video
  4. Share your biggest takeaway to by Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Access the LinkedIn Learning Page

LinkedIn Learning March Celebrating Women Challenge Participants

Thank you to all those who participated in the LinkedIn Learning March Celebrating Women Challenge. Employees who participated in this challenge were asked to watch a short video each day and then send us their biggest takeaways. Here is what they learned:

Pieter deHart – Motherhood intensifies performance bias; Listing PTA coordinator on a resume yields a 79% decrease in likelihood for an individual to be hired or promoted, and yields a lower salary than those who do not list it. Maternal bias is the strongest of the gender biases.

Donna Mleziva – Attribution bias. Using meeting agendas wisely for meetings is a practical takeaway. Distributing the agenda in advance makes meeting so much more productive especially when times are set for each item. Conflict being part of the process to come up with better solutions is something that can also be set aside.

Denise Baeten – Confirmation Bias, Females want continuous improvement, Women are interrupted more.

Kimberlee McKeefry – We all have unconscious bias. Men and women saying/doing the same things are viewed/judged differently.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the March Challenge.

2021-2022 Leadership Green Bay Sponsorship

Each year, the University sponsors one employee to participate in the Leadership Green Bay program.  This program was established in 1983 by the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce and offers select individuals the unique opportunity to develop leadership skills while enhancing the well-being of the Green Bay area. Program goals include enhancing the participant’s knowledge of the Green Bay community; obtaining a greater awareness of issues that face the Green Bay area; enhancing leadership skills; and making an impact on the Green Bay Community.

The cohort professionals gather once a month October through May (following an overnight retreat in September) to learn about social issues, challenges, and opportunities facing the Green Bay area, get exposure to relevant leadership education and skills, and become community stewards. Each monthly gathering has a specific focus (from local government to education to the economy), and learners are immersed in a full-day interactive lesson that includes guest speakers, team-building exercises, and networking. The program culminates by participants organizing into teams, identifying social or public opportunities, and working on community projects that are designed to raise awareness of an issue, improve team skills, and effect change.

All UW-Green Bay employees are eligible to express interest in being considered.  Supervisors are also encouraged to nominate employees for participation in this program. If nominating an employee, please notify this person to determine if they are willing to participate before submitting.  After the deadline, one employee will be selected by the Position Review Committee, and will asked to complete the application materials representing UW-Green Bay.

In order to express interest in participation, or to nominate an employee, please complete the Interest Form. This form should be filled out and signed by the employee, their supervisor, and the Dean/Division Head (if applicable).  Completed forms must be received in the Human Resources office by Friday, April 23rd for full consideration.

You are also welcome to visit for more information about this program.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Human Resources at (920) 465-2390 or


LinkedIn Learning February Black Lives Matter Challenge Participants

Thank you to all those who participated in the LinkedIn Learning February Black Lives Matter Challenge. Employees who participated in this challenge were asked to watch a short video each day and then send us their biggest takeaways. Here is what they learned:

Lea Truttman – Be positive! Someone should be “devil’s advocate” for ideas. Never make a decision based on how you feel.

Denise Baeten – Be positive. Look at all ideas with critical eye.

Donna Mleziva – Listening to understand instead of listening to respond. It is very easy to listen to respond in our fast paced interactions while working remotely. The platinum rule is important when interacting with people.

Tammy Olp – Have conversations with individuals from other generations as we can all learn from each other.

Pieter deHart – The Platinum Rule: Treat people how they wish to be treated (vs. the Golden Rule).

Nichole LaGrow – From the “Banish Your Inner Critic to Unleash Creativity” video, Nichole can see the power of sharing these strategies with students when they are working on papers.

Jolene Truckenbrod – Don’t take things personally & put focus on what the other person is feeling/experienced.

Laura Nolan – To be humble, stay focused on the person, and listen.

Lindsay Martens – think of my ideas (even if not perfectly or fully formed) as a potential to spark a foundation of thought for my colleagues.

Brad Gajeski – Gossip spreads quickly and only people that hear the gossip hear a version.

Sarah Chaloupka – Benefits of Self-Care, Separate self from emotions of change, more reasons self-care is important.

Kassandra Linzmeier – Simply ask how people like to be communicated with. Even though I am most comfortable with email, doesn’t mean everyone else is. Some people much rather prefer getting a phone call instead.

Tammy Clausen – Platinum Rule vs Golden Rule – Treat others the way THEY want to be treated. Everyone has a culture/lens on how they understand and communicate with others.  It is important to understand the cultures of others when communicating with them.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the February Challenge.