Mandatory Employee Training Completion Required during March

As a reminder, Mandatory Employee Training (MET) refresher courses are now required to be completed by employees in March of each year. Refresher courses will include Information Security Awareness required annually and Sexual Harassment (Title IX) required every three years. Mandated Reporter will continue to be assigned at the time of hire with no requirement of retraining. Notification emails will come directly from UW Shared Services starting on March 1st.

In an effort to align training schedules, the UW-Green Bay Campus Security Authority (CSA) and Responsible Employee (RE) training will now also be conducted during the month of March each year. Only individuals who have been designated through their position description and/or provide advisement to a student organization will be required to complete this training course. Employees required to take the training will be enrolled and receive an email from Instructure Canvas ( with the subject line “Course Invitation”.

Individuals who completed these required training(s) in January or February 2024, will not be required to take the training until March 2025.

All trainings are required to be completed by March 31, 2024, in accordance with SYS 1293, Mandatory Employee Training. Both SYS 1293 and the UW-Green Bay Compensation and Pay Plan Policy indicate that in order for an employee to be eligible for any compensation adjustment, including the approved pay plan effective July 1, 2024, they must be in compliance with all required trainings by the deadlines noted in UW policy.

For any questions about Mandatory Employee Training, please contact Human Resources at or (920) 465-2390.

University Staff, Non-Instructional Academic Staff and Limited Employee Annual Performance Evaluations kick-off for Calendar Year 2023

With the new year upon us, it is time to begin the annual performance evaluation process for all University Staff, Non-Instructional Academic Staff, and Limited employees for the evaluation period of January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023.

Annual performance evaluations are a key component to employee performance and development and provide employees and their managers an opportunity to discuss job performance, set goals for professional development, establish objectives for contributing to the department’s mission, and discuss expectations and accomplishments.

Please review the following trainings and resources if you are new to the process or just need a refresher! If you would prefer a one-on-one training on this topic or have any questions, please contact

This year, all non-instructional evaluations should now be utilizing the performance review form that was rolled out Fall 2022.


In line with UW System compensation guidelines and the UW-Green Bay Compensation and Pay Plan Policy, an employee’s overall performance is equivalent to solid ‘meets expectations’ or meritorious ‘exceeds expectations’ for the duration of the review period to be eligible for any future pay adjustments, including base rate adjustments and Board of Regents approved pay plan(s). In addition, supervisors must have up-to-date, documented performance evaluations on file for all direct reports in order to receive pay adjustments.

In an effort to facilitate timely completion, performance evaluations are due by Friday, March 22, 2024.

Please note that annual performance evaluations are not required for individuals who have had a 6-month evaluation on or after July 1, 2023, or for new employees that have been hired since this date.

Technological enhancements to Worker’s Compensation Reporting

In collaboration with UW System, an additional functionality in reporting of workers compensation claims has been created.  Employees and Supervisors may now complete reports using a QR Code from their smart phone or complete an online form without the need to print and scan.

Please save the Filing a Workers Compensation Claim link for future reference.  This link details all you need to know for filing reports from both employee and supervisor and the roles and responsibilities within this process.

For any questions regarding the reporting form or general Worker’s Compensation, please contact Sandi Maine-Delepierre by phone at ext. 2781 or email at



2022 Outside Activities Reports (OARs) – Access for online completion begins April 3, 2023

Each year, all faculty, academic staff, and limited appointees with appointments of half-­time or more are responsible for reporting Outside Activities (according to Board of Regent and UW System guidelines, UWS Chapter 8.025, and the Wisconsin Administrative Code).

Additionally, we ask University Staff to read the Code of Conduct (RPD 20-22) and all employees to read the policy on Employee Relationships with Educational Loan Lenders RPD 13-4.

Similar to past years, requests and notices will come to employees from UW-Shared Services (, and eligible employees will submit their OAR form online through their My UW Portal.

On April 3, all employees required to submit an Outside Activity Report (OAR) will received a message from UW System with instructions to complete the OAR. The OAR will need to be completed by the employee and approved by the supervisor. Following the initial notice, employees will receive reminders throughout the month.

Please see below for additional information:

For more information about OARs (including helpful videos), please see the UW System Conflicts of Interest and Outside Activities website.

The Code of Conduct and Employee Relationships with Educational Loan Lenders policies will also be delivered to your mailboxes from during the month of April with a reminder to familiarize yourself with these policies.

If you have questions while using the process or need technical support, please contact

Resources relevant to this message include:

UW Shared Services Mandatory Training Schedule Update

Mandatory Employee Training (MET) courses will now be required to be completed by employees in March of each year. This change will include Information Security Awareness required annually and Sexual Harassment (Title IX) required every three years. Mandated Reporter will continue to be assigned at the time of hire with no requirement of retraining. Our understanding that in this transition year, those individuals who took the training between October 7 – December 31, 2022 will not be required to take the training until March 2024. Further information will be provided as it becomes available.

For any questions about Mandatory Employee Training, please contact Human Resources at or (920) 465-2390.

University Staff, Non-Instructional Academic Staff and Limited Employees Performance Evaluations

The start of the new year is just around the corner and with it brings the kickoff to the annual performance evaluation process for University Staff, Non-Instructional Academic Staff and Limited employees. With the approval from Cabinet this past spring, all non-instructional evaluations have shifted to one review period (Calendar Year).

A new performance review form was drafted in an effort to align current form(s) with implemented changes post Title & Total Compensation, ensure adherence to SYS 1254, Performance Management and UW-Green Bay Compensation and Pay Plan Policy and assist in streamlining the business process. Over the last month, the Office of Human Resources and Workforce Diversity circulated the proposed draft of the Performance Review template engaging with Shared Governance and Leadership to gather feedback. The below information outlines the process moving forward with this year’s performance review:

      • All University Staff (Non-Exempt & Exempt) should utilize the new Performance Review Form for the review period of January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022.

To help facilitate these changes, the Office of Human Resources will be offering several trainings both specific to supervisors and employees. At these sessions, we will briefly highlight why changes to the form were necessary, an overview of the new forms (including update to electronic process), and in-depth discussion on filling out the form. These sessions will be held in person, with a Teams option for those that would prefer to attend virtually. Please see below for specific dates and times:

Supervisor Training was held on Wednesday, January 11th and Tuesday, January 17th. A recording of the training along with the presentation can be viewed here.

Employee Training / Open Lab Sessions

No need to RSVP, just mark your calendar to attend utilizing the links above! We will also be recording a session, which will be available on the HR Connect blog.

Fall 2022 Covid Guidance

As we prepare for the fall 2022 semester, please be aware that the University plans to continue to follow CDC recommendations as they relate to both the prevention of community spread and the specific recommendations pertaining to Institutions of Higher Education. Should community health factors or CDC/Public Health recommendations change, modifications or reinstatement of past practices may occur. At this time, University leadership asks that you be aware of and adhere to the following:


    • No masking requirement will be in place in general locations on campus (medical treatment areas like the Wellness Center or Athletic training rooms may continue to require masking).
    • Please be respectful and cooperate with any individuals or areas that may post signage requesting that individuals use face coverings while in the operational area.
    • If face coverings are needed, including n95 masks, please make a request by emailing the Environmental Health and Safety Supervisor at


    • No surveillance testing will be required.
    • Employees should seek symptomatic testing through their primary health care provider.


    • UW-Green Bay recommends all faculty, staff and students be up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters per CDC guidance.
    • There will be no vaccination requirements for participation in any University activity. 

Quarantine & Isolation:

    • Individuals who test positive should follow CDC Guidelines and utilize the CDC Isolation Calculator for assistance in determining the isolation period.
    • The University will not be performing contact tracing on individuals who test positive or report a positive test.

Missing Work:

    • Notify your supervisor if you need to isolate or quarantine.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

    • Facemasks, disinfection supplies and shields will continue to be available upon request.  Individuals who request items should contact the Environmental Health and Safety Supervisor at to make a request.
    • Sanitation stations, sanitation kits, and protective shields will remain in place in classrooms.

If you need additional information, please contact Human Resources at ext. 2390 or by email at

Thank you for all you are currently doing and will continue to do to keep our campuses safe and healthy for all!

Non-Instructional Academic Staff & Limited Employee Performance Evaluation Calendar Transition Reminder

The start of a new fiscal year historically would kick off the annual performance evaluation process for Non-Instructional Academic Staff & Limited employees. However, in an effort to create a more consistent review period across employee classifications and support future technology enhancements in the performance evaluation process for non-instructional staff, Cabinet approved a change in calendar for Non-Instructional Academic Staff and Limited employee evaluations. Non-Instructional Academic Staff and Limited evaluations will now be based upon a calendar year review period and will be conducted annually in January/February.

To facilitate this transition in calendar, Non-Instructional Academic Staff & Limited employees are not expected to complete annual performance evaluations with the start of this fiscal year.  However, supervisors are strongly encouraged to schedule a touch-point during the month of July/August with all of their Non-instructional Academic Staff & Limited Employees to provide an opportunity to informally:

      • Discuss job performance
      • Review established prior years goals and determine need to create additional goals to work towards over the additional six-month evaluation period
      • Discuss opportunities for professional development

This change in evaluation schedule will not impact six-month evaluations for new Non-Instructional Academic Staff and Limited employees. Timely individual notifications will continue to be provided to supervisors for employees required to have a six-month evaluation.

Per the UW-Green Bay  Compensation and Pay Plan Policy, compensation adjustments must be based upon merit and employee performance. Any compensation adjustment to include the upcoming January 2023 pay plan distribution will be assessed utilizing last years annual evaluation (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021), or a six-month evaluation for any employee hired after July 1, 2020.

Over the next few months, the Office of Human Resources in collaboration with shared governance committees will be reviewing the current non-instructional performance evaluation process to identify updates that will streamline processes and better align with the positions descriptions developed this year as part of the Title & Total Compensation Project.

Additional information will be shared as it is available. For questions about the performance evaluation process, please contact

Non-Instructional Academic Staff & Limited Employee Performance Evaluation Calendar Transition

In accordance with SYS 1254, Performance Management all employees are expected to have a performance evaluation conducted annually. University Staff, Faculty and Instructional Academic Staff annual evaluations are generally completed in January/February of each year, while historically Non-instructional Academic Staff and Limited employee evaluations have been completed in July/August.

In an effort to create a more consistent review period across employee classifications and support future technology enhancements in the performance evaluation process for non-instructional staff, Cabinet has approved a change in calendar for Non-Instructional Academic Staff and Limited evaluations. Non-Instructional Academic Staff and Limited evaluations will now be based upon a calendar year review period and will be conducted annually in January/February.

To facilitate this transition in calendar, Non-Instructional Academic Staff & Limited employees will not be expected to complete annual performance evaluations during this coming July/August. However, supervisors will be strongly encouraged to schedule a touch-point to informally discuss performance and goals with their employees. The next round of annual evaluations for this employee group will be due in late winter of 2023 and will be based upon a review period of July 1, 2021 – December 31, 2022. After this transition year, annual evaluations will be conducted consistent with a 12-month calendar year review period.

This change in evaluation schedule will not impact six-month evaluations for new Non-Instructional Academic Staff and Limited employees. Timely individual notifications will continue to be provided to supervisors for employees required to have a six-month evaluation.

Over the next several months, the Office of Human Resources in collaboration with shared governance committees will be reviewing the current non-instructional performance evaluation process to identify updates that will streamline processes and better align with the positions descriptions developed this year as part of the Title & Total Compensation Project.

Additional information will be shared as it is available. For questions about the performance evaluation process, please contact