Dean of Science and Technology – Open to UW-Green Bay Employees Only

The founding Dean of the College of Science and Technology is responsible for budget, personnel, curriculum, strategic planning and decisions, and for working with diverse constituencies to promote the University and these programs.  The Dean will provide academic and administrative leadership and oversight of interdisciplinary and disciplinary programs in the College.  The Dean of the College of Science and Technology will work in a collaborative fashion with the Deans of the College of Health, Education and Social Welfare; the Austin E. Cofrin School of Business; and the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences on matters of mutual concerns.  The Dean reports to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and serves on the Provost’s Administrative Council.

For more information and full position responsibilities, please see the full position announcement.

THIS POSITION IS CURRENTLY OPEN TO UW-GREEN BAY EMPLOYEES ONLY. To ensure consideration, please submit application materials by Friday, February 12, 2016.

Success through Humor

Register for ‘Success through Humor’

Academic Staff Professional Development Programming Committee and University Staff Professional Development Committee invite the UW-Green Bay campus community to register today for “Success through Humor,” a free professional development opportunity. The program is from 9-11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17 in Phoenix C. Comedian, speaker, trainer, Liysa Callsen will engage attendees with concepts applied from “improv” to:

  • Understand how to actively listen
  • Improve communication by “being in the moment”
  • Understanding the difference between “yes” and “yes, but”

Registration is appreciated. Liysa will have copies of her book Tell ‘em available for purchase at the price of $10. Questions may be directed to Jena Richter,

Student Employment Acknowledgements

Based upon compliance requirements for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA), changes were made to the Student Employment Policy that went into effect January 1, 2016.

Updates to the Student Employment Policy include:

  • 25 hour per week limitation during the 39-contiguous weeks of the Academic year for all UW System employment and up to 40 hours during designated break periods
  • Limiting lump sum payments.
  • Recording of hours worked with any lump sum payments that continue.

All current student employees have been sent a Student Employment Acknowledgement for completion by February 5, 2016.  Please work with your student employees to ensure completion of this acknowledgement and understanding of the terms therein.

Please contact human resources with any questions.


Human Resources Staffing Transition

Human Resources will be going through several staffing transitions with the hiring of the Payroll and Benefits Specialist position.  Current HR employee, Jolene Truckenbrod was hired to fill the vacancy being created by Susan Miller’s upcoming retirement.  Jolene will begin the transition to this role, taking over the bi-weekly payroll and administration of university staff fringe benefits.  Kimberly Danielson will begin the transition to Unclassified monthly payroll and benefits administration during Sue’s remaining time in this role.

Congratulations to Jolene on her new role!


Custodian (Third Shift)

The University of Wisconsin – Green Bay has a current vacancy for a full time, third shift Custodian in the Kress Events Center. This position works under the general supervision of the Custodial Services Supervisor, and is responsible for maintaining the overall appearance and cleanliness of their designated areas.

This position includes the following responsibilities:

  • Clean offices, locker rooms, aerobic/dance rooms, event media rooms, gymnasiums, restrooms, and other building areas
  • Maintain all floor surfaces including mopping, buffing, vacuuming, shampooing, and refinishing.
  • Clean windows (inside and outside).
  • Clean furniture.
  • Assist with furniture, piano, and equipment moves as required.
  • Stock restrooms and custodial work areas with necessary supplies and products.
  • Remove waste and recycling.
  • Perform snow removal and salting of building entrances.
  • This position will be required to drive a State vehicle and travel between work locations as needed.

For more information and position responsibilities, please see the full position announcement.

To ensure consideration, please submit application materials by Sunday, February 7, 2016.

Curator of Art and Instructor of Arts Management

The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay invites applications for the position of Curator of Art and Instructor of Arts Management. The selected candidate will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of exhibitions at the Lawton Gallery (preparatory, curatorial, informational, maintenance, operational, supervisory, outreach/social media, marketing, and financial), maintenance of the permanent collection, and teaching and administration duties within the Arts Management program. The Curator will be responsible for 6-8 exhibits per year, including faculty and student shows, and will be expected to mount a creative variety of other exhibits which demonstrate a broad spectrum of arts and cultural interests appropriate to a University setting.

For more information and position responsibilities, please see the full position announcement.

To ensure consideration, please submit application materials by Tuesday, March 15, 2016.

Welcome Hannah Wheeler!

IMG_7089The Student Services area welcomed Hannah Wheeler on January 11, 2016 as an Enrollment Services Front Desk Advisor at GBOSS (Green Bay One Stop Shop)!  Prior to her appointment at UW-Green Bay, Hannah worked at Bridgepoint Education. Hannah holds a BA in International Education from Edgewood College, with minors in French and Global Studies.  Hannah is originally from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and is married to AJ Fameree.  Welcome, Hannah!

University Staff Performance Evaluations

The new year is upon us, and with it begins the University Staff performance evaluation process for 2015. Supervisors should initiate the review process with employees within the next week.

Human resources will be hosting training sessions to familiarize supervisors and employees with the review process. Sessions will be held in the 1965 Room of the University Union. If you are a new employee or if you would like a refresher on the process please plan to attend one of these sessions.


Per Operational Policy TC4, compensation adjustments must be based upon merit and employee performance.  Therefore, any future pay adjustments will be contingent upon satisfactory performance.

In an effort to facilitate timely completion, evaluations are due by Friday, March 25, 2016.

Please note that annual performance evaluations are not required for individuals who have had a probationary review on or after July 1, 2015 or for new employees that have been hired since this date. Contact Human Resources if you have any questions about the University Staff performance evaluation process.



bELLIN 2016UW Green Bay Corporate Challenge
Bellin 10K Run/Walk • Green Bay, WI • Saturday, June 11, 2016

REGISTER TODAY to participate on the 2016 UW-Green Bay Corporate Challenge team for the Bellin Run
New this year – $5.00 registration fee discount for UWGB employees!

Team Name: UW-Green Bay
Team Password: 840
Registration Discount Promo Code: 40BR5

Registration procedures:

  1. Log in to, and click on Register Online.  This will take you to the Bellin Run registration page.
  2. Click on Register Now, then choose Corporate Challenge Team Member under either the 10K or Children’s Run options.
  3. Type in your company name (UW-Green Bay) and click Search.  Enter team password 840.
  4. Enter the remainder of your individual registration information. (Friends/family participants will be required to list the employee participant to facilitate VIP delivery of race packets.)
  5. For 2016, the first 75 UWGB employees who register prior to the early registration deadline of May 1st are eligible for a $5.00 registration discount. Enter 40BR5 in the Promo Code field and click the Apply Promo Code icon (note: usage of this promo code is restricted to employees only).
  6. Either click on Add Another Registrant or continue with billing information.  After you submit your registration, you will see a registration summary.   If you have any errors, contact

If you have questions please contact Human Resources at ext. 2390.

Enduring health requires goals and a plan – then working to achieve those goals. Make the Bellin Run one of those goals and then assure you do your best by training for success. Visit the Bellin Training page for helpful guides on training for this event!

Early Registration
Regular Registration
Late Registration
Children’s Run

This is the Year!  Challenge yourself.  Encourage another.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) proposed rule change

Currently, employees are considered exempt per FLSA rules if they are paid on a salary basis, perform exempt job duties, and are paid at least $23,600 per year ($455 per week). The US Department of Labor (DOL) has proposed changes that would raise the minimum salary threshold to the 40th percentile of weekly earnings for full-time salaried (exempt) workers, which is $970 weekly or $50,440 annually. Included in this proposal is potential for annual increases by at least the Cost of Living.  Please be aware that the final rule may be different from this proposal, but some changes are said to be forthcoming sometime during 2016 with an estimated effective date mid-year.

In anticipation of this change, Human Resources will be working with departments and divisions to analyze the current employee population and discuss with supervisors the various options available once a new law is effective. More information will be communicated when it is available. For more information on the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and how this proposal may affect you, please review the FAQ’s below.

What is the Fair Labor Standards Act?

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 (29 USC Ch. 8 § 201 et seq.) is the United States’ federal wage and hour law, administered by the US Department of Labor. Among other things, it establishes the minimum wage and overtime pay, affecting employees in the private and government sectors. 

Everyone is “covered” but some employees are exempt from FLSA regulations and some are nonexempt. The FLSA requires one-and-one-half times the regular rate of pay in Overtime or Compensatory time be paid for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek for nonexempt employees.


What does it mean to be exempt or nonexempt?

Exempt employees are considered “salaried” and are excluded from overtime payment. Nonexempt employees are considered “wage earning” and are subject to the payment of overtime. 


What is changing?

The Minimum Salary Test. The US Department of Labor has proposed changes that would raise the minimum salary threshold to the 40th percentile of weekly earnings for full-time salaried workers.

While the final rules may vary somewhat, it is anticipated that for 2016 the minimum salary, above which an employee can be designated as exempt from overtime requirements, will be $970 a week or $50,440 per year.

The effective date is presently unknown, but it is projected to take effect in the second half 2016.


Who does this affect?

University Staff and Non-Instructional Academic Staff. All academic staff have historically been designated as exempt, but this will no longer be the case if the rate of pay is below $970 per week or $50,440 per year.

Most non-instructional Academic Staff whose pay is below the threshold will have to account for their hours on an hourly basis, as nonexempt University Staff must do.


How does this affect a part-time or a less-than-100% contract employee?

Pay for part-time appointments will not be pro-rated under the new regulations. An employee with a .75 appointment, to a position that would pay $60,000 (over the threshold) for 1.0 FTE, is paid $45,000.  $45,000 is below the minimum salary threshold and the employee will be nonexempt.


What about employees that work a nine-month academic year with an extra two months’ contract in the summer; is the total pay averaged over the 11 months so that the exemption will remain in place all year?

Probably not.   For 2016, employees must make at least $970 per week to be exempt.  If the employee makes more than $970 per week during the academic year but less than $970 per week in the summer, he or she will be exempt during the academic year but nonexempt over the summer.


Can I opt out of this change if I want to continue to be considered a salaried or exempt employee?

No.  These changes are not institution- or agency-driven policy making.  This proposal is for permanent changes to a long-standing federal law that will apply to all employees in the private and government sectors alike.


How is tracking hours worked different for an hourly employee?

It is the same as the time reporting required of nonexempt University Staff.  Nonexempt employees must account for their time worked rather than accounting for leave used.   Nonexempt employees, for example, do not work during (unpaid) lunch breaks, and lunches of 30 minutes (or more) are unpaid time.  All time worked must be reported.


How is overtime calculated?

Overtime or compensatory time must be paid for hours worked over 40 in a workweek.  The computation of “40 hours worked” does not include paid time out of the workplace (e.g., sick leave, vacation time, etc.).  See UPS Operational Policy TC 3 Compensation  for more detail. 


As an Academic Staff employee, does being paid hourly mean I will become a member of the University Staff?

No. Academic staff that become nonexempt will remain academic staff.  They will become hourly academic staff, not University Staff.


As a nonexempt employee, can I still work early and late? Can I check my messages from home?

Nonexempt employees can still make arrangements with their employer to work from home occasionally, to check in at night, or to completely change their daily schedules to different hours than were previously expected, but all time worked except the very most de minimis must be accounted for and recorded as “time worked.”  Any alternative arrangements will have to be made with the individual School/College/Division or Institution for which you work.


As a new nonexempt employee, will this result in a pay increase?

There is very limited funding available to raise salaries to the expected new salary threshold of $50,440.  Human Resources will work with supervisors to review position descriptions and analyze duties performed to determine the best option available to comply with the new law.


As a nonexempt employee, can I still attend professional conferences?

There is no prohibition on professional development activities that applies to exempt employees but not to nonexempt employees.  Nonexempt employees must account for the hours of their travel time, and for the hours of conference attendance, but there is no blanket prohibition on traveling or professional development attendance.


How much Compensatory (Comp) Time can I accumulate as an hourly employee? 

The rules on accumulating Compensatory Time were recently changed to allow an accumulation of not more than 80 hours.  Any excess OT or Comp Time over that limit has to be paid out. 

Any Compensatory Time earned in a calendar year which is unused by April 30 of the following year will be converted to a cash payment and included in the earnings for the pay period that includes May 1. See UPS Operational Policy TC 3 Compensation  for more information.


As an employee, is there anything I can do to prepare for this potential change?

Employees can work with their supervisors to ensure they have current and accurate position descriptions.