Performance Evaluations – Non-Instructional Academic Staff and Limited Employees

Annual performance evaluations are a key component to employee performance and development.  The objectives of annual performance evaluations are to provide all employees and their supervisors an opportunity to:

  • Discuss job performance
  • Set goals for professional development
  • Establish objectives for contributing to the department’s mission
  • Discuss expectations and accomplishments
  • Discuss career progression eligibility

Non-instructional academic staff and limited employees and their supervisors should begin the performance evaluation process for the prior fiscal year (July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018) as soon as possible. Please follow the procedure outlined on the Performance Evaluation Narrative Form, submitting the completed evaluation to the area leader’s office no later than Friday, August 24, 2018. Please note – An annual performance evaluation is not required for individuals hired after July 1, 2017 if a six-month evaluation has already been completed.

Part of the performance review process should be a discussion regarding changes in position responsibilities, appropriateness of the assigned title, and the eligibility towards career progression if employees are in a progression series title.

Per the UW-Green Bay Compensation and Pay Plan Policy, compensation adjustments must be based upon merit and employee performance.  Therefore, any future pay adjustments will be contingent upon satisfactory performance.

If you are interested in receiving training related to performance evaluations, career progression and title change, and/or academic staff contracts, or have any questions regarding these processes, please contact or (920) 465-2390.

On-Campus and Community Service Work Study Job Fair

The Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment and Human Resources are hosting a job fair for on-campus employers and community service work study partners.  The event will be held Wednesday, September 19 from 11:00am-2:00pm in the Phoenix Rooms.  Employers may advertise current openings, recruit for future positions, or simply connect with students who are seeking jobs.  On-campus supervisors should have received an email with a link to register through Handshake.  If you did not receive a link and would like to participate, please contact Allen Voelker (Student Employment and Scholarship Coordinator) at or 920/465-2556.

Health Choice on campus July 18 & 19

On July 18th from 9am-1pm and July 19th from 10am-2pm our Health Choice Representative, Samuel McIntyre, will be on campus to review your individual long-term care benefits and options. If you are interested in learning more about Long-term Care and wish to discuss your individual benefits and options, please contact Samuel directly at (920) 540-2340 or via email at

The Department of Employee Trust Funds has approved an optional Long-Term Care insurance benefit for all State of Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin and UW Hospital and Clinics employees and annuitants. This benefit option not only covers care in a nursing home or assisted living facility but more importantly it was designed to do everything possible to keep you in your own home and give you choices.

Congress has put the seal of approval on long-term care insurance by providing tax incentives to purchase long-term care insurance policies and making it more difficult to qualify for Medicaid long-term care benefits.  It’s legislation like this that makes it hard to ignore long-term care, an issue that has moved center stage as a national crisis. Many people, in fact, say that long-term care is the real health care crisis in this country.

Long Term Care Insurance covers services that are typically not covered by health insurance but are vital for the patient. For example, assistance with activities of daily living (e.g. walking, eating, bathing). This plan provides financial protection from the rising costs of long-term care. Coverage covers voluntary caregivers, home health care, assisted living, nursing homes, and adult day care.


Long Term Care Insurance is available to employees, your spouse or domestic partner, your parents, and your spouse’s or domestic partner’s parents. To be eligible you must be a Wisconsin Resident.


You may apply for coverage at any time during your employment. There is no open enrollment period because each application is subject to medical underwriting.  Some illnesses or pre-existing conditions may make you ineligible for coverage. However, once your policy is issued, coverage will not be limited or excluded for any pre-existing conditions or illnesses.


  • Wednesday, July 18th at 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, July 19th at 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.HealthChoice

Where: University Union, Wequiock Room (101A)

What: Employees can meet with Samuel McIntyre, Health Choice Representative to discuss Long-Term Care

More information about Long-Term Care online:

Please contact Samuel at (920) 540-2340 or via email at with any questions.



Green Bay Area Public Schools Work Experience Program Interest Survey

UW-Green Bay’s Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment and Human Resources is looking to gage the interest of campus concerning expanding the Green Bay Area Public Schools Work Experience Program. This program is designed to provide high school students with volunteer, hands on experience as part of their educational programming. This partnership is not new for UW-Green Bay, as you might have seen these students helping deliver the mail or working in the Phoenix Bookstore. These students work with a Designated Vocational Instructor during their shift to help minimize the oversite for our staff. Please take a moment to complete the Qualtrics Interest Survey. By completing this survey, you are not making a commitment to having these students work in your area. You are simply letting Financial Aid and HR know if your area would benefit from having some extra hands. Please complete this interest survey by Thursday, July 19, 2018.

Financial Aid and HR will compile the information gathered in the interest surveys and share it with GBAPS so we can better plan for the upcoming academic year. We have also organized an informational session about this program for the interested areas on Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. in the 1965 Room. We will have representatives from GBAPS Work Experience Program on site to answer any questions you may have about this program and would ask for areas to commit to having a Work Experience student after that presentation.


Work Experience Testimonial – Submitted by Sue Machuca

The Phoenix Bookstore has been a partner with the Green Bay Public School District Work Experience Program for the past 13 years. High School students from the program have helped with custodial duties for one hour a day, three to five times a week during the academic year. GBAPSD Support Staff match capable students with the required tasks. It is a win-win situation as the Work Experience students gain vocational skills such as time clock entry, workplace collaboration and custodial duties, UW-Green Bay students become mentors as they assist with the GBAPSD Work Experience student employees, and the department has a tidy store. Support staff is always present when needed and the students are grateful to have the opportunity. It has been a wonderful experience working with the students and GBAPS support staff.

Student Acknowledgement Form No Longer Required as of July 1st

In an effort to increase efficiency, new student employees will no longer need to complete a Student Employment Acknowledgement Form as of July 1, 2018; however, student employees are still responsible to monitor their hours worked each week to ensure compliance with the hours limitations.  The hours limitations have not changed and are shown on the Student Employee Payroll Schedule, and the Student Employment Operational Policy is still in effect.

Please contact Human Resources at or ext. 2390 if you have any questions.

Employee Spotlight: Jodi Schleis

Name:  Jodi Schleis

Position at UWGB:  Associate Athletic Director of Finance and Human Resources

Summary of what you do:  Manage the financial aspects and as well as staffing requirements of the Athletic Department

How Long Have You Been Employed: 3 months


I came toUWGB after working at St Norbert College for 18 years as the Athletic Department Business Manager.


Whether going on vacation, sitting by a bonfire or having a Packer party, I enjoy spending time with family and friends the most.

I also enjoy reading, scrapbooking, making delicious meals and getting inspired by DIY shows on TV.


Something I have always wanted to do was operate a dog/animal boarding business.  I would be able to spend the entire day surrounded by and caring for all kinds of animals.

One thing people might not know about me is that I have a twin sister.  She lives in Elkhorn, WI .  We aren’t identical but it’s amazing to have such a close bond with another person all my life who is just a phone call away.


I’ve enjoyed meeting and getting to know my co-workers thus far.  I look forward to building great relationships and friendships here at UWGB.  Go Phoenix!

Pay Plan Eligibility Reminder – Deadline is June 15

The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay has received funding and will be implementing a pay plan, which will provide a base rate increase to all eligible employees of 4.04% in two 2% installments. Distribution of the pay plan will be as follows:

Pay plan


Individual e-mails were distributed this week to otherwise eligible employees who are missing either their required trainings or performance evaluations. If you did not receive an e-mail and your positon is eligible for pay plan per the Compensation and Pay Plan Policy, you will receive pay plan and no further action is needed.



Eligibility for the pay plan includes being employed prior to January 1, 2018 (with some exceptions), having an acceptable level of performance as documented during the employee’s last review period, and being compliant with all required trainingIn order to receive the pay plan increases, eligible employees must be compliant with required trainings and have documented satisfactory performance by June 15, 2018, without exception. Compliance after that date will not result in retroactive eligibility, or eligibility for the second installment of the plan.

If you have questions about pay plan, please contact the Office of Human Resources and Workforce Diversity at or (920) 465-2390.

Reminder – Required Compliance Trainings due by June 15, 2018

In order to fulfill our mission and comply with federal, state, and UW System requirements, all employees are required to complete online compliance and education programs. Eligibility requirements for the 2018-2019 Pay Plan include being employed prior to January 1, 2018 (unless an exception has been granted by the Chancellor), having acceptable performance during the employee’s most recent performance review, and compliance with all required trainings. Please see the Compensation and Pay Plan Policy for further eligibility requirements.

Required trainings include:

  1. Preventing Harassment and Sexual Violence (if you are a supervisor the course will be titled “Supervisor Anti-Harassment and Title IX”)
  2. Checkpoint: Data Security & Privacy
  3. Protect Children (EDU-WI)
  4. Injury and Illness Prevention (EDU)
  5. FERPA Basics
  6. Touchstone: Tools for an Ethical Workplace
  7. Clery CSA Training (only required if designated as a Campus Security Authority – training on the Office of Public Safety web site).

In order to receive the pay plan increases you must be compliant with these trainings as of June 15th, without exception.  Compliance after that date will not result in retroactive eligibility, or eligibility for the second step in the plan. To satisfy the training requirement, an employee must have completed all mandatory training before June 15th, 2018

Employees who have not completed the trainings should be receiving weekly notifications of non-compliance from Lawroom/Everfi. For instructions on how to confirm that all trainings have been completed in Lawroom/Everfi, please see this blog post. If you have issues accessing or completing the courses, please contact Human Resources at or (920) 465-2390 for technical support and/or to request a reasonable accommodation.


Employee Spotlight: Illene Cupit

Illene CupitName: Illene Cupit

Position at UWGB: Professor of Human Development

Summary of what you do: Professor stuff (teach, research, Chair the IRB, and a million other things)

How long have you been employed: Forever

Brief history of employment with UWGB: I was hired as a young assistant professor back in 1984 and have aged into a ripe-old Full Professor

Three words that describe you: A Noo Yawkah at heart; loyal, and a wise-guy (hmm that is more than three words, but what else can you expect from a professor?)

Personal interests: Reading, biking, swimming, cooking (and eating) spending time with my kids

  • Are you messy or organized? I am both.

Best vacation you’ve been to? I went to Israel with my son in 2012 and it was an amazing trip.

Do you have a favorite newspaper, blog? The New York Times

Do you recall any embarrassing moment at work? Showing a candidate for a Human Development position around campus, I slipped, spilled coffee all over her and the floor, and split the zipper on my skirt which almost fell down around me. She told me that before that happened she was really nervous, but she wasn’t afterwards!!

Favorite travel spot? I will go anywhere. I love to travel.

If you could change one thing about working here, what would it be? Reduce workload!

If you could interview one person (dead or alive) who would it be? Arthur Rubenstein

If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see? The rugby match that unified South Africa

If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? Bagels, lox and cream cheese—what else???

If you were an animal what would you be? A bird.

If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you name it? Made in the Bronx

If your house was burning down, what’s the one non-living thing you would save? My father’s chess set.

Least favorite Food? I love all food.

People would be surprised if they knew: I think everyone knows everything about me. I am about as transparent as they come.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us? I would like to stand up comedy

Top 3 life highlights – The birth of my kids, getting the Rosenberg Named Professorship, having my son play the trumpet to the first dance of my daughter’s wedding.

What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most? Interacting with my amazing colleagues and students.

What book did you read last? Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.

What celebrity do people think you look like? People said I looked like Carly Simon when we both were younger.

What did you want to be when growing up? A teacher!

What do you always want to try and never did? Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

What do you like to do in your spare time? If I found some spare time I would like to sit in the sun, read the New York Times and drink coffee.

What does a typical day look like for you? All day I am in OMG mode

What is an ability you wish you had? To sing really beautifully

What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery? I would pay off my kids’ student loans.   (and then get a new couch because my wonderful kitty is presently destroying the one I have). And I would endow my position in Human Development and Camp Lloyd.