YWCA Week Without Violence

Week without Violence is part of a global movement to end violence against women and girls. Join YWCA the Week of October 16th – 21st.

YWCA Greater Green Bay is committed to prevent gender-based violence in our community. This year they will educate our community and raise awareness that centers around tech-facilitated gender-based violence, such as the use of social media in online harassment and stalking. Learn more about what YWCA does every day and help take action.

Well Wisconsin Radio: Let’s Talk Mental Health

Well Wisconsin Radio podcast discusses topics of health and well-being from experts around the State of Wisconsin.

New Episode: Mental Health with Derek Bell

Listen in as Well Wisconsin Radio observes World Mental Health Day with an interview full of tips for starting conversations around this important topic. They will explore the importance of purpose in mental health and how it contributes to experiencing joy and meaning in our lives. Don’t miss this interview with Derek Bell, Vice President of Solutions and Clinical Operations at VITAL WorkLife. As a nationally recognized expert in the health and well-being field, Derek shares examples of his work experiences enhancing cultures of well-being through promoting gratitude, resilience and joy.

Listen HERE!

2023 Benefits and Wellness Fair

Thank you to everyone who visited the Benefits and Wellness Fair on Thursday, September 28th!  Twenty-two vendors attended and a lot of employees and retirees stopped by to learn more about their wellness, enjoy a cookie, talk about retirement or finances, or get answers to their insurance benefit questions.



Register for Flu Clinic

Protect yourself this flu season by getting your annual flu vaccination!

The Well Wisconsin Program is offering workplace flu clinics.

Flu vaccinations are free and voluntary for all site employees and spouses who are enrolled in the State of Wisconsin Insurance Program.

  • You will be required to present your medical ID card at the flu clinic.
  • After you register for your appointment online, your next step will be to complete the digital consent form.
    • A link to the digital consent form will be available on the appointment confirmation page and in your confirmation email.

DATE: Monday November, 13 2023

TIME: 8:00 a.m to 9:45 a.m

LOCATION: World Unity Room A

The vaccination will protect against the four most likely causes of flu illness during the upcoming season.

The vaccine is preservative-free.

The vaccine is not recommended for the following individuals:

  • Those allergic to eggs or egg product.
  • Those who have an active neurological disorder.
  • Those with a fever, acute respiratory or other active infection or illness.

Preregistration is required. No cash payments or insurance payments accepted. To register for your flue vaccination appointment, log into the wellness portal at webmdhealth.com/wellwisconsin and click “Register Today” on the Flu Vaccination card.

For more information about the flu vaccination, visit cdc.gov/flu.


Exercise is Medicine-On Campus: Lunch and Learn Series

On Campus is offering a free Lunch & Learn Series for all UW-Green Bay staff and faculty. Staff and faculty are welcome to bring their lunch to learn about exercise and health psychological skills that can be used in everyday life. The series is offered in-person or via Zoom.

The dates are:

September 25: Movement & Physical Activity into Work Day 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

October 30: Building Confidence in Physical Activity 12:00pm – 1:00 pm

November 27: Motivation and Time Management 12:00pm – 1:00 pm

December 11: Stress Management 12:00pm – 1:00 pm

The Series will be held in the University Union 1965 Room or interested staff and facutly can join via Zoom: https://wisconsin-edu.zoom.us/j/4894327536?pwd=RTlyZGpUMlVpQWJsd0RRVG5CK3NXZz09

Meeting ID: 489 432 7536

Passcode: 236782

Wellness Committee Fall Challenge

Have fun this fall with the newest Wellness Committee Fall Challenge!

Take time each day of the week to focus on a different area of your wellness. From October 1 to 28, 2023, complete an activity at least 3 days each week to be entered in a prize drawing! There are some ideas on the second page, but feel free to get creative! Just write a short note about what you did on the day you completed it and check the last column if you completed activities at least 3 days that week.

Please email your completed sheet to wellness@uwgb.edu by November 8, 2023.

Fall Wellness Challenge

October 13th is Well Wisconsin Incentive Deadline

Earn your $150 Well Wisconsin Program incentive* by completing a health assessment, health check, and one well-being activity by October 13, 2023.

    1. Health Assessment: Log into the WebMD website and answer the assessment questions online. The assessment will take approximately 10-15 minutes.
    2. Health Check: Choose from the options below to complete this requirement:
      • Biometric Screening: Check the WebMD website for clinics located near you.
      • Health Care Provider Form: Report your height, weight, and blood pressure from a visit with your health care provider. Your health care provider does not need to sign this form.
      • Preventive Dental Exam: Get a dental cleaning and report it through the WebMD website.
      • Health Coaching Call: Discuss your current health with a WebMD health coach, set well-being goals and explore solutions to help you attain your goals.

3. Well-being Activity: Select a WebMD activity, complete it, and report it through the WebMD website.

Once you have earned your incentive, you can choose to receive your gift card electronically or mailed to the address you have on file with the UW System.

* You and your spouse are eligible to earn the $150 Well Wisconsin Program incentive if you are enrolled in the State Group Health Insurance Program.

To learn more, review the UW System Well Wisconsin Program web page.

Source: UW System Human Resources

Kognito Simulation Training Wellness Challenge

UW-Green Bay has added an additional Kognito Simulation to our portfolio this year, Cultivating Inclusive Communities Training. This simulation enables students, faculty, and staff to have courageous conversations which foster an inclusive campus community. It will help participants to be prepared to lead conversations that contribute to a safe, supportive, respectful, and welcoming community.

The training takes about 30 minutes to complete. It can be paused at any time and will be able to resume where you left off in the simulation.

The Wellness Committee will be awarding 20 employees who complete the training by December 31st. If you have already completed the training, your participation will be included. Winners will be announced in January.

Please visit https://uwgb.kognito.com to complete the training!

If you have any questions, please email wellness@uwgb.edu.

Well Wisconsin Radio: Financial Well-Being

Well Wisconsin Radio podcast discusses topics of health and well-being from experts around the State of Wisconsin

New Episode: Financial Well-Being

Discover how pre-tax savings accounts can be part of a strategy for saving money and identify if it’s a good plan for you in the latest Well Wisconsin Radio interview with Xiong Vang, HSA and ERA Accounts Program manager fro the Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds. Then hear from WebMD Health Coach Amy Fink about how to better manage stress, whether it’s from finances or other areas of your life. Don’t miss this episode to help you focus on your financial well-being.

Listen HERE!