Wellness Committee: Winter Mindful Challenge

This time of year can be known to be stressful, and chaotic for people as we turn our focus on giving and making sure others needs are met. The Wellness Committee wants you to focus on yourself and reduce your stress. From November 26th to December 23rd be mindful/meditate for at least 10 minutes for at least 3 days a week, during the 4 week span. Use the form below to check off each day you are mindful/meditate, email your completed forms to wellness@uwgb.edu by January 10th to be put in a prize drawing.

Winter Meditation Challenge

Being Mindful/Meditation can help by releasing physical tension held in our bodies, which can help release worries buried in our minds, ease anxiety, stress and low mood. Meditation can even help have a more restful sleep.

Not sure where to begin we got you covered! Here are some resources and helpful tips on how to meditate.

UWGB has a subscription to YOU.uwgb which is sponsored by UW System and available not only for students but faculty and staff as well. You.uwgb has mindful/meditation examples that may help you.

One way to start would be to find a comfortable place to sit, typically cross legged with good posture and closing your eyes and just focus on your breathing.

Some other ways that the Mayo Clinic recommends is:

Walk and Meditate – Can do this when walking anywhere whether it be a path or on busy sidewalks. Have a slow walking pace and focus on each movement with your legs or feet. Focus on sights, sounds, and smells around you.

Read and Reflect – Read poems and take a few moments to reflect on their meaning. You can journal and write your reflections down.

Scan your body – Focus attention on different parts of your body, be being aware of various sensations such as pain, tension, warmth or relaxation.

Meditation apps are available. A free option is Insight Timer

How to meditate for beginners – Mental wellbeing tips – Every Mind Matters – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Meditation: Take a stress-reduction break wherever you are – Mayo Clinic