Upcoming Community Wellness Events

Walk to End Alzheimer’s

Saturday, September 25th at Lambeau in Green Bay

Click here to join UWGB employee, Bobbie Webster’s team

Earth Miles 4 Maywood

Month of September in Sheboygan

Click here to join the UWGB team.

Bellin Women’s Half Marathon 

Saturday, October 2nd in Green Bay; race ending at City Deck


  • Go to bellinwomenshalf.com and click on Volunteer
  • Race Course Marshals* are greatest need – each corner requires 1 volunteer age 16 or older, but age 12-16 can be a 2nd volunteer
  • Shifts last from 30 minutes to 3 hours

*Race course marshals are stationed on street corners without high traffic throughout the course to make sure vehicles do not cross or drive on to course.  Major intersections are manned by public safety.

Deadline to Earn Your Well Wisconsin Program Incentive

Earn your $150 Well Wisconsin Program incentive by completing a health assessment, health check, and one well-being activity by October 8, 2021. You are eligible to earn the $150 Well Wisconsin Program incentive if you are enrolled in the State Group Health Insurance Program. Spouses are also eligible if they are enrolled in the State Group Health Insurance Program.

Health Assessment: Log into the WebMD website and answer the assessment questions online. The assessment will take approximately 10-15 minutes.

Health Check: Choose from the below options to complete this requirement:

    • Biometric Screening: Check the WebMD website for future clinics located near you. Otherwise, request an at-home screening test kit by logging into the WebMD portal or contacting WebMD via phone. Test kits must be requested by September 17, 2021.
    • Health Care Provider Form: Report your height, weight, and blood pressure from a visit with your health care provider. Your health care provider does not need to sign this form.
    • Preventive Dental Exam: Get a dental cleaning to meet this requirement.
    • Health Coaching Call: Discuss your current health with a WebMD health coach, set well-being goals and explore solutions to help you attain your goals.

Well-being Activity: Select an activity from the WebMD website and get it done!

To learn more, review the UW System Well Wisconsin Program web page.

Source: UW System Human Resources

Get Your Flu Vaccination

Protect yourself this flu season by getting your annual flu vaccination!

The Well Wisconsin Program is offering workplace flu vaccine clinics. Flu vaccines are free and voluntary for all employees [and spouses] who are enrolled in the State of Wisconsin Insurance Program.

  • You will be required to present your medical ID card at the flu clinic.
  • After you register for your appointment online, your next step will be to complete the digital consent form.
    • A link to the digital consent form will be available on the appointment confirmation page and in your confirmation email.
  • Nurses administering the vaccine will wear masks, and you would wear a mask to your appointment as well.

Event details:

Sheboygan campus

  • Thursday, September 9, 2021
  • 8:00 am to 9:00 am
  • Wombat Room 2114

Green Bay campus

  • Tuesday, September 21, 2021
  • 8:00 am to 9:00 am
  • University Union, Phoenix Rooms

The vaccination will protect against the four most likely causes of flu illness during the upcoming season, including the H1N1- strain of influenza.

The vaccine is preservative-free.

The vaccine is not recommended for the following individuals:

  • Those allergic to eggs or egg products
  • Those who have an active neurological disorder
  • Those with a fever, acute respiratory or other active infection or illness

If you are pregnant, you should receive the vaccine directly from your physician.

Preregistration is required. No cash payments or insurance payments accepted. To register for your flu vaccination appointment, log into the wellness portal at webmdhealth.com/wellwisconsin and click “Register” on the Flu Vaccination card.

For more information about the flu vaccination, visit cdc.gov/flu.

Wellness Incentives are Taxable

The State of Wisconsin extends financial incentives to employees through the Well Wisconsin employee wellness program. If you are covered under the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance program, you and your spouse (if covered under the State Group Health Insurance Program) were eligible for the $150 Well Wisconsin incentive if you completed a health check, the WebMD/StayWell health risk assessment and a Well-Being activity. WebMD/StayWell is the State of Wisconsin wellness program administrator.

Per guidance from the federal government and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the wellness incentive benefits are classified as taxable fringe benefits. This means that any financial incentive you receive from the program is taxable income for state and federal tax purposes.

What this means for you:

  • Financial incentives will be reported as taxable wages and subject to applicable withholdings and taxes. You will see withholdings for all incentives issued in the current calendar year reflected on your May, August, or December pay stub. This will include incentives issued to your eligible family members.
  • Withholding may include 7.65% for Social Security and Medicare if the employee is FICA Eligible and may include federal and state withholding, depending on the number of exemptions you claimed on your W-4. Note: Some individuals may have met their Social Security Tax maximum in 2021 $8,680.00 and therefore, they may only have Medicare Tax withheld.
  • Federal regulations require your employer to receive financial data regarding incentives issued to employees and their covered family members. Your health information is protected by federal privacy regulations and is not shared with your employer.

Even with the federal government’s tax regulations, eligible employees and their spouses are able to receive substantial financial rewards for using the wellness incentives offered by the State of Wisconsin.

For questions about the $150 Well Wisconsin incentive contact StayWell at https://www.webmdhealth.com/!contact-us or 1-800-821-6591. If you have additional questions, please contact hr@uwgb.edu.

Source: UW System

Earth Miles 4 Maywood

This September you can walk, run, hike, pedal, and paddle in support of Maywood. By participating you help provide programs and events that help connect our community with nature.

Earth Miles 4 Maywood 2021 will be a hybrid model. Event organizers will continue to offer the virtual month-long event that allows you to select your mileage goal, activities, date and locations. In-person mini-events will also be offered throughout the month.

For more event information, please visit: https://gomaywood.org/events/earth-miles-4-maywood/

How: UW-Green Bay is sponsoring registration for the first 25 employees from all campus locations. If you are interested in participating, please register at UWGB’s Team link here:

Team code: wombats

Where: Participate in any activity anywhere.

When: The full month of September 2021 you can participate in any activity of your choosing.
Registration is open until Friday, September 3rd or until the first 25 spots are filled.

Who: UW-Green Bay employees; Kids 12 and younger are free (optional t-shirt for an additional fee).

Event registration includes:
• Event Tee (except for free child registration)
• Motivational Emails
• Opening Ceremonies Celebration
• Closing Ceremonies Event
• No charge access to all our free mini-events
• A chance to win an event door prize

Contact wellness@uwgb.edu with any questions.


Reminder – Onsite Health Screening

There’s still time to get your free on-site health screening!

Get a picture of your overall health and discover areas that may need attention.

A free health screening* event has been scheduled at the Green Bay and Sheboygan campuses for employees (and spouses) who are enrolled in the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program.

At an onsite screening, you’ll learn your measurements for blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), cholesterol (HDL, LDL and total), triglycerides and glucose, and be in and out in 20 minutes. Register today!

Green Bay Campus:

  • DATE:  Tuesday, September 21, 2021
  • TIME:  7:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • LOCATION:  University Union, Phoenix Rooms, Green Bay campus

Sheboygan Campus:

  • DATE:  Thursday, September 9, 2021
  • TIME:  8:00 to 10:30 am
  • LOCATION:  Wombat Room, Sheboygan campus

Please register at webmdhealth.com/wellwisconsin by clicking “Get Started” on the Biometric Screening card.  Click here for instructions.

Earn your $150 Well Wisconsin Incentive

Complete three activities by October 8, 2021 to earn the $150 Well Wisconsin incentive.

  1. Get a Health Check – Complete a biometric screening (details above), dental exam or coaching session, more information available at webmdhealth.com/wellwisconsin.
  2. Complete the WebMD One’s health assessment – it takes about 10 minutes and is mobile and tablet friendly!
  3. Complete a Well-Being Activity through WebMD (ex. complete a challenge, listen to two 30 minute interviews, etc.).

For more information on the Well Wisconsin Program or to complete your activities, log in to webmdhealth.com/wellwisconsin­­.  Click here for Frequently Asked Questions about the health screening.

*The Well Wisconsin incentive program is a voluntary program available to employees, retirees and spouses enrolled in the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program, excluding Medicare Advantage participants who have incentives available through their health plan. The Well Wisconsin incentive will automatically be issued to eligible participants upon completing the applicable activities. All wellness incentives paid to participants are considered taxable income to the group health plan subscriber and are reported to their employer, who will issue a W2. In some cases, the Wisconsin Retirement System acts as the employer. Retirees, continuants and their spouses will have some taxes withheld from the incentive amount earned.

Wisconsin Strong Women Webinars in August

Register for Wisconsin Strong Webinars in August

Check out these 30-minute Wisconsin Strong webinars: Investments 101 for Women on August 3; Retirement Planning for Women on August 10; and Take Control of Your Finances on August 25. Webinars are free of charge and presented by Empower Retirement and Summit Credit Union.

Empower Retirement is the third-party administrator of the Wisconsin Deferred Compensation Program. The WDC is an optional, supplemental retirement savings plan (457) for all working state and university employees. Local government and school district employees may also use the WDC if their employers offer it.

Retirement Planning for Women
Event: August 10

Women face more challenges than men when saving for retirement. In this webinar, learn more about why that is and what you can do to reach your retirement goals and become more confident about your financial future. Presented by Empower Retirement.

Register for session: August 10 at 8:30 a.m.

Take Control of Your Finances
Event: August 25

Feel like you’re living paycheck to paycheck? Find that you’re using a credit card to pay for things more often than you’d like? This webinar can help you get back on track. Learn how to make choices that fit the lifestyle you want to live and establish new habits that will set you up for money management success. Presented by Summit Credit Union.

Register for session:

August 25 at 8:30 a.m.

August 25 at 5:30 p.m.

Wisconsin Strong
These webinars are a part of the Wisconsin Strong: Your Financial Security™ program, offered by the Department of Employee Trust Funds, to empower members and their families to build financial security and achieve financial wellness at any age. You’ll find free financial wellness education, resources, and tools at etf.wi.gov/wi-strong. Follow along at #WIStrongSecurity.

August Wellness Activity: Sustainability Bingo

Have fun with Sustainability Bingo for August and learn sustainable habits. Use the bingo card to keep track of activities you complete. Complete a full row of sustainability activities, cross off the boxes and email wellness@uwgb.edu with a picture of your bingo card to receive a code to self-report your participation in this employer sponsored well-being activity for Well Wisconsin at webmdhealth.com/wellwisconsin. Hopefully, participating in this challenge will encourage you to recognize small actions can make a big difference for our environment.

Deadline to receive a code is September 30, 2021.


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”   

—Margaret Mead

Source: Well Wisconsin