Take this Mindfulness Quiz from StayWell to find out!
A. Mindfulness is:
- A cultural belief that is only practiced by certain groups of people
- A practice that cannot be learned or taught
- Analyzing thoughts in order to change them
- A medically approved practice that enables individuals to systematically reduce and manage stress
B. Which of these statements is false?
- Job stress alone is estimated to cost US industry more than $300 billion a year in absenteeism, turnover, diminished productivity, medical, legal, and insurance costs.
- 80% of people who have taken mindfulness programs are unsuccessful.
- Stress is the causative factor of illness underlying more than 70% of all visits to the family doctor.
- Mindfulness can reduce anxiety and depression-related symptoms by 60-70%.
C. Some benefits of mindfulness are:
- Strengthens immune system
- Improves cardiovascular health
- Builds resiliency
- All of the above
D. People who participate in mindfulness programs:
- Must eat a specific diet
- Wear special clothes
- Are business professionals, hospital employees, military personnel, schoolchildren, and athletes
- Have to be perfectly serene and peaceful
E. What are some experiences a person may have when practicing formal mindfulness?
- Fall asleep
- Have lots of thoughts
- Experience restfulness
- All of the above
F. The ability to pay attention correlates to a person’s performance and effectiveness. Mindfulness teaches us to pay attention to:
- Only the things that matter to us
- Our aches and pains
- The moment-to-moment daily activities with nonjudgment
- Thoughts about the past and future
G. The benefits of mindfulness are shown physically, mentally, and emotionally. Which one is NOT a benefit of mindfulness?
- Improved brain function

- Ability to rehash the past and rehearse for the future
- Greater concentration and focus
- Gives more meaning and purpose to our lives
H. To begin a home mindfulness practice, it is suggested to:
- Sit quietly for 5-20 minutes while focusing on the breath
- Sit in a perfect cross-legged yoga position
- Light candles all over the room
- Play devotional chanting music
Answers: A – 4; B – 2; C – 4; D – 3; E – 4; F – 3; G – 2; H – 1
How did you do? Are you interested in learning more about mindfulness? There are some great resources on the StayWell portal! To access the StayWell portal, you must be an employee, retiree, or enrolled spouse/domestic partner enrolled in the State of Wisconsin or Wisconsin Public Employers Group Health Insurance Program. To check out the mindfulness resources on the StayWell portal, please click on “Programs” after logging in, then scroll down to “Mindfulness Collection” and click on “Learn More” (image at right). You will see the 21-day Meditation Experience with helpful videos to watch each day to improve your mindfulness!
Quiz from The StayWell Company, LLC