University Personnel System Project Team Proposed Implementation Decisions

The University Personnel System Project Team Proposed Implementation Decisions for the new personnel system for all UW System institutions (except for UW-Madison) have been posted on the UPS website at and will be available for all employees for review through October 19, 2012.

The below likes are documents that summarize the status of the project and the proposed decisions.

Three open sessions have been scheduled to answer questions about the attached documents and to hear feedback on the proposed decisions. Feedback may also be submitted to or the UPS Project Team at The dates and times for the open sessions are as follows:

Wednesday, October 3
1:00 to 2:00 p.m.
1965 Room (University Union)

Thursday, October 4
11:00 to 12:00 p.m.
1965 Room (University Union)

Monday, October 8
3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Heritage Room (University Union)

If you have any questions please contact Human Resources at or (920) 465-2390.

Executive Order 54

In December 2011, the Governor issued Executive Order #54 requiring all University of Wisconsin System employees to immediately report child abuse or neglect if the employee, in the course of employment, observes an incident or threat of child abuse or neglect, learns of an incident or threat of child abuse or neglect, or has reasonable cause to believe that child abuse or neglect will occur. Please refer to UW Green Bay’s Policy on the Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect for specific responsibilities and reporting requirements.

UW-Green Bay has developed required training related to Executive Order 54 which all employees are required to complete.  A target date for completion is November 30, 2012.

Faculty, Academic Staff, Classified Employees, Limited (Unclassified Employees)

This training has been posted through d2L. Please follow these directions to access this training:

1)     Click on
2)     Click on the green button – UWGB Campus Account Login
3)     Enter your UWGB network user ID and password, and click Login
4)     Scroll down to My Courses, and click on Keeping Children Safe, Executive Order 54
5)     Click on Content
6)     Under Introduction, select either Executive Order 54 Training Video or Executive Order Power Point Slides

  1. Select the training video if your computer has audio, and you would like to view and listen to the training video
  2. Select the power point slides if your computer does not have audio, and you would like to click through the slides and read them on your own
  3. Both links cover the same material, so you do not need to review both

7)     If you see a Security Warning pop-up with the message “Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?”, please click No.
8)     After reviewing the video or slides, click on Resources (two slides of informational resource links), and then click Exit
9)     Click on Quizzes at the top right, and then click on Quiz
10) Answer each quiz question with the most correct answer
11) You will need to achieve 100% on the quiz to complete the training, and you can take the quiz more than once
12) After you achieve 100% on the quiz, log out of D2L, and your score will automatically be recorded

Temporary Employees (including Associate Lecturer, Adjunct Instructors, Ad Hoc Program Specialists, Limited Term Employees (LTE), Student Employees)

Please access and review the training document on our website.  If you would prefer to go through the online d2L training course, please contact Human Resources to be enrolled in this course.  Supervisors will be responsible for tracking temporary employees completion of this requirement and review of the training.  Please inform your supervisor once you have reviewed the training document on our website or completed the online training course.

Periodic in-person training will also be held in lieu of the online training.  If you attend the in-person training, you are not required to take the online training through d2L.

If you have any questions on this policy or required training, please contact Human Resources at or (920) 465-2390.

Employee Political Activities Reminder

With the election season here, it is appropriate to remind all university employees of current state law and university policies regarding employee political activities while at work and the use of university facilities or resources for political activities or purposes.  A PowerPoint summary of these restrictions and recommendations to employees is located at There are three restrictions that should be noted:

  • First, it is a violation of state law for a UW employee to engage in political activities while at work. This has been interpreted to include working on or assisting with a political campaign; displaying signs and similar items or materials supporting a partisan political candidate in the workplace; and using campus mail, e-mail, telephones and equipment for political activities.
  • Second, it is a violation of state law for anyone to ask a UW employee to make a political contribution or to help with a political campaign while the employee is at work. This includes sending a request for a contribution or help with a campaign to a UW employee’s work mailing address or work e-mail address.
  • Third, it is a violation of state law to enter a UW building or facility for the purpose of requesting a political contribution or help for a political campaign. There is an exception for University residence halls at Chapter UWS 18.06(16m), Wisconsin Administrative Code.

In addition to these specific restrictions on political activities, state and university policies restrict the use of university time, facilities, equipment, information technology resources and supplies to university business.  Please be aware that these restrictions do not apply to non-partisan activity. The campus (or campus organizations) may host non-partisan events to encourage voter education and participation, such as candidate forums and voter registration efforts. These activities must be non-partisan and for the sole purpose of voter education. Permissible activities include speeches, question and answer sessions, debates, or similar activities.  Electronic resources may also be used for non-partisan voter education purposes.

Information addressing the subject of political activities on campus for students, employees, and members of the public is available at  This website answers the most frequently asked questions in this area.  If additional questions arise, do not hesitate contact our office at x2390 or or contact Dan Spielmann at x2067 for more information.

Annual Career Progression and Title Change Review Process

Chapter 4 of the Academic Staff Handbook states that academic staff in the “professional” category and lecturers be granted the opportunity to request that their position be reviewed for possible retitling.  The provisions of Chapter 4 can be found at

Section 4.04(2) requires the staff member to initiate the process via discussion with the immediate supervisor.  To assist in the preparation of the review, you will find Frequently Asked Questions and Compensation Process Guidelines (procedural instructions) as well as the request form on the Human Resources website at  In accordance with 4.03(2) of the Academic Staff Handbook, a favorable decision will result in a salary increase of the greater of at least 3% or to the minimum of the new salary range.  The effective date of the adjustment will be July 1, 2013.

The timeline for the process is as follows:

Date Action Item
Friday, August 31, 2012 Compensation Planning Process Guidelines and forms available on Human Resources website.
Friday, September 28, 2012 Employee and supervisor submit required documentation to Division Head.
Friday, October 5, 2012 Requests due to Area Leader/University Officer.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012 Requests due to Human Resources Office.
Friday, December 7, 2012 Position and Compensation Review Committee submits approved requests to Chancellor for review.
After Budget is approved or by May 18, 2013 Area Leader will notify affected employees, supervisors and division heads of approved requests.

In addition, the Office of Human Resources will be holding an informational session regarding Career Progressions and Title Changes.  Please mark your calendars to attend if you are interested.  The discussion will include such topics as the difference between a career progression/title change and eligibility criteria.  The session will be held on Thursday, September 13th from 11:00 a.m. –  noon in the Phoenix B Room in the University Union.  Please email to RSVP no later than Monday, September 10th if you would like to attend.

If you have any questions regarding the process, please feel free to contact Amy Plotner at ext. 2203.

University Personnel Systems – Stakeholder Feedback Posted

The UPS stakeholder feedback from the initial UPS recommendations is now posted on the UPS website at The UPS website also summarizes the next steps for UPS:

Next Steps
As noted in the Phase IV timeline, each initial work group recommendation is undergoing intensive review.  The stakeholder feedback document is a key component of that review.  The proposed recommendations will undergo a final round of stakeholder review in the fall with the first reading of the final recommendations going to the Board of Regents in November 2012 and for final approval by the Board of Regents in December 2012.  For more information, visit the UPS timeline description.

The proposed UPS recommendations will again be available for UW-Green Bay employees to review and submit feedback in September/October.

Please contact Human Resources at or ext. 2390 if you have any questions.

Compensation and Workload Study

The development of the new University Personnel System (UPS) that will begin implementation on July 1, 2013, has led several UW institutions to review their internal compensation and personnel policies and seek outside guidance to evaluate their practices. UW-Green Bay will begin the process for an RFP (request for proposal) to hire a consulting firm to conduct a salary study and workload study for faculty, academic staff, classified staff and limited (administration) employees.  The objective of the studies is to benchmark compensation and workload with a group of comparable institutions.  A review of existing policies and procedures will occur with the goal of establishing compensation policies that are transparent, easily understood and managed. The workload study will be examine the effects of changing academic and administrative workloads on the ability of the University to provide high quality education.

The RFP process is expected to take four to six months.  Members of the RFP committee include:

Sheryl Van Gruensven, Director of Human Resources

Dan Spielmann, Special Assistant to the Chancellor

David Dolan, Associate Professor

Andrew Kersten, Professor

Emily Rodgers, Academic Librarian

Mark Roe, Help Desk Professional

Compensation expert from the community to be named

Additional information will be communicated over the course of the next several months. Please contact Human Resources at or ext. 2390 if you have any questions.

University Personnel Systems Open Forums

Open Forums have been scheduled to discuss the new University Personnel Systems (UPS).  The focus of these sessions will be to provide an overview of the initial UPS work group recommendations in the development of the new University Personnel System and allow employees to ask questions, present feedback and express concerns. Members of the UPS work groups from UW-Green Bay will also be available for questions. Information on the proposed UPS structure will be distributed to the campus the week of April 22nd for employees to review prior to the open forums.

Open Forums will be held on the following dates and times in the Christie Theatre, University Union:

* Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

* Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

All employees are encouraged to attend.  Please contact Human Resources at or ext. 2390 if you have any questions.

New Personnel System Website

The 2011-13 biennial budget (Act 32 of 2011) created s. 36.115, authorizing and directing the development of two distinct new personnel systems (human resource related policies and procedures) separate from the existing personnel system under ch. 230, one for all UW-Madison employees and one for the balance of all University of Wisconsin System employees. These new personnel systems will encompass policies and procedures for both unclassified and classified employment categories.  A website has been developed to communicate the development of this new system, which is located at

Work groups covering the topics of benefits, compensation, employee environment, employee movement, employee categories and recruitment and assessment have recently been established to obtain feedback about potential policies and procedures for the new system. The following UW-Green Bay employees are serving on four of these work groups:

Benefits – Cliff Abbott, Secretary of the Faculty and Academic Staff and Professor in Computing Science

Compensation – Sheryl Van Gruensven, Director of Human Resources

Employee Movement – Eileen Kolb, Advisor, Registrar Office

Employment Categories – Joe Schoenebeck, Laboratory Preparation Technician, NAS

Please review the University Personnel Systems website for general information, additional information on the workgroups and the timeline for implementation of the new personnel structures. This website will be updated regularly as new information becomes available.

Please contact Human Resources at or ext. 2390 if you have any questions.

Talent Acquisition Manager (TAM)

Beginning on February 20th, 2012, unclassified search and screens, adjunct faculty and Limited Term Employee (LTE) recruitments will be handled in Talent Acquisition Manager (TAM), which is a module of HRS.  Once implemented, TAM will have a considerable impact on the way recruitments are handled.  The system will change the way that candidates apply for positions, will provide convenience for users, and reduce the need for the use of paper.  TAM will greatly streamline and modernize the current processes.  Please note that recruitments for classified permanent positions are not going to be conducted in TAM.

TAM brings a variety of new opportunities in the way recruitments are handled including:

  • Security which ensures that applicant data is protected
  • Decreased amount of paper use and reduced likelihood that files are misplaced or lost
  • Real time applicant status monitoring with the use of applicant tracking
  • Increased chances of attracting quality candidates by providing an online application process
  • Reduces UW’s carbon footprint by creating a paperless application process

To learn more about the functionality of TAM and how it will impact you, please attend one of the following informational sessions: 

Date:          Wednesday, February 8th, 2012
Time:         10:00 – 11:00 a.m. or 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Location:    Alumni Rooms A/B

Date:         Friday, February 10th, 2012
Time:        11:00 a.m. – Noon
Location:   Alumni Rooms A/B

In addition, search and screen committees and the appropriate administrative support individual will be given an overview of TAM at the launch of each new search and screen.

Please contact Human Resources at or ext. 2390 if you have any questions.

2011-13 Compensation Plan

Proposed 2011-13 Compensation Plan  

If approved, the new compensation plan would be effective January 1, 2012.  Below are links to a summary of the proposed changes and the draft 2011-13 Compensation Plan:

If you have questions regarding the new plan, please send your email to and UW System will be fielding your questions at this time. UW System will be developing an FAQ document that will supplement a similar document developed by OSER and we will provide that information to you once it is available.

Please contact Human Resources at or ext. 2390 with questions.