Employee Stories: Favorite part, experience, or aspect of your position?

In honor of employee appreciation week, employees were asked to “Share their Stories” as a UWGB employee. When asked to name a favorite part, experience, or aspect of their position the following employees wrote:

ETEUBERT“I love being employed at UWGB.  My favorite part is walking up to the Cofrin Library on a sunny summer day. I also love chatting with donors/students/graduating seniors about what they love about UWGB.” Liz Teubert, University Advancement.








PMARCEC“Commencement, without a doubt!”Paula Marcec, Chancellor’s Office.

“Being able to do repair work and improvements for a large group of departments and individuals all around campus.” Wayne Chaloupka, Facilities Management.


KOROLL, JENNIFER“My favorite part of my position is the people I get to work with in the Adult Degree Program. All of the staff in the Adult Degree Program work incredibly hard and are excellent at helping each other out at a moment’s notice. I don’t think I would enjoy my job nearly as much if it weren’t for my colleagues. They get me laughing all the time and keep a smile on my face.” Jennifer Koroll, Outreach and Adult Access.






WILDE“I loved setting up for Bay Fest back when we had it on campus. It was fun! My favorite part of my position is the people, and I like to clean so it looks nice for them to enjoy.” Colleen Wilde, University Union.





DDELBECCHI“One of my favorite parts of my role has to be the student interaction and the committees I serve for. I love having the opportunity to lead sessions on student employment or PRO training to current or prospective students or to get out from behind my desk and mingle with other staff and faculty. I love that my role allows for so much collaboration on a daily basis!” Diana Delbecchi, Financial Aid.




JTRUCKENBROD“Walking in to work from the parking lot to the Cofrin Library in Spring, Summer & Fall.  This place is so beautiful and I am so grateful to get to work here!” Jolene Truckenbrod, Human Resources.






MEZGER“When I can actually make a difference in whether a student succeeds.” Kim Mezger-Schultz, Disability Services.

ARENDT“Seeing the “A Ha Moments” when working with students who come for academic support when they know that they finally GET IT as well as getting to work with and getting to know my multitude of eclectic tutors each semester.” Sherri Arendt, Tutoring Services.






RICHTER“I love, love, love that my job allows me to work with people across campus and that I get to make connections with so many wonderful people in so many departments.”Jena Richter, Marketing and Communication.

Check back tomorrow for additional positive stories about UW-Green Bay and why it’s great to be a PHOENIX!

Employee Stories: Who or what motivates you to work hard at your job?

In honor of employee appreciation week, employees were asked to “Share their Stories” as a UWGB employee. When asked “Who or what motivates you to work hard at your job?” the following employees wrote:

ECRAVER“I am motivated to succeed and to excel when I feel like I am my colleagues are treated like respected members of a team. No one here is making a tremendous amount of money, so our motivation and inspiration comes from knowing that we are helping our students and our customers and that the work we do is valued and appreciated by the university.”

Eric Craver, Outreach & Adult Access




PMARCEC“My co-workers, the students, just the atmosphere at the University!”

Paula Marcec, Chancellor’s Office






SMACHUCA“Doing what I can to help the faculty, staff and students on campus motivates me.  I enjoy doing what is best for our students.   I feel we are all here to help each student succeed, so we may as well do what we can to help each other.”

Sue Machuca, Phoenix Bookstore




LNIEMI“Working with students with disabilities, there is always something to learn about the students, accommodations, new technology and working with faculty.  Seeing student gain the confidence to grow and achieve their goals is a great motivator to me.”

Lynn Niemi, Disability Services




DDELBECCHI“Surprisingly, Jen Jones motivates me to work hard every day. She isn’t my supervisor or even a direct co-worker, but she has an ability to motivate and inspire others around her like I have never seen before. She radiates positivity and her constant stream of encouragement helps me be a better employee every day. Kudos to the Jen Jones of the world! I love having the opportunity to work with her on projects and collaborations. She is a shining star!”


Diana Delbecchi, Financial Aid


“Feeling appreciated for what I do and treated fairly and with respect.” Dan Moore, Outreach & Adult Access.

“I was a first-generation college student who was extremely fortunate to receive full scholarship funding for my undergraduate education.  I recognize today what a huge gift that was and feel that in my role today I am paying that gift forward.” Shannon Badura, University Advancement.

 “My coworkers.   I found a family when I started working in the Dean of Students Office.  (I want to give a shout out to Toni Bergeon and Lore Slattery. Love you guys!!)” Amanda Wildenberg, Dean of Students Office.

JTIMM“Thankful student-athletes and coaches make the work worth it.” Jake Timm, Athletics.


JTRUCKENBROD“I enjoy helping people.   We all spend a lot of our lives at work, so whatever each of us can do to make other’s work life better, we should!  It is important to always treat our co-workers, students, and visitors with professionalism, courtesy and respect.” Jolene Truckenbrod, Human Resources






“The people I work with make me want to come to work everyday. No two days are alike and that keeps the job exciting.” Katie Stilp, PEA and DJS.

“I find that the dedicated staff in the Academic Advising Office motivates me to get the transfer student evaluations done as quickly and accurately as possible so that they have the information they need to help our students.”  Mike Kanzenbach, Registrar.

Check back tomorrow to hear what employees have to say is their favorite part, experience, or aspect of their positions at UWGB!

Employee Stories: How were you hired for your position?

In honor of employee appreciation week, employees were asked to “Share their Stories” as a UWGB employee. When asked “Is there a unique story behind how you were hired for your position?” the following employees wrote:


“When I was a senior at UW-Green Bay, I held an internship in the Admissions office and I worked under Jen Jones (Pfundtner then) and Pam Harvey-Jacobs. I ended up doing more work than a typical intern and was rewarded with an unexpected stipend at the end of the year. Now, I have been working in higher education admissions and enrollment for the past 9 years and it all started because of my college internship and having the opportunity and privilege of working with Jen and Pam in the Admissions office.”

Jennifer Koroll, Outreach & Adult Access




“I am a former graduate of the Human Development/Psychology department so I knew the quality of the program and many fellow teachers. It is such a wonderful opportunity to be working alongside them!”

Jennifer Smith, Human Development

Check back tomorrow to hear about Who or What motivates employees to work hard at their job!

Employee Appreciation Week Winners!

EMPL APPRECIATION 2015As part of Employee Appreciation Week, celebrated May 11- 15, employees across campus were entered into a drawing for daily preferred parking and free lunch with campus leadership. And the winners are… Drumroll please…

Daily Preferred Parking:

Monday, May 11, 2015

  • Andrea Felmer
  • Robin Kepler
  • Lynn Brandt

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

  • Tina Tackmier
  • Eric Craver
  • Carl Graf

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

  • Amanda Hruska
  • Dan Moore
  • Jake Timm

Thursday, May 14, 2015

  • Lynn Niemi
  • Jena Richter
  • Jan Malchow

Friday, May 15, 2015

  • Toni Bergeron
  • Amy Henniges
  • Wayne Chaloupka

Lunch with Leadership (Friday, May 15, 2015):

  • Christin DePouw
  • Josh Goldman
  • Monika Pynaker
  • Tina Tackmier
  • Liz Teubert

Congratulations to all the winners!  Winners will be contacted directly with information on parking or lunch details.

Check out the HR blog for full details on all Employee Appreciation Week events.  Thank you for all you do!

“There’s No UWGB without U!”

Farewell to Dana Daggs



With sadness, we announce the departure of Dana Daggs, Human Resources Manager.  Dana joined the HR staff in 2011 and most recently handled unclassified personnel actions, immigration, and various other HR tasks.  Dana will be leaving us to pursue a new career as a Medical Education Coordinator for the Medical College of Wisconsin, housed at St. Norbert College. With warm regards we wish Dana great success in her new position, but will greatly miss her cheerful, fun loving, and highly organized spirit in HR. Dana’s last day is this Friday, May 8th.

Employee Appreciation Week (May 11-15)


May 11-15, 2015

There’s No UWGB without U!

Employee Appreciation Week is being celebrated May 11-15 on campus! This is a week to honor employees. The Employee Appreciation Week Work Group has put together a week of fun, and all employees are encouraged to take part in the following events during Employee Appreciation Week and the few days leading up to it.  Click here for a poster outlining this weeks events.


By End of Day on Thursday, May 7:

  • Share your story as a UWGB employee. (Stories will be featured during employee appreciation week) AND enter drawings (daily preferred parking or free lunch for a select number with campus leadership). To share your story and enter in these drawings, please complete this survey.

Friday, May 8th:

  • Drawings will occur for daily preferred parking and the opportunity for FREE lunch with Leadership. Complete the survey above to be entered to win!

Week long events:

  • FREE popcorn in the Phoenix Club with a University ID. (Sponsored by UWGB University Union)
  • Take advantage of Shorewood’s lunch special for staff and faculty— Lunch, a drink, and 3 holes of golf for $10. Please call ahead (x2118) to reserve.

Tuesday, May 12:

  • Campus Cookout and UWGB Campus Cupboard Food Drive
  • 12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m., Student Services Plaza
  • Donations of non-perishable food (no glass please) and personal hygiene items can be brought to the cookout.

Thursday, May 14:

  • Casual Dress Day (All Day)
  • Team Building Activities- take a break and participate in activities with you co-workers.
  • 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m., across campus
    • Activities include:
    • Phoenix Park will be reserved for pick-up games of sand volleyball.
    • SS Patio will be reserved for games provided by Student Life (Ping Pong Table, Shuffleboard, Horseshoes, adult size Tricycles, Scooters, Giant Connect 4, Giant Jenga, Giant Checkers, Remote control cars).
    • Campus Quad will be reserved for a pick-up game of kickball.
    • Zumba class lead by Kristy Aoki in the Kress Event Center from 12:15 – 12:45 p.m. (Bring Sneakers and ID).
    • Take a walk in the Cofrin Arboretum.
    • Take advantage of the Disc Golf Course on campus. Please BYOD (Bring your own discs).

Friday, May 15:

  • Every Friday is Phoenix Friday! Wear your Phoenix gear to enjoy 10% off at A’viands dining locations.
  • 20% discount in the Phoenix Bookstore on apparel, gifts, and school supplies.

Student Employee Spotlight: Who works in HR?

Student Employee Spotlight: Who works in HR?

Here in HR we’re known for receiving lots of paperwork and are always working in an ever changing environment! Much of the efforts for sorting, filing, and assisting with this day to day change and the projects it brings about are our fantastic student employees/interns! Check out the short bios below to learn more about each of these helpful students.


Karli Peterson

Human Resources Office Assistant Student Employee since February 2013

Communication Major (Public Relations and Organizational Comm. emphases)
English Major (Literature emphasis)
Spanish Minor

  1. What do you want to be when you “grow up”?
    I truly love planning events and working with people to put them together. If I get to write news releases and stories along the way, I’m fine with that.
  2. Three words that describe you.
    Enthusiastic, Busy, Smiley
  3. Personal interests.
    I’m a HUGE fan of The Walking Dead and The Golden Girls, I love to read and play piano, and Zumba and walking are my favorite ways to stay in shape.
  4. Random facts/interests.
    In September 2014, I competed for the title of Miss Wisconsin 2015. I didn’t get too far, but I met some really charismatic people.
  5. Are you messy or organized?
    My homework, notes, desk, and office spaces are usually organized. My bedroom and thoughts? They tend to be more on the messier side.
  6. Best vacation you’ve been to?
    I went to New Orleans for a band trip my senior year of high school. I’m headed to Italy (my first time out of the U.S.!) this May.
  7. Do you have a favorite quote?
    “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  8. Favorite food?
    I’m a big fan of brats, pineapple, and trail mix (but not together).



Elizabeth Hintz

Wellness/Human Resources Intern – 2015 spring semester

Major in Communication with an emphasis in Organizational Communication


  1. What are you hoping to do post-graduation (career, more school, etc.)?

I have been accepted to my online graduate program through the University of Denver in Organizational Development, Learning, and Training. I am currently seeking full-time employment. I would love to work in Organizational Development or Training and Development.

  1. Three words that describe you.

Organized, Punctual, Honest

  1. Personal interests

Reading, writing, spending time with family

  1. Random facts/interests

Will be (tied for) the 5th youngest person to ever graduate from UW-Green Bay!

  1. Are you messy or organized?

Insanely organized

  1. Do you have a favorite quote?

“The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself he becomes wise.”

  1. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Spare time? What’s that?

  1. What do you like to do for fun?

Go driving, take road trips


Jamie Lancelle

Human Resources Intern – 2015 Spring Semester

Major in Business Administration with Human Resource emphasis
Minor in Human Development

  1. Where is your home town?
    I am originally from Chicago, Illinois, but currently reside in Howard, Wisconsin.
  2. What are you hoping to do post-graduation (career, more school, etc.)?
    After graduation, my career goal is to work in a Human Resources department. My plan is to take the exam to obtain my HR certification as well. As far as more schooling goes, I have entertained the idea of going for my master’s degree, however, I think at this point that will be something I possibly tackle further down the road.
  3. Three words that describe you.
    Hardworking, Honest, Caring
  4. Do you have a favorite quote?
    While this could be a quote, I view it as more of a motto. Either way, it is certainly something that I have lived by…NEVER GIVE UP! There are times in my life where the easiest thing would have been to give up, but I have always been determined to keep pushing through the challenges.
  5.  What do you like to do in your spare time?
    When I have spare time, most of it is spent having fun and making memories with my children. From taking a walk to watching a movie, playing rounds of laser tag, going on a road trip, or watching them play sports, they keep life interesting and very busy. There is usually never a dull moment!
  6.  What’s on your bucket list?
    A personal bucket list item, which I will finally be able to cross off in December 2015, is to graduate from college!  A family bucket list item is to travel with my children and see all of the states. I have two boys who love sports, so it is a goal of ours to visit, or at least take a picture by the sports stadiums in each state.

Shorewood Golf Course Promotion


Shorewood Golf Course is offering a great deal! $10 lunch and golf option for staff and faculty.  For $10, our employees can play three holes of golf (holes 1, 2, & 3) and then have lunch ready when they finish those three holes. Shorewood Golf Course also offers many healthy lunch options.

Shorewood also has many “free” activities our staff could engage in to stay healthy. These include free use of our putting area, chipping green, and full swing hitting net. They also offer plenty of rental clubs available for no charge to staff just want to use them during the work day.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, visit the Shorewood Golf Course website.

Reminder: Student Rehire

The Student Rehire process, Graduating Students and those not returning, and Hiring Priorities

Student Rehire Process

Supervisors, please discuss with your student employees your plans to rehire them for Summer 2015 and/or Academic Year 2015-2016. E-mails with spreadsheet attachments containing a list of all active student employees will be sent out to the primary supervisor in late April. The spreadsheet will need to be updated/completed and sent back to hr@uwgb.edu for processing. Please watch for this email. Complete instructions will be provided within the email.

NOTE: Supervisors will need to complete the Student Employment Form to continue/rehire current student employees beyond 5/15/2015 that are not listed on the spreadsheet.

Graduating Seniors and Students not continuing enrollment

Student employees that will be graduating at the end of this semester and those who will not continue enrollment can work in their student appointments through the last day of exams, Friday, May 15, 2015.

Students who are graduating and those not continuing enrollment will be terminated by Human Resources and will not show on your rehire spreadsheet. Please contact Human Resources regarding the process to continue these students’ employment after that date.

Employment Period/Payrolls

Summer 2015 Payrolls: May C – August B (5/17/15-8/22/15)

  • The 2014-2015 Academic year ends on 5/15/15. All students graduating, not returning or who are on Federal Work Study may only work through 5/15/15. Note: Unused Work Study funds will not transfer to another term.
  • The summer work period begins on 5/17/2015.
  • Students seeking Federal Work Study for summer must complete the Summer Financial Aid Application found on the Financial Aid website: uwgb.edu/financial-aid

Academic Year 2015-2016: September A-May A (8/23/15-5/14/16)

  • The 2015-2016 Academic year begins on 9/2/2015.

A reminder on hiring priorities:

Students must be at least 16 years old and enrolled at an institute for higher education or high school to be eligible for student employment.

Students are employed on a priority basis with UW-Green Bay students receiving first priority.  Before other students are considered, a position must be posted in the PRO system to UW-Green Bay students for a minimum of two weeks.

Other students will need to provide of enrollment for the summer or Fall semester and employment form must indicate that the position was posted in PRO for two weeks.

Who do I contact with questions?

  • Student Employment Office (www.uwgb.edu/student-employment/)

The Student Employment Office posts employment opportunities for currently enrolled students using Phoenix Recruitment Online (PRO). The office also manages Federal Work Study Awards. Connect on facebook twitter

For questions on student employee rights or issues, part-time student employment opportunities, off campus employment or Work Study, contact Diana Delbecchi at delbeccd@uwgb.edu or studentemployment@uwgb.edu.

For student employment eligibility, appointments, paperwork, Portal access, contact Sousie Lee at lees@uwgb.edu or hr@uwgb.edu.

For timesheets, hours, payroll processing or earnings statements, contact Kimberly Danielson at danielsk@uwgb.edu or payrollandbenefits@uwgb.edu.


Are you a student supervisor or student employee?
• Student rehire spreadsheets will be sent to primary approvers in late April. Please look for these emails from HR.
• Students graduating or not returning may only work through 5/15/2015.
• Reminder: Our hiring priority is UW-Green Bay students.
Please click here for more information

Student Employee Appreciation Week: April 13-17

Student Employee Appreciation Week: April 13-17


April 13-17, UW-Green Bay is celebrating National Student Employee Appreciation Week with events scheduled to honor and appreciate all student employees. Check out the events scheduled across campus designed to show appreciation for all of our hard working student employees! Every year the National Student Employment Association (NSEA) coordinates a selection process and chooses the National Student Employee of the Year (SEOTY) to recognize the outstanding contributions and achievements of students who work while attending college.  Stay tuned to the student employment website for nominees and check back later this week to see who is selected for this award!