Annual Benefits Enrollment (October 17 – November 11, 2016)


The Annual Benefits Enrollment (ABE) period, October 17- November 11, 2016, is the only annual opportunity for eligible UW employees to make changes to most of their benefits unless they have qualifying event during the year.  The Annual Benefits Enrollment website ( has been updated with information about 2017 changes.  Please keep in mind that this is not the full content yet- the full website will be posted by October 17th.  Employees are encouraged to check the ABE website regularly for updates.  We will also continue to provide updates on changes for 2017 as information becomes available. Changes made during the enrollment period are effective January 1, 2017.

October Payroll Processing Change for Employees Paid Bi-Weekly

The October B payroll period (10/02/16 to 10/15/16) has been moved ahead of its regular processing schedule, so we are requesting that employees paid on a bi-weekly basis submit their timesheets and absence requests by Friday, October 14th at 4:30 p.m.  Supervisors should review and approve timesheets and absence requests by Monday, October 17th at 11:00 a.m.  Please e-mail if you have any questions or concerns about the adjustment to this deadline.  Thank you for your help!

Self-Identification of Veteran and Disability Status

Federal regulations passed in March, 2014, require employers to invite employees to self-identify their veteran and disability status.  We are requesting that employees update their information in the My UW System Portal by October 31, 2016.  To provide you with additional background on the basis for this request, please view the FAQ document.

Responses to this survey are confidential and can only be accessed by staff within the Human Resources Office.  Please note that completing the survey does NOT initiate an accommodation request for a disability. If you would also like to request an accommodation for a disability, you should complete the accommodation request form found in the FAQ document. 

Instructions for updating your portal: 

Step 1: Click on this link ‘My UW System’ Portal and log in to the HRS Portal.                                                

Step 2: In the middle of the screen, look for ‘Personal Information’.


Step 3: Click on “Launch full app”

Step 3: Click on (view/update) for Disability Status.  Follow the prompts to complete the survey.


Step 4: Go back to your portal again. 

This can most easily be done if you are using ‘tabs’ in Internet Explorer by clicking on the ‘My UW” tab again, located at the top of the Internet Explorer Window.

Step 5: Click on (view/update) for Veteran Status.  Follow the prompts to complete the survey.


Step 6: Close out the window. You’re done!  Thank you for taking the time to complete both surveys.


Update to MY UW System Portal-Web Browser Issue

UPDATE: CIT has corrected the compatibility issue with Internet Explorer and the new version of the MY UW System Portal.  Computers on campus have had their settings updated.  If you continue to have an issue accessing the Portal with Internet Explorer, CIT recommends resetting your browser:

As announced last week, the My UW System Portal has undergone an upgrade that became effective today, September 27, 2016.  It has been discovered this morning that the version of Internet Explorer 11 that we run on our campus desktop environment does not support the latest update to the My UW System Portal.  CIT is currently looking into options available to fix this issue.

In the meantime, Chrome and Firefox browsers do support the latest version of the My UW System Portal, and we ask employees to use one of these web browsers when needing to access their Portals at this time.

Students may continue to use the direct links we have on our Human Resources homepage to access their timesheests.

Please contact the Human Resources Office with any questions at (920) 465-2390 or

UW Green Bay Implementation Timeline for DOL Updated FLSA Exemption Threshold


As previously communicated, The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced on May 18, 2016 that the minimum salary threshold for FLSA Exemption will be raised to $913 per week, or $47,476 annually. The new rules will be effective December 1, 2016.

The Human Resources Office is working through final decisions and analysis of the affected employee population.  Below is a general timeline of next steps and implementation for the final rule.


By October 1, 2016                  Final decisions made by leadership for affected employee population

October 14, 2016                     Notification to affected employees

October 17 – 19, 2016             Open Forums for affected employees to discuss changes in HRS time reporting, payroll dates, etc.

October – Mid November        Training sessions for supervisor population on change management and impacts to supervisor roles.

December 1, 2016                   Implementation date for change to non-exempt (hourly) Academic Staff.

December 8, 9 & 12, 2016      Open lab sessions for non-exempt Academic Staff employees and supervisors on time entry and approval.


For more information on this change, please see the resources available on the Department of Labor website or Employee Resources and FAQ’s available on the UW System OHRWD website.

MY UW System Portal Upgrade

In an effort to provide a more updated look and feel, the My UW System Portal will be upgraded effective September 27th.  The goal of the My UW Redesign Project is to provide an easier user experience for students, faculty and staff allowing them to work faster, smarter, and safer. The website is designed to fully serve the needs of the UW community, making access the most used services (determined through analysis of the site’s analytics) easier and to improve the user experience on a site also designed to adapt for future use.

The new MyUW makes it easier to access your content.  Users can switch between simple icons and more informative widgets using ‘Compact’ and ‘Expanded’ toggles.  Each of the icons on the home page links to your MyUW content, and widgets can display a dashboard of information on the home page.  If you are having trouble finding what you’re looking for, you can use the top search box to search through all of MyUW’s content, and save it to your home page from there using the ‘Add to home’ button.


Learn more about the new site or view the Quick Start Guide to help with this exciting transition!  Please contact HR with any questions or concerns at or 920-465-2390.



Student Work Study Awards

Federal work study award confirmation emails were sent to eligible students who did not have active employment positions just before the fall semester began.  Potential supervisors of work study students should be aware that some students declined or had their award cancelled due to receipt of other aid since these forms were emailed.  Students can always locate the most up-to-date information about their work study award in the Student Information System (SIS).

Work study awardees, including those without earnings, are emailed a biweekly balance report after payroll is processed.  Students can forward these messages to aid you in verifying individual award amounts and tracking departmental student employee budgets.  More information about monitoring work study awards is available on the Student Employment website. 

Supervisors are encouraged to list all student employee positions in the Phoenix Recruitment Online (PRO) system.  Employers may post directly in PRO, complete an online Job Posting form, or email details about the job to 

Please direct any questions about the work study program to the Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment ( or 920/465-2556). 


Employee Spotlight: Dr. Brian Merkel

Brian Merkel

Brian Merkel, Associate Professor of Human Biology, enjoys helping students find their passion and making that their career. When he isn’t in the classroom, he enjoys being on the lake fishing.

Name: Brian Merkel

Position at UWGB: Associate Professor of Human Biology

Summary of what you do: Pre-health advisor, I teach courses in Immunology, Advanced Microbiology, Microbiology, Human Disease and Society

How long have you been employed:19 years

Three words that describe you: Passionate educator, Believer in student potential, OCD

Personal interests: Playing Drums, Fishing, especially for Smallmouth Bass, Movies

Any favorite line from a movie? I’m your huckleberry from Tombstone

Are you messy or organized? Organized chaos

Best vacation you’ve been to? Maine/San Francisco

Describe what you were like at age 10. Mischievous

Favorite travel spot? The waters of Sturgeon Bay

If given a chance, who would you like to be for a day? The governor of Wisconsin

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see cast as you? Josh Brolin or Chris Pine…I saw Hell or High Water recently and he was fantastic in that film.

If you could change one thing about working here, what would it be? Include all of our students in convocation

Tell us a little about yourself. I grew up in a small town in New Jersey, approximately thirty minutes from NYC. My parents despised their jobs, wanted more for their children and wholly believed in the value of a college education as a means to secure better futures for their children.   I was a first generation college student and was determined to do well in college, so that I could obtain a job I could tolerate. At the time, I thought this was ambitious. After all, my parents hated their jobs. Sources of happiness would come elsewhere—family, friends, hobbies. This is how I thought things worked.

As a second semester college senior, I was unsure about a career path. I enjoyed science and decided to apply to Ph.D. programs in microbiology/immunology to pursue this inkling further. First year graduate students rotate through different laboratories to find a research “home” to complete their Ph.D. work, which can take up to 7 years. We were required to give research presentations on what we experienced during these “rotations”. The prospect of presenting scientific research to an audience was terrifying, let alone doing so in front of an audience consisting of senior graduate students and the entire graduate faculty. Quite unexpectedly, the presentations were an epiphany and I realized teaching science was a vocation. This was the first time I realized that obtaining a job I could tolerate was not enough. The prospect of turning a passion into a career was a new concept for me. I share these experiences with students as I introduce myself the first day of each class. The heart of the message is that if I can do it, so can they…identify a passion and turn it into a career. It’s important for students to see us as people. Faculty are human. We make mistakes, we struggle, some of us fish, we eat food. In fact, it never ceases to make me smile when I run into students in grocery stores. They simply cannot help, but stare at the contents of my cart. “Hmmmmm, Dr. Merkel. I didn’t know you needed toilet paper. I thought you were a microbiology/immunology machine getting your batteries recharged in Home Depot, so you are ready for class tomorrow. I see you like Dove ice cream bars…no kale…Hmmmm”. I understand it all, but it is funny nonetheless. Serving as a mentor to students, assisting them achieve their goals is the greatest reward. My old friend and colleague Ganga Nair used to say, “Students are my wealth.” We were kindred spirits in this regard.        

What are your hopes for our industry/school? Statewide appreciation for the value of this place. I attended a small private college as an undergraduate and was a faculty member at a small private college prior to my arrival at UW-Green Bay. As such, I know how good this place is. In fact, I remember clearly saying to myself many years ago that the citizens of this state must be so proud of the UW System. I thought this was self-evident, requiring little attention from me or anyone else. I was terribly wrong. This message has to be asserted. The administration, faculty, staff and graduates need to articulate effectively the value of this place, not just to politicians, but to everyone…our families, neighbors, friends, acquaintances Secondly, In addition to highlighting the value of research, excellence in teaching should be appreciated more, especially in terms of raises and promotions. It is clear our students benefit from faculty that excel in either area.        

What do you always want to try and never did? Skydiving

What is the first concert you attended? AC/DC in 8th grade.

What was your favorite book, toy, or outfit as a child? Tonka Trucks

What would you like to be famous for? Making a difference in the lives of our students.

Title and Total Compensation Study RFP Published

The Title and Total Compensation Study Request for Proposal (RFP) is now published on!  The due date for proposals is September 29th. A proposal review team consisting of Shenita Brokenburr, Mark Walters, Margo Lessard, David J. Miller, Mary Luther and Brian Gittens will review and score all proposals received. Shenita Brokenburr and Mark Walters will advance the team’s recommendation to executive sponsors for a final decision on the vendor.

For further information the title and total compensation study please visit the UW system website at

2016 Founders Awards for Excellence

Founders Award 2016















On Wednesday, August 24 at Fall Convocation, the 2016 Founders Awards for Excellence were awarded to UW-Green Bay faculty and staff members. These awards have been in existence since 1975 thanks to private philanthropic support. Each year, nominations are collected from faculty, staff, and others for these prestigious awards and a campuswide committee selects the winners. The winners of the 2016 Founders Awards for Excellence are:

Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching – Ryan Martin

Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship – John Mariano

University Award for Excellence in community Outreach – Lora Warner

University Academic Support Award for Excellence – Joan Robb

University Staff Award for Excellence – Marie Helmke

University Award for Collaborative Achievement – T. Heather Herdman and Susan Gallagher Lepak

For more information about the award recipients, read the Inside UW-Green Bay News article.