Choose three things to donate or throw away

DonateHave you ever felt overwhelmed by your stuff? Maybe your kitchen cupboards are packed with unused gadgets and servingware (how did you end up with two blenders?). Or maybe it’s your closet that’s the problem—it’s so stuffed with clothes, shoes, and other belongings that it’s hard to find what you’re looking for.

Most of us have far more possessions than we need or even want. Why not cut back on the clutter and choose three things from your home to donate or throw away? If the item may be useful to someone else, set it aside for a charity or resale shop. If it’s broken or useless, throw it out. Getting rid of even a few items can reduce clutter, help you get organized, and help you feel more in control of your environment—and your life!

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC

Also, don’t forget about the Campus Cupboard in Rose Hall, room 140:

Self-Defense Workshop Held April 23rd


Herb Blue’s Total Self Defense LLC presented another great self-defense workshop to employees on Monday, April 23rd.  Instructors Herb, Betsy, and Aaron demonstrated self-defense techniques and shared valuable information about how to protect and empower ourselves.  Thank you to Herb Blue’s Total Self Defense LLC and to the 28 employees who attended the workshops!




Give your bedroom a sleep-friendly makeover


If you aren’t sleeping well, it may be time to give your bedroom a makeover!

Here are some tips to help you create an ideal dreamland environment:

  • Your bedroom should be your sanctuary for sleep—not a satellite office or entertainment center. So move the TV and computer to another room.
  • To help keep light out, pick drapes or shades that have a lining.
  • If you’re a light sleeper, add a few area rugs to help absorb noise. Or try covering noise by flipping on a fan. A fan also can help keep your room slightly cool, which may induce sleep.
  • Keep your alarm clock turned away from your bed so you aren’t tempted to watch the time while you try to doze off.
  • Place a notebook on your nightstand to jot down any problems to tackle tomorrow so you can get them off your mind.

Choose one of the following tips to try out today!

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC

Well Wisconsin Webinar – Life Hacks for Greater Health and Well-Being

Do you take an all or nothing approach to healthy living? Join us to learn how quick and easy changes can have substantial impacts on your emotional and physical health and well-being. We will learn about:

  • Building habitsMakeThingsHappen
  • Making your life easier
  • Ways to support your well-being

Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Time: 12:00 to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Cofrin Library, 7th floor, room 735

No need to RSVP – just mark your calendar to join us, and bring your lunch!

You could also participate in this webinar at your workstation if you prefer – please visit and go to Wellness Webinars to register.

All webinars are recorded and available to Well Wisconsin Program participants on the StayWell wellness portal after the event date.

To access the StayWell wellness portal, you must be an employee, retiree, or spouse enrolled in the State of Wisconsin or Wisconsin Public Employers Group Health Insurance Programs.

Parents – Keep in Shape!

Family Exercise

What’s a healthy habit that will make you, and if you have children, feel and look better? Exercise!

Being active can prevent medical problems such as heart disease and diabetes. So, try to exercise most days of the week. Most adults should aim for a total of two and a half hours of moderate physical activity a week. Kids need at least an hour a day.

Here are some activities you can do, with or without children to make exercise part of your daily routine today:

  • Listen to your favorite music and dance or jump rope to the beat.
  • Follow an exercise program on tele­vision daily.
  • Do household chores together to music. Sweep and mop the floor, vacuum the carpet, or wash the windows.
  • Count and see how long you and your child can stretch out and strengthen your muscles. Your child should not hold the stretch for more than 30 seconds.
  • Do sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups, and jumping jacks. But be sure to warm your muscles up first with light activity or movement.
  • Walk at a fast pace up and down an apartment hallway.

Always make sure that a child won’t get hurt when you exercise. For example, remove throw rugs or other tripping hazards when you work out at home.

Start slowly and build up your activity level gradually. Choose exercises that will make you sweat and breathe hard. But don’t overdo it. You should be able to talk when you are exercising.

Remember to drink plenty of fluids before and after you exercise. And have fun keeping in shape!

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC

Self-Defense Workshop Offered on April 23rd


  • “Amazing. Can it be a monthly series – 3 times a semester?”
  • “LOVED this so much!  Excellent, useful instructions!”
  • “They did a great job”
  • “It was really helpful and easy”
  • “This session was great – have it again if possible!”
  • “Great event!  I may even send my daughter to the youth course they offer.”
  • “Great job. Helped me feel comfortable to learn”

After the February Self-Defense Workshop, we sent out a survey to get feedback from attendees, and above are their responses.  Also, 100% responded that they would recommend this workshop to a co-worker!

As requested, Herb Blue’s Total Self Defense LLC will be back to present another Self-Defense Workshop to UW-Green Bay employees.  This is a beginner level workshop open to all employees, and there is no charge to employees to attend, thanks to a wellness grant from the Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF)!

Date: Monday, April 23rd

Time: Noon to 1:00 p.m.

Location: University Union Room 103


Each workshop is limited to 30 employees, so please RSVP soon to sign-up (first come, first serve).  Herb Blue’s Total Self Defense LLC will have each participant sign a waiver to participate in the workshop.  It is recommended that you wear comfortable clothing, but your work clothes are fine – no need to change for the workshop.

Please contact or ext. 2203 with any questions.

Social Media Sabotage


Social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, help meet your need to connect and communicate. Plus, posting a flattering photo or positive update may give you a quick ego boost. But online friends are no substitute for the off-line kind. If you’re already feeling lonely and blue, spending endless hours with only a screen for company may make the problem worse.

What you can do:

  • Put face time first. Make a rule: no phones, tablets, or TV at meals. Plus, look for other opportunities to enjoy gadget-free time with family and friends. Start a conversation, play with your kids, or invite a coworker to lunch.
  • Find new off-line friends by taking a class, volunteering for a cause, or joining a support group. Like so many things, gadgets are healthiest when used in moderation

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC

Eliminate stress on your vacation with these tips!


“Vacation stress” may sound like a contradiction in terms. But any kind of change-even a fun one-can trigger stress. Add children to the mix, and you can have a recipe for more work than relaxation. But some pre-planning can help keep everyone smiling:

  1. Let kids be kids. If children are on the vacation, plan at least one child-oriented activity a day, such as a visit to the zoo.
  2. Make sure everyone receives enough sleep and relaxation time.
  3. Plan fewer activities than you think you have time for. Rushing to reach a destination or catch a plane can add unwelcome stress to your vacation.
  4. Schedule time for stress-busting naps and exercise along the way.
  5. Bring a “fun bag” stuffed with favorite snacks, books, games, and other items your peers may enjoy.
  6. Try to keep to a daily routine as much as possible.

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC

Sleep better by eating this before bed

Try eating foods with tryptophan before bed for better sleep tonight.

You’ve likely heard that eating turkey makes people especially sleepy thanks to the sleep-inducing amino acid called tryptophan that it contains. Turns out there is science behind that tale. Some research shows that foods with tryptophan help your body product serotonin, which helps promote sleepiness. And there are foods with even more tryptophan than turkey. Try one or more of these tonight:

  • WalnutssleepLady
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Soy foods
  • Shellfish
  • Eggs
  • Whole grains, like oatmeal
  • Dairy products

Carbohydrates help your brain use tryptophan. Proteins are the building blocks of tryptophan. So combinations of carbs and proteins can pack a bedtime punch. Try hummus on whole-grain crackers, cereal with milk, or peanut butter on whole-wheat bread.

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC