Positive January Challenge

This time of year, can have people feeling the winter blues, the next Wellness Challenge is here to help. From January 7th to January 27th, we are going to focus on positive thoughts!

For one week keep track of how many times you complain. Then the next 2 weeks focus on not complaining or changing those complaints into positive thoughts on your situation instead.

Please email completed forms to wellness@uwgb.edu by February 7th to be put in a prize drawing.

If you are enrolled in the State Group Health Insurance complete this challenge as part as your well-being credit for the $150 incentive!

Follow these instructions to report your completion for your well-being activity – Report completion for Well-being credit – January. Make sure to select Kindness in Step 7.

Need some inspiration on this challenge? Attend the Well Wisconsin Changing Your Thought Pattern Webinar on Thursday January 11, 2024 11:30 am – 12:00 pm. Register here, or check out the blog post for more information on the webinar.

PDF: Positive January Challenge

Well Wisconsin Changing Your Thought Patterns Webinar

Understand ways of thinking that cause people to view reality in inaccurate ways and identify how to change your thought patterns. Explore the benefits of practicing self-compassion and reflection. Discover new resources available through the Well Wisconsin program that can help you feel happy, healthy and at home as you work toward well-being.

Join the webinar Thursday January 11, 2024 11:30 am – 12:00 pm.

Register HERE!

If enrolled in the State Group Health Insurance attending two Well Wisconsin Webinars throughout the year will earn your well-being credit for the Well Wisconsin $150 incentive. Also complete the health assessment on WebMd.com, and complete a health check, to get the incentive. Available for spouses also enrolled in your State Group Health Insurance.

For more information on the Well Wisconsin Program or to complete your activities, log in to webmdhealth.com/wellwisconsin/.


2024 Onsite Health Screenings

Time to register for your onsite health screening!

A free health screening* event has been scheduled for employees (and spouses) who are enrolled in the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program.

At an onsite screening, you’ll learn your measurements for blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), cholesterol (HDL, LDL, and total), triglycerides and glucose, and be in and out in 20 minutes. Register Today!

  • LOCATION: University Union, Phoenix Rooms, Green Bay Campus
  • DATES: Wednesday April 3, 2024 OR Wednesday September 18, 2024
  • TIME: 8:00 am to 11:30 am

Please register at WebMD ONE – Login (webmdhealth.com) by clicking Get Started on the Biometric Screening card.

Earn your $150 Well Wisconsin Incentive

Complete three activities by October 11, 2024 to earn the $150 Well Wisconsin Incentive.

  1. Get a health screening or complete another health check option (ex: dental exam or coaching session).
  2. Complete the health assessment at webmdhealth.com/wellwisconsin  it takes about 10 minutes and is mobile and table friendly!
  3. Complete a well-being activity (ex. complete a challenge, listen to two Well Wisconsin pod casts, etc.)

For more information on the Well Wisconsin Program or to complete your activities, log in to webmdhealth.com/wellwisconsin.

*The Well Wisconsin incentive program is a voluntary program available to employees, retirees and spouses enrolled in the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program, excluding Medicare Advantage participants who have incentives available through their health plan. The Well Wisconsin incentive will automatically be issues to eligible participants upon completing the applicable activities. All wellness incentives paid to participants are considered taxable income to the group health plan subscriber and are reported to their employer, who will issue a W2. In some cases. the Wisconsin Retirement System acts as the employer. Retirees, continuants and their spouse will have some taxes withheld from the incentive amount earned. 

Well Wisconsin Move for a Million: Exercise for All Webinar

Just Move for a Million – that is, move the equivalent of a million steps in ways that work for you. Get inspiration for movement in this webinar as we look at the benefits of physical activity, recommendations and exercises for all age groups. Well Wisconsin will also explore movement recommendations for people with chronic conditions or disabilities, and for people recovering from injury. Get ideas for moving your way with real-life scenarios.

Click to Register

Do not forget to Sync a Device for the Move for a Million Challenge starting January 1st going through October 11th on Webmd.com. Complete this challenge and you will earn your well-being credit to earn the $150 incentive. This challenge is also available for spouses to take part in if they are enrolled in your State Group Health Insurance Plan, for them to also get the $150 incentive.

See the blog post on more for the Move for a Million Challenge

Well Wisconsin Radio: Let’s Talk Winter Movement, Plus a Bonus Episode

Well Wisconsin Radio podcast discusses topics of health and well-being from experts around the State of Wisconsin

New Episode: Moving Outdoors this Winter

Janet Hutchens, expert from the Department of Natural Resources shares ideas for movement and education this winter in Wisconsin State Parks, including candlelight hikes the OutWiGo snow event and much more. Discover how you can get free entry to state parks, try out equipment like snowshoes and access to adaptive equipment.

Bonus Episode: Managing Anxiety with Exercise and Active Living

In this bonus episode two experts from UW-Whitewater – Logan Edwards, PhD., Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Jen Kaina, Assistant Director for Fitness and Aquatics – who share mental health benefits associated with exercise, activities to reduce anxiety, and tips for staying active at every age.

Listen HERE!


Well Wisconsin Radio: Let’s Talk Reducing Holidays Stress with Aromatherapy

Well Wisconsin Radio podcast discusses topics of health and well-being from experts around the State of Wisconsin.

New Episode: Reducing Holiday Stress with Aromatherapy

Join this episode for an interview with Robin Kourakis, a board-certified aromatherapist and trauma-informed sensory consultant, to discover the science behind aromas and their ability to bring up good or bad memories. The expert shares ideas for using aromatherapy to reduce stress this holiday season and discusses emotional rebalancing. You don’t want to miss this conversation that covers how to safely and effectively use essential oils and holiday aromas to find balance.

Listen HERE!

Wellness Committee: Winter Mindful Challenge

This time of year can be known to be stressful, and chaotic for people as we turn our focus on giving and making sure others needs are met. The Wellness Committee wants you to focus on yourself and reduce your stress. From November 26th to December 23rd be mindful/meditate for at least 10 minutes for at least 3 days a week, during the 4 week span. Use the form below to check off each day you are mindful/meditate, email your completed forms to wellness@uwgb.edu by January 10th to be put in a prize drawing.

Winter Meditation Challenge

Being Mindful/Meditation can help by releasing physical tension held in our bodies, which can help release worries buried in our minds, ease anxiety, stress and low mood. Meditation can even help have a more restful sleep.

Not sure where to begin we got you covered! Here are some resources and helpful tips on how to meditate.

UWGB has a subscription to YOU.uwgb which is sponsored by UW System and available not only for students but faculty and staff as well. You.uwgb has mindful/meditation examples that may help you.

One way to start would be to find a comfortable place to sit, typically cross legged with good posture and closing your eyes and just focus on your breathing.

Some other ways that the Mayo Clinic recommends is:

Walk and Meditate – Can do this when walking anywhere whether it be a path or on busy sidewalks. Have a slow walking pace and focus on each movement with your legs or feet. Focus on sights, sounds, and smells around you.

Read and Reflect – Read poems and take a few moments to reflect on their meaning. You can journal and write your reflections down.

Scan your body – Focus attention on different parts of your body, be being aware of various sensations such as pain, tension, warmth or relaxation.

Meditation apps are available. A free option is Insight Timer

How to meditate for beginners – Mental wellbeing tips – Every Mind Matters – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Meditation: Take a stress-reduction break wherever you are – Mayo Clinic