Flu Shot Clinics

Protect yourself this flu season by getting your annual flu shot!

The Well Wisconsin Program is offering workplace flu shot clinics. Because a quick needle stick now is better than a nasty illness later.

Flu shots are free and voluntary for all site employees [and spouses] who are enrolled in the State of Wisconsin Insurance Program.

  • You will be required to present your medical ID card at the flu shot clinic.
  • You are required to wear a mask to your appointment.
  • Print and complete your Flu Shot Consent Form and bring it with you to the clinic.
    • The Flu Consent Form will be available for download in the appointment confirmation email. The site coordinator will also have copies available.

Event details:

Green Bay campus

  • Tuesday, October 6, 2020
  • 7:30 am to 9:30 am
  • University Union , Phoenix Rooms

Sheboygan campus

  • Thursday, October 8, 2020
  • 8:00 am to 9:30 am
  • Wombat Room

The shot will vaccinate against the four most likely causes of flu illness during the upcoming season, including the H1N1- strain of influenza.

The vaccine is not preservative-free and is not recommended for the following individuals:

  • Those allergic to eggs or egg products
  • Those who are sensitive to the mercury-based preservative thimerosal
  • Those who have an active neurological disorder
  • Those with a fever, acute respiratory or other active infection or illness

If you are pregnant, you should receive the vaccine directly from your physician.

Preregistration is required. No cash payments or insurance payments accepted. To register for your flu shot appointment, log into the StayWell wellness portal at wellwisconsin.staywell.com and click on Flu Shot Clinics slider on the dashboard.

For more information about the flu shot, visit cdc.gov/flu.

For more information about the event safety enhancements, visit wellwisconsin.staywell.com and click on Questions to learn more.

Student Services Specialist (Sheboygan Campus)

This position reports to the Green Bay One Stop Shop (GBOSS) Manager and works in the UW Green Bay Sheboygan Campus Student Center to provide accurate and timely information and advice regarding Admissions, Student Records, and Financial Aid to prospective and current students, alumni, university staff, and general public via telephone, e-mail and face-to-face interactions. Develop and maintain thorough knowledge and operational proficiency in SIS student records, advising, admissions and financial aid modules. Assist students with problem diagnosis and resolution by acquiring information, suggesting alternatives and explaining recourse for appealing decisions. Interpret rules, regulations and procedures. Answer general questions about academic programs, services, resources and business practices.

For further information and position responsibilities, please see the full position announcement.

To ensure consideration, please apply by Monday, September 21, 2020. 

Faculty/Staff are invited to attend VIRTUAL and OUTDOOR fitness classes

UREC is offering a variety of classes including yoga, Zumba, sculpt, and more! There is even a 15-minute core class offered every Tuesday/Thursday at 2:00pm that can be done in your work clothes from your office. This is a great afternoon movement break! The full class schedule can be found on the UREC website.

Registration will be required for all outdoor classes on the UREC at UWGB app.
Registration is optional for virtual classes but if you choose to register you will receive the link for class in an email. Another way to obtain links for virtual classes is to visit linktr.ee/urec_uwgb. This will be updated each day with the current virtual offerings and can also be found on the UREC website or in our instagram bio @urec_uwgb.

If you have any questions please email UREC’s fitness coordinator, Alex Wandersee, at wandersa@uwgb.edu

WRS Webinars Offered in September

ETF is offering a series of 30-minute, live, interactive webinars designed to increase your understanding of Wisconsin Retirement System benefits. Individuals can also ask questions at the end of these sessions. Visit ETF’s webinar page to learn more about any of the following sessions.

5 Basic Steps to Your Retirement

Thinking about retiring in the next 12 months? We’ll walk you through the process. You’ll learn how to:

  • Choose a termination date.
  • Request a retirement estimate.
  • Read the retirement estimate.
  • Schedule a retirement appointment.
  • Submit a retirement application.

Wed, Sep 9, 2020 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Thu, Sep 17, 2020 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Mon, Sep 21, 2020 6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Wed, Sep 30, 2020 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

To register, go to: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/2737993268999150348

Choosing When to Retire

Did you know that when you retire can change how much money you get in retirement? We’ll discuss how retiring throughout the year can change your retirement benefit. We’ll also answer one of the most common questions we receive: “Should I retire in December or January?”

Wed, Sep 9, 2020 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Wed, Sep 16, 2020 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Thu, Sep 24, 2020 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Tue, Sep 29, 2020 6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

To register, go to: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/1824556392038414860

How to Use ETF’s Online Retirement Calculator

Curious about how much money you’ll get during retirement? Our most-used online tool, the retirement calculator, lets you see how much money you may get in the future. We’ll discuss:

  • How to get to the calculator
  • What information you’ll need handy when using the calculator.
  • How to use the calculator.
  • What the results mean.

Thu, Sep 3, 2020 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Wed, Sep 9, 2020 6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Fri, Sep 18, 2020 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Tue, Sep 22, 2020 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.

To register, go to: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/8034399054112763148

Preparing for Your Retirement

Planning to retire in the next 1-10 years? Then this webinar is for you.

We’ll discuss:

  • The money you and your employer have put towards your retirement account.
  • How your retirement account grows through investments.
  • When you can retire.
  • Options for receiving your retirement benefit.
  • Rules you must follow if you return to work after retiring.
  • What happens to your account after you die.
  • Changes to your health and life insurance in retirement.

Thu, Sep 17, 2020 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Thu, Oct 8, 2020 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Tue, Oct 20, 2020 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Mon, Nov 2, 2020 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Wed, Nov 18, 2020 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Thu, Dec 3, 2020 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Mon, Dec 14, 2020 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

To register, go to: https://register.gotowebinar.com/rt/2062561071726664450

HRS System Maintenance on Sunday, September 6th

Employees will not have access to their online timesheet, earnings statements and other related documents and services during a UW Human Resources System (HRS) outage that will occur on Sunday, September 6th at 6:00 a.m. to approximately 3:00 pm.  This outage is due to installing technical updates.  The following self-service features that employees access through the My UW System portal will be unavailable during this outage:

  • Online timesheet and web clock
  • Absence reporting
  • Benefits Self-Service
  • Updates to personal information
  • Access to electronic earnings statements, tax statements (W-2, etc.), leave statements and other HR, Payroll and Benefits documents
  • Access to TAM job application service (applicants will not be able to apply for positions during this time)

Please contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu or (920) 465-2390 if you have any questions.

Associate Director of Student Life

The Associate Director for Student Life is responsible for the management and leadership of the Office of Student Life a unit within the University Union. This position has the critical role of creating dynamic student energy and engagement on-campus. The Associate Director will also be a leader in creating an inclusive programming and student involvement plan for campus to support UWGB’s priority on diversity, inclusion and engagement.

The Associate Director will directly supervise full-time staff and will challenge and support them in creating vibrant programs and activities to engage students. Student engagement is a direct predictor of student success and supports UWGB’s vision of access. Key components of the position include programming, first-year experience programs, supervision, mentoring, and engagement with UWGB community. This position will also work to create a safe and inclusive environment for all UW-Green Bay students where all feel a sense of place and pride.

For further information and position responsibilities, please see the full position announcement.

To ensure consideration, please apply by Sunday, September 13, 2020. 

Financial Specialist Senior

This position reports to the University Union Assistant Director-Business Operations, and provides financial and administrative support for the University Union, Student Organizations and the Office of Student Life. Duties primarily consist of auditing, monitoring, reconciliation, report development, reallocating expenses, and general office and project support.  The Financial Specialist Senior also provides support to various University Union staff related to the specific functions and areas, and supervises Student Financial positions.

For further information and position responsibilities, please see the full position announcement.

To ensure consideration, please apply by Saturday, September 5, 2020. 

The Kress Events Center is Reopening!

Phase 1 reopening of The Kress Events Center is scheduled for August 10, 2020. The facility will only be open to UWGB students, faculty, and staff.

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday           8:00am-5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday    CLOSED

Capacity of the fitness center is restricted and held at 40 patrons. Reservations will be required (see below).

All patrons will be required to reserve a 75 minute timeslot on the UREC at UWGB app to use the Fitness Center.
To make a reservation:

  1. Download the UREC at UWGB app
  2. Create an account with your uwgb.edu email
  3. Click “reservations”
  4. Select “schedule”
  5. Select the day you wish to reserve (up to 3 days in advance)
  6. Select one timeslot on that day.
  7. Click “join session”

Open Spaces (for August):
Front Desk
Fitness Center

UREC Outdoors Equipment Rentals

In an effort to make the facilities as safe as possible, University Recreation will:

  • Increase cleaning protocols
  • Adhere to Safety Precautions
  • Impose Social Distancing
  • Minimize Contact

For more reopening information please visit https://www.uwgb.edu/university-recreation/reopening-update/

UW System Introduces Online Behavioral Health Tool

The University of Wisconsin System announced a new online behavioral health tool, SilverCloud, that offers self-guided programs for anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia, and resilience. The tool is now available to faculty, staff, and students at any time, on any device, and at no cost.

“While the behavioral health of our students, faculty, and staff has always been a high priority for the UW System, the current COVID-19 pandemic has put those needs into even sharper focus,” said UW System President Tommy Thompson. “We are working hard to find ways to provide these vital services to our UW community and this online tool is a great option.”

System experts have been broadly reviewing the behavioral health challenges facing students, the availability of existing services, and the need for additional services. The SilverCloud tool emerged as one of several strategies.

“The Board of Regents has made student behavioral health a top priority,” said Regent President Andrew S. Petersen. “We are pleased that SilverCloud will be available to our students, staff, and faculty during the upcoming academic year, and we look forward to additional recommendations from our campus and System experts.”

In April 2019, a UW System report showed a 55 percent increase in demand for behavioral health support since 2010. That report, in conjunction with other behavioral health indicators, led the System to create three work groups that focused on identifying solutions and approaches to mitigate the growing behavioral health needs of the UW community. One work group reviewed crisis management services for students at risk of suicide or self-harm. A second looked at targeted interventions for vulnerable student populations, including veterans, students of color, and LGBTQ+ students. A third studied ways to foster healthy learning environments. The UW System Board of Regents will receive an update on this work at its meeting in October.

Based on cognitive behavioral therapy principles, the SilverCloud self-guided program allows individuals to manage day-to-day stressors personally and anonymously using interactive content and skill-building tools.

Studies have shown that online cognitive behavioral therapy can provide an effective form of care for those who are highly motivated and experiencing mild to moderate symptoms. The program can supplement traditional therapy or campus mental health services, while some individuals may use it without seeing a counselor at all.

To sign up or find out more about the tool, visit: https://uwsystem.silvercloudhealth.com/signup

Source: UW System