Impact Leadership Program – Seeking Applications (Deadline Extended)

The Impact Leadership Program recognizes the critical role of UW-Green Bay employees in preparing the institution to serve as a model for the University of the Future. As an institution of higher learning, we recognize that great leaders are the result of great talent, great educations, and great organizational culture. In the spirit of this vision, the Office of Human Resources and Workforce Diversity and the Austin E. Cofrin School of Business are continuing our collaboration to offer the Impact Leadership Program to support one university employee interested in completing the Cofrin School of Business’ executive Impact MBA program.

Employees are encouraged to review the Impact Leadership Program Guidelines for more information about eligibility and process for application. Interested employees must return the Impact Leadership Program Interest Form to their Area Leader no later than Tuesday, May 31, 2022. For questions about the Impact Leadership Program interest form submission process, please contact

Updated Employee Handbook for Academic and University Staff Employees

In an effort to ensure that the Employee Handbook remains up-to-date, Human Resources has consulted with Academic and University Staff Governance representatives to document needed revisions to the Employee Handbook for Academic and University Staff Employees. Prior to this, the most recent update to the Handbook occurred in early 2019. Updates included revising links for UW System policies, aligning handbook language with previously-communicated UW System and UW-Green Bay policy and process changes, and ensuring that the handbook aligns with recent projects such as T&TC and biweekly payroll.

As a reminder, the UW-Green Bay Employee Handbook for Academic and University Staff contains helpful information for all University Staff and Academic Staff employees, including referential policies, campus information, and various resources. Employees are encouraged to review the information contained within this handbook. Acknowledgements are only required of new employees, so there is no further action needed by employees at this time. 

2021 Outside Activities Reports (OARs) – Access for online completion begins April 4, 2022

Each year, all faculty, academic staff, and limited appointees with appointments of half-­time or more are responsible for reporting Outside Activities (according to Board of Regent and UW System guidelines, UWS Chapter 8.025, and the Wisconsin Administrative Code).

Additionally, we ask University Staff to read the Code of Conduct (RPD 20-22) and all employees to read the policy on Employee Relationships with Educational Loan Lenders RPD 13-4.

Similar to last year, requests and notices will come to employees from UW-Shared Services (, and eligible employees will submit their OAR form online through their My UW Portal.

On or around April 4, all employees required to submit an Outside Activity Report (OAR) will receive a message from UW System with instructions to complete the OAR. The OAR will need to be completed by the employee and approved by the supervisor. Following the initial notice, employees will receive reminders throughout the month.

Please see below for additional information:

For more information about OARs (including helpful videos), please see the UW System Conflicts of Interest and Outside Activities website.

The Code of Conduct and Employee Relationships with Educational Loan Lenders policies will also be delivered to your mailboxes from during the month of April with a reminder to familiarize yourself with these policies.

If you have questions while using the process or need technical support, please contact

Resources relevant to this message include:

IT Security – Phishing Simulation and Supplemental Training Requirements

As communicated by the UW-Green Bay Information Security Officer via email earlier this spring, the UW System Office of Information Security is finalizing a process to comply with SYS 1032, Information Security: Awareness which states, “Employees must be enrolled in supplemental phishing training following three failed phishing simulations within a given calendar year”.

Monthly phishing simulations will be conducted by UW System. If you reply to the email, open an attachment, or click on any links or images within the email, you will be considered ‘phished’ for that campaign.  If you are phished three or more times within a given calendar year, you will be enrolled in a short, supplemental phishing training that will need to be completed within 30 days of assignment. This training consists of a short video that should take users less than 10 minutes to view and complete.

Employees that are enrolled in the supplemental training can expect to see an email from:  The email will provide a link to complete the supplemental awareness training. Once enrolled, you will receive email reminders periodically until the training is completed.  Employees that fail to complete the training will be re-enrolled monthly until supplemental training is completed. Failure to take this supplemental training within 30 days of assignment may result in additional campus actions, up to and including network account suspension.

If you have questions about this campaign or other IT Security policies and practices, please contact GBIT Information Security at

Leadership Green Bay Sponsorship for 2022-2023

Each year, the University sponsors one employee to participate in the Leadership Green Bay program.  This program was established in 1983 by the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce and offers select individuals the unique opportunity to develop leadership skills while enhancing the well-being of the Green Bay area. Program goals include enhancing the participant’s knowledge of the Green Bay community; obtaining a greater awareness of issues that face the Green Bay area; enhancing leadership skills; and making an impact on the Green Bay Community.

The cohort professionals gather once a month October through May (following an overnight retreat in September) to learn about social issues, challenges, and opportunities facing the Green Bay area, get exposure to relevant leadership education and skills, and become community stewards. Each monthly gathering has a specific focus (from local government to education to the economy), and learners are immersed in a full-day interactive lesson that includes guest speakers, team-building exercises, and networking. The program culminates by participants organizing into teams, identifying social or public opportunities, and working on community projects that are designed to raise awareness of an issue, improve team skills, and effect change. Past projects can be found here. 

All UW-Green Bay employees are eligible to express interest in being considered.  Supervisors are also encouraged to nominate employees for participation in this program. If nominating an employee, please notify this person to determine if they are willing to participate before submitting.  After the deadline, one employee will be selected by institutional leadership, and will asked to complete the application materials representing UW-Green Bay.

In order to express interest in participation, or to nominate an employee, please complete the Interest Form. This form should be filled out and signed by the employee, their supervisor, and the Dean/Division Head (if applicable).  Completed forms must be received in the Human Resources office by Friday, March 4, 2022 for full consideration.

You are also welcome to visit for more information about this program.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Human Resources at (920) 465-2390 or


Non-Instructional Academic Staff and Limited Employee Position Description Collection

As part of the Title & Total Compensation Project (T&TC) employee-manager conversations in Summer 2021, supervisors and employees started to collaborate on developing revised UW-Green Bay position descriptions. This winter, the Office of Human Resources is coordinating a collection and review of those updated UW-Green Bay position descriptions.

At this time, we ask that an updated position description be signed and submitted for all non-instructional Academic Staff/Limited employees no later than March 25, 2022. Please see here for instructions on creating the new position description utilizing the UW-Green Bay Position Description Library.

University Staff position descriptions will also be updated in accordance with this timeline as a part of the US performance evaluation process. This process does not impact Faculty or Instructional Academic Staff.

Should you have any questions about the position description development process, please contact Human Resources at

University Staff Performance Evaluations for Calendar Year 2021

We are a few weeks into the new year, and ready to begin the University Staff performance evaluation process for the evaluation period of January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021.

Annual performance evaluations are a key component to employee performance and development and provide employees and their supervisors an opportunity to discuss job performance, set goals for professional development, establish objectives for contributing to the department’s mission, and discuss expectations and accomplishments.

Please review the presentation on Managing and Evaluating Employee Performance to familiarize yourself with this process and your responsibilities. If you would prefer an in-person training session on this topic, please contact


In line with UW System compensation guidelines and the UW-Green Bay Compensation and Pay Plan Policy, all compensation adjustments must be based upon merit and employee performance. Therefore, any future pay adjustments, including base rate adjustments and Board of Regents approved pay plan, will be contingent upon satisfactory performance. In addition, supervisors must have up-to-date, documented performance evaluations on file for all direct reports in order to receive pay adjustments.

Related updates:

      • As part of the Performance Evaluation process, it is important that we continue to recognize the opportunities, challenges and changes in the way employees did work due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Supervisors are asked to keep this in mind when assessing goal completion and setting goals for 2022.
      • In accordance with the Title & Total Compensation Project, the template for position descriptions has changed. We ask that the performance evaluation process for ALL university staff employees include the development of an updated position description this year, which should be signed and submitted along with the evaluation by the due date below. Please see here for instructions on creating the new position description utilizing the UW-Green Bay Position Description Library.
      • We will be transitioning to electronic performance evaluations for all non-instructional employees in January, 2023. The new position descriptions developed this year will be the foundation for the electronic evaluation structure moving forward. Please watch for communications about this new system during the 2022 calendar year.

In an effort to facilitate timely completion, performance evaluations and position descriptions are due by Friday, March 25, 2022.

Please note that annual performance evaluations are not required for individuals who have had a probationary review on or after July 1, 2021, or for new employees that have been hired since this date. Contact Human Resources if you have any questions about the University Staff performance evaluation process.

JCOER Approves Pay Plan for UW System Employees

In a meeting on December 21, 2021, the Joint Committee on Employment Relations (JCOER) approved the Board of Regent proposed pay plan for UW System employees. The approved pay plan allows for a 2% raise in January 2022 and 2% raise in January 2023 for eligible employees. The effective date established by JCOER for the January 2022 increase is January 2, 2022, and eligible employees will first see the impact on their January 27, 2022 pay check

Eligibility for the UW System Pay Plan is outlined in the UW-Green Bay Compensation and Pay Plan Policy and other institutional communications. Eligible employees will receive a written notification of the 2022 pay plan increase via their UW-Green Bay email during the week of January 3rd. .

For employees in the building trades, JCOER also approved the pending collective bargaining agreements for the last two fiscal years. After JCOER approval, the full legislature and governor need to approve the collective bargaining agreements before the pay increases can be implemented.

For questions about the UW-Green Bay Compensation and Pay Plan Policy or the UW System Pay Plan, please contact Human Resources at or ext. 2390.

T&TC Appeals Submission Period Extended through February 4, 2022

UW System has recently decided that the Title & Total Compensation Project appeals submission period will be extended through February 4, 2022. The previously-communicated deadline was December 31, 2021. Please see below and on the Title & Total Compensation Project Website (currently being updated with the new date) for additional information related to the T&TC Appeals Process.

Appeals Process:

As part of the Title & Total Compensation Project (T&TC), all in-scope positions have been mapped to a title within the new structure. If an employee disagrees with their mapped title, they are able to formally appeal the decision. To initiate a title appeal, an employee must submit a Title Appeal Request with supporting documentation between November 7, 2021 and February 4, 2022. The institution will settle all T&TC appeals no later than June 30, 2022.

Please note that by submitting an appeal, an employee is stating that their T&TC mapped UW System title was not accurate as of November 7, 2021. Any requests to review titles because of job duty changes which occurred after November 7, 2021 should be processed through the standard Title Review Request.

Only title of record can be formally reviewed and appealed. Pay range, compensation, scaling, FLSA exemption status, business title, and language in the Standard Job Descriptions cannot be appealed.

For more information about the Title & Total Compensation appeal process, please see the Title Appeal Guidelines – T&TC. For instructions to help in completing the Title Appeal Request form, please see the ​T&TC Title Appeal Guide.

If you have questions about the Title & Total Compensation Project or the appeals process, please contact Human Resources at

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Success

This position reports to Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, with a dotted line to the Vice Chancellor for University Inclusivity and Student Affairs, and serves on the Provost’s Administrative Council.  The Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Success coordinates and provides administrative leadership for programs and services that support student access and success.  The Assistant Vice Chancellor is responsible for shepherding student success and retention efforts from start (oversight of the summer bridge program and first-year experience programming) to finish (graduation and career services).  This position will collaborate across the university to actualize a holistic and equity-minded view of student success.

For further information and position responsibilities, please see the full position announcement.

To ensure consideration, please apply by Monday, January 17, 2022.