The Office of Human Resources understands that many employees (and their families and friends) may be dealing with a great amount of uneasiness and stress at this time. Our office is committed to providing resources to both employees and supervisors to support well-being.
For a one-stop-shop for all resources available to employees involving Mental Health Support please check out our Mental Health Support – Benefits & Wellness – Human Resources webpage.
Acentra provides live monthly webinars on a wide variety of topics. Join their next webinar – Increasing Mental Toughness – on Wednesday, February 12th at 12:30pm. The monthly webinars are recorded, uploaded to Acentra’s website and available to view at your convenience. Please visit this blog post for an extensive list of their upcoming webinars.
Below is a list of important resources that can be utilized at any time:
The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay’s Employee Assistance Program is a free, confidential service which can provide support for both personal and work-related concerns. Employees have access to confidential, completely private, 24-hour, 7-days-a-week counseling and online services.
EAP services are provided through Acentra:
Phone: (833) 539-7285
Website: (Username: SOWI). Employees will need to create an account to access the EAP resources online.
Additional information pertaining to the resources available through the EAP may be found on the EAP Services and Resources Flyer.
State Group Health Insurance Program
Employees enrolled in State Group Health Insurance may utilize a number of resources through their health insurance carrier, including services directly by the primary care physician or specialist. Services provided are intended to treat mild to severe symptoms for various health and well-being topics. The cost of services are covered based on the employee’s health insurance plan design. There may be out-of-pocket costs for using services through this program. Employees should contact their primary care physician or health insurance carrier for additional information.
Employees enrolled in State Group Health Insurance are eligible for resources through the Well Wisconsin Program. Certified WebMD Health Coaches are available for confidential one-on-one conversations to support mild symptoms for various health and well-being topics. Services are employer-paid, there is no cost to employees for using services through this program. Services are administered by WebMD, the Well Wisconsin Program administrator. Contact WebMD at (800) 821-6591 or access their resources online at
Mental Health Resources: