Earnings Statement Reminder

As a reminder, Earnings Statements will no longer be e-mailed.  Please use the UW System Portal to access this information going forward.  Earning Statements are made available up to three days prior to the pay date.  Below is some additional helpful information regarding the My UW System Portal.

* The My UW System link is available on the Human Resources home page (http://www.uwgb.edu/hr/) under “Employee Quick Links.”

* If you bookmark the My UW System web page, please bookmark http://my.wisconsin.edu to bring you to the web page where you select “University of Wisconsin-Green Bay” (if you bookmark the page after you select your institution, you could get an error message).

* If you have a space in your UWGB network password, you may have trouble logging into My UW System.  If this is the case, you can reset your password.

* At the screen where you select your institution, the Help Desk recommends that you don’t check “Remember Me.”

* The first time you log into My UW System, it may take awhile.  Successive log ins will proceed more quickly.

* If you received a notice that you need to reset your UWGB network password, and don’t reset your password, your My UW System log in may not work.  You would need to reset your password.

* If you need help with logging into My UW System, please contact the UWGB Help Desk at ext. 2309 or helpdesk@uwgb.edu.

* If you have questions regarding your earnings statements, leave statements and reports, annual tax statements, or benefits statements, please contact ext. 2390 or payroll@uwgb.edu.

Socially Responsible Investing Video Available Online

Scott J. Budde, CFA and Managing Director in TIAA-CREF’s Asset Management Division, presented a Socially Responsible Investing Workshop on May 6, 2010, which was presented via live streaming video conference at UW-Green Bay.

You may view the one-hour SRI Workshop online at http://mediasite.ics.uwex.edu/mediasite5/Viewer/?peid=837e6d56852a4d7c8b2d028a0eaf66f5.

You can also access this presentation under the “What’s New” heading on the UW System TSA Home Page and at the UW System Counseling Web Page.

Please e-mail benefits@uwgb.edu or call 465-2390 if you have any questions.

My UW System Provides Online Access to Your Payroll and Benefits Information

As part of our efforts to continue to plan and prepare for implementation of the new Human Resources System (HRS) sometime in 2011, all UW-Green Bay employees (including student employees) are now able to access payroll, leave and benefit information online.  Earnings statements, unclassified leave statements and furlough reports will no longer be e-mailed to you effective May 24th.

My UW System is an easy-to-use, secure gateway providing convenient online access to:

* Earnings Statements

* Unclassified Leave Statements and Reports (including furlough time reports)

* Annual Tax Statements

* Annual University Staff Benefits Statements

My UW System News and Employee Resources are additional online features that will be used to communicate Payroll, Benefit and Human Resource information.

Access to My UW System

My UW System is available at http://my.wisconsin.edu and can be accessed at any time, from any computer that has an internet connection.  To login, select “University of Wisconsin – Green Bay,” and then enter your UW-Green Bay user ID and password.

Availability of My UW System Statements

Your latest Earnings Statement is available on My UW System at least three days before your pay date; payments are not available until the actual pay date.  Statements are kept online for the current year, plus three prior years, so you have convenient access to payroll, leave and benefit statements.

My UW System Security

Access is secured according to the best practices for web security.  The greatest potential threat to data security comes from users voluntarily sharing their ID and password with others.  You should always log out and close your browser when you have completed your web session.  The My UW System website provides additional information about security.

For More Information

For access to help documents, please visit http://helpdesk.wisc.edu/myuwsystem/

My UW System Maintenance Schedule

On Tuesdays (but not necessarily every Tuesday), between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., maintenance activities could temporarily interrupt access to My UW System.

Every Sunday between 3:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m., the My UW System statements will not be available due to maintenance.

Note:  For Classified employees, you will continue to access your timesheets on the Human Resources website.   

Please contact Human Resources/Payroll at hr@uwgb.edu or 920-465-2390 if you would like an overview to assist you in accessing your employee information.

Furlough Information for Classified and LTE Employees


  • Required furlough hours must be taken by June 19, 2010.  If you plan to use furlough time during the pay period ending June 19, 2010, it is very important that you submit your timesheet no later than Monday, June 21st to ensure your furlough time is properly recorded in the payroll system before the start of the 2010-2011 fiscal year.
  • UW-Green Bay has designated Friday, May 28, 2010 as a fixed-furlough day; employees who will not be taking the mandatory furlough day will need to select an alternative furlough day.
  • Employees can review their furlough balances on the bottom of their earnings statements.  The remaining furlough hours listed on your earnings statement includes the mandatory fixed furlough day on Friday, May 28, 2010.
  • Employees are encouraged to utilize remaining furlough time as soon as practicable.
  • Any remaining furlough balances cannot be carried over into the 2010-2011 fiscal year.
  • The percent reduction for all non-exempt (hourly) classified staff will be 3.065% in the 2010-2011 fiscal year since there will be 26 pay periods available.
  • Limited Term Employees (LTE’s) will be required to reduce their hours worked by 3.065% for the 2010-2011 fiscal year.

Please visit our furlough information page or contact Human Resources if you have any questions.

Furlough Reporting and Leave Reports for Unclassified Staff


 12-Month Unclassified Staff

* Required 2009-10 furlough time off (FTO) must be taken and reported no later than June 30, 2010.  In order to have the salary reduction in the 2009-10 fiscal year, FTO must be entered in the payroll system before June 23, 2010.

* June Furlough Time reports will need to be completed and returned to Payroll by June 14, 2010 to meet the June 23, 2010 deadline.

* For those whose pay is reduced as FTO is used, both the May and June FTO will be deducted on the paycheck payable July 1, 2010.

* One mandatory furlough day remaining for the 2009-10 fiscal year – Friday, May, 28, 2010

9-Month Unclassified Staff

* Earned 2009-10 furlough time off (FTO) must be taken and reported no later than May 23, 2010.  In order to have the salary reduction in the 2009-10 fiscal year, FTO must be entered in the payroll system before May 25, 2010.

* May FTO will need to be reported on your May Leave Report and returned to Payroll by May 14, 2010 to meet the May 25, 2010 deadline.


The distribution of leave reports will be modified so they are in sequence with the furlough reports.  As a result, on April 29, 2010, unclassified staff will receive their April and May Leave Reports.   Thereafter, for 12 month unclassified staff, the distribution for both the leave and furlough reports will be for the same month.

Please visit our furlough information page or contact Human Resources if you have any questions.

Socially Responsible Investing Video Conference

presented by Scott J. Budde, TIAA-CREF

Find out about Socially Responsible Investing via interactive video.  This is a great opportunity to learn about SRI from an expert – someone who actually manages these funds.  It is free and open to all UW employees and their families.  (Feel free to bring a bag lunch!)

When:             Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. to Noon

Where:           Instructional Services, Room 1034

The presentation will focus on understanding the three main Socially Responsible Investing strategies of Social Screening, Community or Pro-Active Investing, and Corporate Governance.  Investors can get both competitive investment returns and positive impact at the same time.

Mr. Budde is the author of Compelling Returns: A Practical Guide to Socially Responsible Investing Strategies published by Wiley and Sons of New York City.  As Managing Director of the Asset Management Division, Mr. Budde heads TIAA-CREF’s Global Social and Community Investing Department which is responsible for the organization’s community investing programs and overseeing its socially screened funds.

Please e-mail benefits@uwgb.edu or call 465-2390 if you have any questions.

Preparing for Retirement Presentation

by Humana Insurance 

You are invited to bring a bag lunch and learn about preparing for retirement.  Larry Moldenhauer and Bill Cooper from Humana Insurance will present information on following topics:

·         Prescription drug plan options
·         What insurance options the market offers
·         Explanation of retirement-related terminology
·         Medicare

Larry and Bill will also be available for one-on-one questions after their presentation.

When:             Monday, April 26, 2010, Noon – 1:00 pm

Where:           Phoenix Room B, University Union                    

Please e-mail benefits@uwgb.edu or call 465-2390 if you have any questions.

Wisconsin Deferred Compensation (WDC) On-Site Counseling Sessions

Get an overview of the Wisconsin Deferred Compensation (WDC) Program, and learn about the benefits of the WDC, including:

* The power of before-tax investing

* Investing during these tough times

* Program features and benefits, including a suite of investment advisory services

* Distribution options

* How to enroll

Our WDC representative will be here to conduct one-on-one appointments with employees to review the WDC.

Whether you are already taking advantage of the investment program or would like more information on beginning your investment, you are encouraged to schedule an appointment.

When:    March 31, 2010, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Where:  Manistique Room, University Union                   

To schedule an individual appointment, call the Wisconsin Deferred Compensation office in Madison at 608-241-6604 or 877-457-9327 option 2. 

Please e-mail benefits@uwgb.edu or call 465-2390 if you have any questions.