The Student Rehire process, Graduating Students and those not returning, and Hiring Priorities
Student Rehire Process
Supervisors, please discuss with your student employees your plans to rehire them for Summer 2015 and/or Academic Year 2015-2016. E-mails with spreadsheet attachments containing a list of all active student employees will be sent out to the primary supervisor in late April. The spreadsheet will need to be updated/completed and sent back to for processing. Please watch for this email. Complete instructions will be provided within the email.
NOTE: Supervisors will need to complete the Student Employment Form to continue/rehire current student employees beyond 5/15/2015 that are not listed on the spreadsheet.
Graduating Seniors and Students not continuing enrollment
Student employees that will be graduating at the end of this semester and those who will not continue enrollment can work in their student appointments through the last day of exams, Friday, May 15, 2015.
Students who are graduating and those not continuing enrollment will be terminated by Human Resources and will not show on your rehire spreadsheet. Please contact Human Resources regarding the process to continue these students’ employment after that date.
Employment Period/Payrolls
Summer 2015 Payrolls: May C – August B (5/17/15-8/22/15)
- The 2014-2015 Academic year ends on 5/15/15. All students graduating, not returning or who are on Federal Work Study may only work through 5/15/15. Note: Unused Work Study funds will not transfer to another term.
- The summer work period begins on 5/17/2015.
- Students seeking Federal Work Study for summer must complete the Summer Financial Aid Application found on the Financial Aid website:
Academic Year 2015-2016: September A-May A (8/23/15-5/14/16)
- The 2015-2016 Academic year begins on 9/2/2015.
A reminder on hiring priorities:
Students must be at least 16 years old and enrolled at an institute for higher education or high school to be eligible for student employment.
Students are employed on a priority basis with UW-Green Bay students receiving first priority. Before other students are considered, a position must be posted in the PRO system to UW-Green Bay students for a minimum of two weeks.
Other students will need to provide of enrollment for the summer or Fall semester and employment form must indicate that the position was posted in PRO for two weeks.
Who do I contact with questions?
- Student Employment Office (
The Student Employment Office posts employment opportunities for currently enrolled students using Phoenix Recruitment Online (PRO). The office also manages Federal Work Study Awards. Connect on facebook twitter
For questions on student employee rights or issues, part-time student employment opportunities, off campus employment or Work Study, contact Diana Delbecchi at or
For student employment eligibility, appointments, paperwork, Portal access, contact Sousie Lee at or
For timesheets, hours, payroll processing or earnings statements, contact Kimberly Danielson at or
Are you a student supervisor or student employee?
• Student rehire spreadsheets will be sent to primary approvers in late April. Please look for these emails from HR.
• Students graduating or not returning may only work through 5/15/2015.
• Reminder: Our hiring priority is UW-Green Bay students.
Please click here for more information