Mindfulness Sessions


Back by popular demand!  Last spring, Reed Hardy lead mindfulness/meditation sessions for employees, which were well received, and employees asked for more!  Thanks to a wellness grant from the Department of Employee Trust Funds, we are offering five more sessions this spring led by Reed Hardy!  These sessions will be at the Richard Mauthe Center at Noon to 12:30 p.m. on the following dates, and there is no cost to employees to attend:

  • Friday, March 16th
  • Thursday, March 29th
  • Friday, April 13th
  • Thursday, April 26th
  • Friday, May 11th

Please register to attend by clicking on this link: http://uwgreenbay.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3sKmT9dkQ2HOo5L

You can wear your work clothes – no need to change or bring anything with you.  Thank you to the Richard Mauthe Center for sponsoring the room fee!  Please contact the Wellness Committee at wellness@uwgb.edu or ext. 2203 with any questions.

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Self Defense Workshop held February 28th


If you were walking past University Union Room 103 on February 28th between 11:00 a.m. and Noon, you may have heard eighteen women yelling “BACK OFF!”  Herb Blue’s Total Self Defense LLC presented a self-defense workshop to employees on Wednesday, February 28th.  Instructors Herb, Betsy, and Aaron demonstrated self-defense techniques and shared valuable information about how to protect and empower ourselves.  We learned how to get away from an attacker, create a barrier with our body, and use our voice as an effective tool to prevent attack.  We laughed a lot too!  Thank you to Herb Blue’s Total Self Defense LLC for presenting this excellent workshop!

Wellness Email Newsletter

Do you want to stay in-the-loop when it comes to wellness?  Sign up for the UW-Green Bay Wellness email newsletter on the Human Resources website under Wellness (http://www.uwgb.edu/human-resources/benefits/wellness/).  You would receive an email every other week or so, with information about wellness events and activities, recipes, articles, etc.  Over 30 employees have signed up already!  Thanks to Kimberly Vlies and Jen Schanen for their work setting up the wellness email newsletter!



Well Wisconsin Webinar: 2018 Program Overview and Portal Demo


Make this the year you focus on your health and well-being. Join us to learn all about the 2018 Well Wisconsin Program and resources available to assist you, including how to earn your $150 incentive!

Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Time: 12:00 to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Cofrin Library, 7th floor, room 735

No need to RSVP – just mark your calendar to join us, and bring your lunch!

You could also participate in this webinar at your workstation if you prefer – please visit wellwisconsin.staywell.com and go to Wellness Webinars to register.

All webinars are recorded and available to Well Wisconsin Program participants on the StayWell wellness portal after the event date.

To access the StayWell wellness portal, you must be an employee, retiree, or spouse enrolled in the State of Wisconsin or Wisconsin Public Employers Group Health Insurance Programs.

Winter Wellness Bingo Challenge

2018The Wellness committee is offering Winter Bingo as our next healthy challenge! All faculty and staff are invited to participate in the challenge the month of January. There are 24 health and wellness activities for you to choose from. You are able to pick the day in which you complete each activity, and only one activity is allowed per day. To qualify for a chance to win a prize, a minimum of 20 activities must be completed within the month of January.  Please click here for the Winter bingo card: http://www.uwgb.edu/UWGBCMS/media/hr/Wellness%20Items/Winter-2018-wellness-BingoCard.pdf

SnowmanWinter Bingo begins January 1, 2018 and ends January 31, 2018. Completed forms can be e-mailed to the Wellness committee at wellness@uwgb.edu or hand-in to the Human Resources front desk in the Cofrin Library, 7th floor, room 710 by Friday, February 9, 2018.

Challenge your co-workers to join in the fun and do some of the activities together!  Share pics of you and your co-workers completing the activities by emailing them to wellness@uwgb.edu.  Begin the new year by making healthy choices and then enjoy your increased energy level, positive outlook, and improved health in 2018!


December Wellness Webinar: Celebrate with Energy and Cheer

The holidays are fast approaching and you might be feeling excited and anxious at the same time. Past experience shows you head back to work after the holidays feeling a bit drained instead of energized. Join us for this webinar for tips on truly celebrating with energy and cheer through the New Year.

Date: Wednesday, December 20, 2017HolidayShopping

Time: 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.

Location: Cofrin Library, 7th floor, room 735

No need to RSVP – just mark your calendar to join us, and bring your lunch!

You could also participate in this webinar at your workstation if you prefer – please visit wellwisconsin.staywell.com and go to Webinars to register.

Wellness webinars highlighting various health and well-being topics will take place the 3rd Wednesday of each month. All webinars will be recorded and available to Well Wisconsin Program participants on the wellness portal after the event date.

To access the wellness portal, you must be an employee, retiree, or enrolled spouse/domestic partner enrolled in the State of Wisconsin or Wisconsin Public Employers Group Health Insurance Program.

November Wellness Webinar: The Greatness of Gratitude


Before you dive into the turkey or turn on the game, don’t forget to count your blessings. When you focus on the good things, your upbeat attitude helps fight stress and depression. Research shows that practicing gratitude may also improve your social life and enhance your physical health. Join us to learn more.

Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Time: 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.

Location: Cofrin Library, 7th floor, room 735

No need to RSVP – just mark your calendar to join us, and bring your lunch!

You could also participate in this webinar at your workstation if you prefer – please visit wellwisconsin.staywell.com and go to Webinars to register.

Wellness webinars highlighting various health and well-being topics will take place the 3rd Wednesday of each month. All webinars will be recorded and available to Well Wisconsin Program participants on the wellness portal after the event date.

To access the wellness portal, you must be an employee, retiree, or enrolled spouse/domestic partner enrolled in the State of Wisconsin or Wisconsin Public Employers Group Health Insurance Program.


9/11 Memorial Stair Climb

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IMG_3642 IMG_3631 IMG_3633IMG_3638 IMG_3639IMG_3629Thanks to all who helped and participated in the 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb on Monday, September 11th.  About 50 people walked the stairs from the 2nd to 8th floor of the Cofrin Library, including members of the military, Public Safety, Green Bay Metro Fire Rescue, UWGB Swim & Dive Team, firefighters, employees and students.  Members of Vets 4 Vets and Public Safety were on hand and had a table of items displayed, as well as refreshments for walkers, and Wellness Committee members handed out flag pins and provided encouragement to walkers.

See What You Know About Fruits and Veggies

Whether you heard it from your parents, your doctor, a government agency, or any number of media outlets, you are most likely familiar with the fact that fruits and vegetables are good for you. Here’s your chance to show the world (or just yourself) how much you know about the health benefits of produce.Quiz


1. True or false: When a fruit or vegetable has a vivid color that means it’s not as good for you.

2. When you’re prepping fruits and vegetables to eat, which of these precautions should you take to ensure they’re clean and won’t make you sick?

  • A. Wash your hands before handling produce
  • B. Rinse produce with warm water—even if you don’t eat the skin or peel
  • C. Cut away bruised or damaged areas before eating
  • D. All of the above

3. Which of these is not a proven health benefit of eating fruits and vegetables?

  • A. It boosts your mood.
  • B. It strengthens your immune system.
  • C. It improves your hearing.
  • D. It improves your psychological health.

4. True or false: It’s possible that eating fruits and vegetables helps prevent cell damage in your body.


1. False. In fact, vivid colors mean the produce is full of chemicals like carotenoids and flavonoids, which contain good-for-you antioxidants.

2. D—All of the above. If the produce has a firm skin, you should use a scrub brush to clean it.

3. C—It improves your hearing. Sadly, this hasn’t been found. But you should still eat a lot of produce, because the other three health benefits have been proven.

4. True. The antioxidants that are prevalent in produce might help combat a process in your body that triggers cell damage.

Article from The StayWell Company, LLC