Advanced Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program

The Division of Continuing Education and Community Engagement is pleased to offer the Advanced Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program to any UW-Green Bay supervisor who is seeking professional development. The next cohort for this program begins on August 23, 2023!

Become a more purposeful leader with the new Advanced Supervisory Leadership certificate program, which delivers the training necessary to help expand your awareness of yourself and others and connect teams with purpose to achieve business goals. Candidates for this certificate will need to have completed our Supervisory Leadership Certificate as a prerequisite.

Supervisors can complete this program with only $475 in expenses for materials and other items charged to their departmental funds. Supervisors are encouraged to discuss cost with Division Heads/Area Leaders if funding is a barrier to participation. There is no limit to the amount of supervisors who are able to enroll.

To earn the UW-Green Bay Advanced Supervisory Leadership Certificate, participants must complete six classes:

Aug 23 – Leading through Change (9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) 

Sept 6 – Multicultural Teams (8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)

Oct 4 – Neurodiversity in Leadership (8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)

Oct 18 – Purpose-Driven Mentoring & Coaching (8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)

Nov 1 – Strategic Planning (8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)

Nov 15 – The Ethics of Leadership (8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.) 

Classes will be held on Zoom.

Full course descriptions can be found at this link:

If you have questions about the Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program or would like to enroll, please contact Christopher Ledvina at or (9200 465-2164.

Please visit the Supervisor Toolkit for more information regarding professional development opportunities for supervisors.

Student Employee Supervisor Training Series

The Office of Human Resources and Workforce Diversity is excited to partner with Career Services and Financial Aid to launch a Student Supervisor Training Series. This series is designed to aid Student Supervisors in the full life-cycle of student employment. We encourage you to join us either in person in the 1965 Room in the University Union or virtually for the following sessions:

Recruitment & Hiring of Student Employees
July 31, 2023 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Teams Live Link
Topics covered:
– Creating a Job Description
– Financial Side of Hiring a Student
– Handshake Overview
– Career Services Resources Overview
– Interview Tips & Recruitment Best Practices
– BP Logix New Electronic Hiring Forms

Onboarding & Engagement of Student Employees
August 16, 2023 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Teams Live Link
Topics Covered:
– Onboarding
– Training Best Practices
– Effective Communication
– Employee Engagement
– Student Employee Time
– Understanding Federal Work Study/Tracking Hours

Feedback, Expectations & Performance Management of Student Employment 
October 17, 2023 from 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Teams Live Link
Topics Covered:
– Managing Performance & Providing Feedback
– Addressing Concerns/Employee Relations
– Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
– When to connect with Dean of Students and the resources available
– Wellness Center Resources

What’s Next?
November 9, 2023 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am
Teams Live Link
Topics Covered:
– Ending Student Employment
– Rehire Process
– Gathering Feedback for future sessions & resources
– Question & Answer Session

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Human Resources at (920) 465-2390 or

Updates from the Women’s Network Employee Resource Group (ERG)

The “Women’s Network” ERG is rebranding itself to stay current and best reflect the core interests of its members. The core purpose of the ERG will broaden to networking focus, rather than a leadership focus. This change can easily be made with the recent addition of UWGB’s Institute for Women’s Leadership (IWL) which offers leadership resources for women. Exciting ERG updates below:

  • ERG name: The new name is the “Women’s Network” (previously named “Women’s Leadership Network”)
  • Co-chairs: Beginning May 1, Lynn Niemi and Kris Cumbers will serve as co-chairs of the ERG; Sheryl  Van Gruensven and Susan Gallagher-Lepak will continue on the Advisory Committee and as ERG members
  • Women’s Network Advisory Committee:  The newly established committee includes Lynn Niemi, Kris Cumbers, Sheryl Van Gruensven, Susan Gallagher-Lepak, Jena Richter Landers, and Joy Wick. There is one opening for an additional Advisory Committee member – let Lynn Niemi know if you want this spot!

The mission of the Women’s Network is to connect, encourage, mentor, inform and help women navigate work and life balance. The ERG is open to anyone at UW-Green Bay. Values of the ERG include diversity, equity, empowerment and leadership.

As a reminder, select IWL events, such as Caffeinated Conversations and Stories from Experience, are available to Women’s Network ERG members at no cost (use your UWGB email address and code UWGBIWL when registering). Also, UWGB faculty, staff and students can attend for free the upcoming Celebrate 2023 “Phenomenally You” event on April 20, 2023 presented by the IWL. For more info: Celebrate 2023 – Phenomenally You

Leadership Green Bay Sponsorship for 2023-2024

Each year, the University sponsors one employee to participate in the Leadership Green Bay program.  This program was established in 1983 by the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce and offers select individuals the unique opportunity to develop leadership skills while enhancing the well-being of the Green Bay area. Program goals include enhancing the participant’s knowledge of the Green Bay community; obtaining a greater awareness of issues that face the Green Bay area; enhancing leadership skills; and making an impact on the Green Bay Community.

The cohort of professionals gather once a month October through May (following an overnight retreat in September) to learn about social issues, challenges, and opportunities facing the Green Bay area, get exposure to relevant leadership education and skills, and become community stewards. Each monthly gathering has a specific focus (from local government to education to the economy), and learners are immersed in a full-day interactive lesson that includes guest speakers, team-building exercises, and networking. The program culminates by participants organizing into teams, identifying social or public opportunities, and working on community projects that are designed to raise awareness of an issue, improve team skills, and effect change. Past projects can be found here. 

All UW-Green Bay employees are eligible to express interest in being considered.  Supervisors are also encouraged to nominate employees for participation in this program. If nominating an employee, please notify this person to determine if they are willing to participate before submitting.  After the deadline, one employee will be selected by institutional leadership, and will asked to complete the application materials representing UW-Green Bay.

In order to express interest in participation, or to nominate an employee, please complete the Interest Form. This form should be filled out and signed by the employee, their supervisor, and the Dean/Division Head (if applicable).  Completed forms must be received in the Human Resources office by Friday, March 31, 2023 for full consideration.

You are also welcome to visit for more information about this program.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Human Resources at (920) 465-2390 or

Save the Date: Motivate, Recognize and Energize Employees

Save the Date!

Kepro-WI is excited to invite you to participate in our upcoming session on Motivate, Recognize and Energize Employees delivered by subject matter expert, LaTonya Washington, a sought-after professional with years of experience in this topic. LaTonya Washington will give you the opportunity to engage directly with all of your questions and comments will be responded to in a manner which is appropriate for this session. We are excited to bring you this session and are confident that you will find it well worth your time.

Session Description:
This high-energy seminar will empower participants to utilize a number of techniques to motivate employees and managers. Together, we will review how motivation and recognition leads to increased productivity through self-care, positive psychology, resiliency, and laughter. Participants will leave this workshop with invaluable ways to demonstrate to employees that they feel special and important to your organization.

Topic: Motivate, Recognize and Energize Employees
Client: State of WI – UW Green Bay
Date/Time: 4/18/2023, 11:00 AM
ID: KEPRO100589

Click Here to Attend

Audio conference:
United States Toll: +1-408-418-9388
Access Code:

Password: 76QTbxtBJQ3

Meet your Facilitator: LaTonya Washington

LaTonya Washington is an authority on company and customer culture, well-known for her interactive trainings and motivation. Her objective is to help build a positive company culture where employees can thrive.

After 30 years of operating in the medical field, and an Associate Professor at Mt. San Jacinto College, she developed skills on how to effectively leverage language and interactive models of successful engagement, and helping companies stay relevant in today’s times.

LaTonya is grounded in research from fields of cultural anthropology, social behavior, leadership, and message processing. Her vision is to see us being effective communicators without bias.

She is a graduate of Youngstown State University School of Nursing, Certified in Public Relations from the UCLA Extension Program, Degreed in Business Administration and recipient of the SoCo Institute Business Scholarship Award.

Ms. Washington is on the Inland Empire Regional Advisory Committee of Education, Board of Advisors for Bradshaw and Company Business & Consulting, Leadership Council for The Connected Women LA Chapter and Saks Fifth Avenue Ambassador for CJ Jeans, the Blue Jean line of Cookie Johnson, the wife of the Legendary Basketball Great, Earvin “Magic” Johnson.

Save the Date: Making The Most of a Multi-Generational Workforce

Save the Date!

Kepro-WI is excited to invite you to participate in our upcoming session on Making The Most of a Multi-Generational Workforce delivered by subject matter expert, Christopher Pugh, a sought-after professional with years of experience in this topic. Christopher Pugh will give you the opportunity to engage directly with all of your questions and comments will be responded to in a manner which is appropriate for this session. We are excited to bring you this session and are confident that you will find it well worth your time.

Session Description:
For the first time in history, our workforce is prominently comprised of members from five unique generations. Participants of this class will learn more about how each generation has been shaped by history and how this has led to specific characteristics that provide them each with their own strengths. Join this interactive workshop to explore inter-generational dynamics and how to create a cohesive and productive workforce.

Topic: Making The Most of a Multi-Generational Workforce
Client: State of WI – UW Green Bay
Date/Time: 3/28/2023, 2:00 PM
ID: KEPRO100590

Click Here to Attend

Audio conference:
United States Toll: +1-408-418-9388
Access Code:

Password: jKGzSXGU555

Meet your Facilitator: Christopher Pugh

Highly accomplished educator with a keen ability to equip teachers, students, parents, and administrators with the fundamental knowledge of understanding culture in an academic and professional environment. Offers practical skills and programs that help examine the nature and function of culture, acknowledging the development of individual and group cultural identity, understanding definitions and implications of professional consistency, and recognizing the influences of culture on learning, development, and risk management.

February LinkedIn Learning: Decision-Making

If only decision-making was as easy as seeing our shadow outside… Let LinkedIn Learning teach you how to decide!

Check out these course recommendations to help you master the art of decision-making:

Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program – Spring 2023

The Division of Continuing Education and Community Engagement is pleased to offer the Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program to any UW-Green Bay supervisor who is seeking professional development. The next cohort for this program begins on February 9, 2023!

Build your leadership skills, fulfill your potential and enhance the capabilities of your department with a program designed to advance careers. Supervisors can complete this program with only $299 in expenses for materials and other items charged to their departmental funds. Supervisors are encouraged to discuss the cost with Division Heads/Area Leaders if funding is a barrier to participation. There is no limit to the amount of supervisors who are able to enroll.

To earn the UW-Green Bay Supervisory Leadership Certificate participants must complete eight courses:

Feb 9 – Core Course: Understanding Your Strengths and the Strengths of Others (8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.)

March 10 – Topic Course: Developing an Adaptive Leadership Mindset

March 23 – Topic Course: Helping Your Team Achieve Organizational Management 

April 13 – Topic Course: The Roadmap to High Performing Teams 

May 11 – Conflict Resolution Rather than Toxic Drama

May 25 – Capstone Course:  Developing an Action Plan

Classes will be held on Zoom from 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM unless otherwise noted.

Full course descriptions can be found at this link:

If you have questions about the Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program or would like to enroll, please contact Christopher Ledvina at or (920) 465-2164.

Please visit the Supervisor Toolkit for more information regarding professional development opportunities for supervisors.

January LinkedIn Learning: New Year, New Skills!

LinkedIn Learning can help you with some of your resolutions for 2023:

Get fit and healthy – Looking for ways to stay committed to the gym or a new exercise class? Making Big Goals Achievable will help you break up large aspirations into smaller actions to keep you on track!


Get organized – We all find ourselves trying to do more in the time we have. Prioritizing Your Tasks will empower you to stay organized and


Spend less, save more Managing Your Personal Finances walks you through the nitty gritty of earning, spending, and saving to help make 2023 your best financial year yet.


Enjoy life to the fullest – Our Happiness Tips and Creating an Amazing Life courses provide great guidance on how to enjoy a life filled with meaning and happiness!