Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program – Summer 2024

The Division of Continuing Education and Community Engagement is pleased to offer the Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program to any UW-Green Bay supervisor who is seeking professional development. The next cohort for this program begins on June 18, 2024!

Become a more purposeful leader with our Supervisory Leadership certificate program, which delivers the training necessary to help expand your awareness of yourself and others and connect teams with purpose to achieve business goals. Supervisors can complete this program with only $299 in expenses for materials and other items charged to their departmental funds. Supervisors are encouraged to discuss the cost with Division Heads/Area Leaders if funding is a barrier to participation. There is no limit to the amount of supervisors who are able to enroll.

To earn the UW-Green Bay Supervisory Leadership Certificate participants must complete eight courses:

June 18 – Leading through Change (1:30 pm – 4:30 pm)

June 25 – Multicultural Teams (1:30 pm – 4:30 pm)

July 9 – Neurodiversity in Leadership (1:30 pm – 4:30 pm)

July 23 – Purpose-Driven Mentoring & Coaching (1:30 pm – 4:30 pm)

July 30 – The Ethics of Leadership (1:30 pm – 4:30 pm)

August 6 – Strategic Planning (1:30 pm – 4:30 pm)

Classes will be held on Zoom.

Full course descriptions can be found at this link:

If you have questions about the Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program or would like to enroll, please contact Christopher Ledvina at or (920) 465-2164.

Please visit the Supervisor Toolkit for more information regarding professional development opportunities for supervisors.

Save the Date: Communicating Change to Employees

Save the Date – 04/16/2024!

Acentra Health EAP-WI is excited to invite you to participate in our upcoming session on Communicating Change to Employees delivered by subject matter expert, James Thomas, a sought-after professional with years of experience in this topic. James Thomas will give you the opportunity to engage directly with all of your questions and comments will be responded to in a manner which is appropriate for this session. We are excited to bring you this session and are confident that you will find it well worth your time.

Session Description: Does your staff dread change? This program will identify the kinds of changes organizations face, describe how to develop a communication plan, and explore the importance of positivity and proactivity in response to resistance. Participants will leave this session better equipped how to communicate change successfully with empathy, active listening skills, and flexibility.

Topic: Communicating Change to Employees
Client: UW Green Bay
Date/Time: 04/16/2024, 11:00 AM


Audio conference:
United States Toll: +1-408-418-9388
Access Code:

Password: GsHuKgtx575

Meet your Facilitator: Dr. James Thomas

Dr. James Thomas began his career working in higher education over a decade ago as a graduate student. James started off his career in higher education in the division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management as an advisor of a mentoring program that assists minority students in navigating their way through college. Additionally, James has served as a coordinator of a service-learning program which generates over 1000 hours of volunteer hours each semester through facilitating volunteer opportunities for students in their local community. Throughout the experience in higher education, James developed a passion for student mentorship, development and success. In 2016, James transitioned into an academic role in the arena of Academic Affairs, serving as a lecturer/professor for the last six years.

With experience of serving in several higher education roles, James has experience in topics of diversity and inclusion, civic and community engagement, social justice/advocacy, and mentorship for student success. James also has experience in community organizing, with an emphasis in relationship building within communities and resource allocation. Additionally, James has experience in the field of research exploring the health behaviors and disparities of college students and minority populations. As a public health professional, James uses research as an advocacy tool to close the gaps in health disparities and to build cultural competence in the health field.

James received his Bachelors (’13) Masters (’15), and Doctorate (’21) in public health from Georgia Southern University.

Video Bio:

Leadership Green Bay Sponsorship for 2024-2025

Each year, the University sponsors one employee to participate in the Leadership Green Bay program.  This program was established in 1983 by the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce and offers select individuals the unique opportunity to develop leadership skills while enhancing the well-being of the Green Bay area. Program goals include enhancing the participant’s knowledge of the Green Bay community; obtaining a greater awareness of issues that face the Green Bay area; enhancing leadership skills; and making an impact on the Green Bay Community.

The cohort of professionals gather once a month October through May (following an overnight retreat in September) to learn about social issues, challenges, and opportunities facing the Green Bay area, get exposure to relevant leadership education and skills, and become community stewards. Each monthly gathering has a specific focus (from local government to education to the economy), and learners are immersed in a full-day interactive lesson that includes guest speakers, team-building exercises, and networking. The program culminates by participants organizing into teams, identifying social or public opportunities, and working on community projects that are designed to raise awareness of an issue, improve team skills, and effect change. Past projects can be found here. 

All UW-Green Bay employees are eligible to express interest in being considered.  After the deadline, one employee will be selected, and will asked to complete the application materials representing UW-Green Bay.

In order to express interest in participation, please complete the Interest Form. This form should be filled out by the interested employee and will then be electronically routed to their supervisor, the Dean/Division Head, and Area Leader as applicable.  Completed forms must be received in the Human Resources office by Friday, March 22, 2024 for full consideration.

You are also welcome to visit for more information about this program.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Human Resources at (920) 465-2390 or

Save the Date: Resiliency – Looking Back and Looking Forward

Save the Date – 02/29/2024!

Session Description: As we all know, the past few years brought change, transitions, joy and losses. This class will allow you to reflect, learn from your experiences and exhale, as you shift your focus toward the future and on positive growth. This session will be interactive as we will discuss how to move forward while acknowledging what we have experienced.

Topic: Resiliency – Looking Back and Looking Forward
Client: State of WI/ UW Green Bay
Date/Time: 02/29/2024, 3:00 PM


Audio conference:
United States Toll: +1-408-418-9388
Access Code:

Password: tpCYJmj5G25

Meet your Facilitator: Dr. James Thomas

Dr. James Thomas began his career working in higher education over a decade ago as a graduate student. James started off his career in higher education in the division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management as an advisor of a mentoring program that assists minority students in navigating their way through college. Additionally, James has served as a coordinator of a service-learning program which generates over 1000 hours of volunteer hours each semester through facilitating volunteer opportunities for students in their local community. Throughout the experience in higher education, James developed a passion for student mentorship, development and success. In 2016, James transitioned into an academic role in the arena of Academic Affairs, serving as a lecturer/professor for the last six years.

With experience of serving in several higher education roles, James has experience in topics of diversity and inclusion, civic and community engagement, social justice/advocacy, and mentorship for student success. James also has experience in community organizing, with an emphasis in relationship building within communities and resource allocation. Additionally, James has experience in the field of research exploring the health behaviors and disparities of college students and minority populations. As a public health professional, James uses research as an advocacy tool to close the gaps in health disparities and to build cultural competence in the health field.

James received his Bachelors (’13) Masters (’15), and Doctorate (’21) in public health from Georgia Southern University.

Video Bio:

The Academic Staff Professional Development Programming Committee Upcoming Training Opportunities

The Academic Staff Professional Development Programming Committee (ASPDPC) invites all staff and faculty to 2 training opportunities this semester, though priority will go toward academic staff. Registration is required and details are as follows:


Autism Thinking

DATE CHANGE: February 20, 2pm-4pm, online

Autism Thinking” is designed to inform participants of the neurodevelopmental characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Topics include, but are not limited to: Executive Functioning, Context Blindness, Theory of Mind, Central Coherence, Joint Attention, and One-Channel Processing. An understanding of these characteristics and challenges arms participants with the knowledge required to support individuals with ASD in their daily lives (in the classroom, in the home, or in the community). This presentation ends with a discussion of the methods used to support individuals with ASD. These practical tools and strategies will help participants be proactive and confident in their efforts to support individuals with autism in a variety of settings.

Register for Autism Thinking, attendance is limited to 60 participants.


“Mental Health First Aid”

March 21, 8am-3pm, lunch included, in-person, location TBA

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) for Higher Education teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. This training — which focuses on the unique experiences and needs of college students — gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.

Register for MHFA, attendance is limited to 30 participants.


Sent on behalf of the Academic Staff Professional Development Programming Committee (Christopher Ledvina, Daniela Beall, Katie Morois, Lynn Rotter, Pooja Agarwal).

November LinkedIn Learning: World Kindness Day

November 13th is World Kindness Day!

While there are many ways to celebrate, start by picking one week in November to dive into the following LinkedIn Learning videos aimed at cultivating kindness and compassion for yourself and others.

Learn on-the-go!

Use the LinkedIn Learning mobile app to download courses for offline viewing and listen podcast-style while you’re out walking, running errands, or just going for a drive.

Academic Technology Support Specialist

This position reports to the Director of Academic Technology Services and plays a key role in supporting the technological needs of classrooms, conference rooms, and distance education classrooms at the University. This position will provide support for multimedia instructional needs and classroom media including recommending solutions, system configuration and maintenance, troubleshooting and provides training. The Academic Technology Support Specialist assists with planning and installing the audio-visual technologies in all classrooms, labs, and meeting rooms. This position will also provide support for the configuration, installation, and maintenance of campus digital signage solutions.

For more information and full position responsibilities, please see the full position announcement.

To ensure consideration, please submit application materials by Sunday, October 29, 2023.

Save the Date: Components for Great Communication

Save the Date – 11/29/2023!

Kepro-WI is excited to invite you to participate in our upcoming session on Components for Great Communication delivered by subject matter expert, Linda Lattimore, a sought-after professional with years of experience in this topic. Linda Lattimore will give you the opportunity to engage directly with all of your questions and comments will be responded to in a manner which is appropriate for this session. We are excited to bring you this session and are confident that you will find it well worth your time.

Session Description:
Communication is all encompassing, come in a variety of forms, and is incredibly important for personal and professional success. In this class, participants will be equipped with the tools and skills to be a great communicator when making a first impression, utilizing different styles of effective communication, and providing feedback. This is a step-by-step class to improve your communication, so you can be at your very best at work and in everyday life. Remember, success in life starts with communication!

Topic: Components for Great Communication
Client: State of WI/ UW Green Bay
Date/Time: 11/29/2023, 10:00 AM
ID: KEPRO100796


Audio conference:
United States Toll: +1-408-418-9388
Access Code:

Password: YTwJJGcm482

Meet your Facilitator: Linda Lattimore

As a former General Counsel and c-suite executive, Linda Lattimore has worked closely with all functional departments including HR, Finance, Sales, Supply Chain etc. In her role as Chief Compliance Officer, she has been responsible for creating and implementing corporate policies and procedures and global compliance training programs.

An American who lived for many years in Peru and Mexico, Linda is fluent in Spanish, conversant in French and has traveled extensively throughout the world with her work as international corporate counsel. Her skills and experience across regulated industries and geographies enable Linda to articulate and represent the issues that are unique, and distinct, to all stakeholders about the cultures and markets her clients serve.

Linda released her first book, Solutionaries You are the Answer! in 2018 which became an instant best seller.  This book gives individuals a path forward to find purpose driven work.  Her second book, Great-itude, is set to be released in 2023.  Its focus is giving individuals ways to feel valued in a disconnected world through small but meaningful acts of service.

As a well-regarded speaker and educator in the field of Sustained Leadership, Linda is committed to models that recognize the significance of social impact in the New World of Business where stakeholder importance has surpassed shareholder primacy.  The Founder of Cross Sector Institute, Solutionaries Academy and WGN Global Fund, a 501(c)(3) a nonprofit supporting women and teen girls interested in social enterprise as a vehicle for change, she is an active participant in life and a role model to many.

Save the Date: Overcoming Burnout

Save the Date – 10/17/2023!

Kepro-WI is excited to invite you to participate in our upcoming session on Overcoming Burnout delivered by subject matter expert, Linda Lattimore, a sought-after professional with years of experience in this topic. Linda Lattimore will give you the opportunity to engage directly with all of your questions and comments will be responded to in a manner which is appropriate for this session. We are excited to bring you this session and are confident that you will find it well worth your time.

Session Description:
Employees who say they very often or always experience burnout at work are more likely to call out sick, seek a different job, and be less confident and productive. In this class, participants will learn to recognize signs of burnout in themselves and others, as well as the consequences of burnout to their personal and professional lives. Join this interactive session to listen and share strategies for self-care to bring your life back into balance, and the resources to help overcome burnout for you and others.

Topic: Overcoming Burnout
Client: State of WI/ UW Green Bay
Date/Time: 10/17/2023, 2:00 PM
ID: KEPRO100795


Audio conference:
United States Toll: +1-408-418-9388
Access Code:

Password: hqJPMixZ476

Meet your Facilitator: Linda Lattimore

As a former General Counsel and c-suite executive, Linda Lattimore has worked closely with all functional departments including HR, Finance, Sales, Supply Chain etc. In her role as Chief Compliance Officer, she has been responsible for creating and implementing corporate policies and procedures and global compliance training programs.

An American who lived for many years in Peru and Mexico, Linda is fluent in Spanish, conversant in French and has traveled extensively throughout the world with her work as international corporate counsel. Her skills and experience across regulated industries and geographies enable Linda to articulate and represent the issues that are unique, and distinct, to all stakeholders about the cultures and markets her clients serve.

Linda released her first book, Solutionaries You are the Answer! in 2018 which became an instant best seller.  This book gives individuals a path forward to find purpose driven work.  Her second book, Great-itude, is set to be released in 2023.  Its focus is giving individuals ways to feel valued in a disconnected world through small but meaningful acts of service.

As a well-regarded speaker and educator in the field of Sustained Leadership, Linda is committed to models that recognize the significance of social impact in the New World of Business where stakeholder importance has surpassed shareholder primacy.  The Founder of Cross Sector Institute, Solutionaries Academy and WGN Global Fund, a 501(c)(3) a nonprofit supporting women and teen girls interested in social enterprise as a vehicle for change, she is an active participant in life and a role model to many

Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program – Fall 2023

The Division of Continuing Education and Community Engagement is pleased to offer the Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program to any UW-Green Bay supervisor who is seeking professional development. The next cohort for this program begins on September 7, 2023!

Build your leadership skills, fulfill your potential and enhance the capabilities of your department with a program designed to advance careers. Supervisors can complete this program with only $299 in expenses for materials and other items charged to their departmental funds. Supervisors are encouraged to discuss the cost with Division Heads/Area Leaders if funding is a barrier to participation. There is no limit to the amount of supervisors who are able to enroll.

To earn the UW-Green Bay Supervisory Leadership Certificate participants must complete eight courses:

Sept 7 – Core Course: Understanding Your Strengths and the Strengths of Others (1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.)

Sept 25 – Topic Course: Developing an Adaptive Leadership Mindset (1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

Oct 3 – Topic Course: Helping Your Team Achieve Organizational Management (1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

Oct 19 – Topic Course: The Roadmap to High Performing Teams (1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

Nov 2 – Topic Course: Conflict Resolution Rather than Toxic Drama (1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

Nov 16 – Capstone Course:  Developing an Action Plan (1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

Classes will be held on Zoom.

Full course descriptions can be found at this link:

If you have questions about the Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program or would like to enroll, please contact Christopher Ledvina at or (920) 465-2164.

Please visit the Supervisor Toolkit for more information regarding professional development opportunities for supervisors.