2017-2018 Leadership Green Bay Sponsorship


Each year, the University sponsors one employee to participate in the Leadership Green Bay program.  This program was established in 1983 by the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce and offers select individuals the unique opportunity to develop leadership skills while enhancing the well-being of the Green Bay area. Program goals include enhancing the participant’s knowledge of the Green Bay community; obtaining a greater awareness of issues that face the Green Bay area; enhancing leadership skills; and making an impact on the Green Bay Community.

Participants meet one day per month, October through May, following a two-day overnight retreat in September. Programs focus on Green Bay’s local economy, education, local history and heritage, diversity and cultural awareness, human services, government, and environment. In addition, small groups work on projects designed to enhance awareness of community problems, identify systems and methods to effect change, and develop their project management, team, and presentation skills. The groups meet on their own time outside Leadership Green Bay sessions.

All UW-Green Bay employees are eligible to express interest in being considered.  Supervisors are also encouraged to nominate employees for participation in this program. If nominating an employee, please notify this person to determine if they are willing to participate before submitting.  After the deadline, one employee will be selected by the Position Review Committee, and will asked to complete the nomination materials representing UW-Green Bay.

In order to express interest in participation, or to nominate an employee, please complete the Interest Form.  This form should be filled out and signed by the employee, their supervisor, and the Dean/Division Head (if applicable).  Completed forms must be received in the Human Resources office by Friday, February 24th for full consideration.

You are also welcome to visit http://www.titletown.org/programs/leadership/leadership-green-bay for more information about this program.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Human Resources at (920) 465-2390 or hr@uwgb.edu.

ASC – USC Joint Workshop

The ASPDPC and the USPDC will be sponsoring two financial workshops on Thursday, November 16, 2016, in the Christie Theatre.  

Register today for:

“Identity Theft: What YOU Can Do!” *

“Budget Bootcamp – How to Live Debt Free”

The workshops will be presented by Chastity Hartl, Retail Product Specialist at Nicolet National Bank. Chas has been in the financial industry for over 15 years. During this time she has had the opportunity to work with both businesses and non-profit groups to provide education and guidance to hundreds of individuals who were looking to truly understand and take control of their finances. 

“Identity Theft” is scheduled from 10:00AM-11:30AM. 

            *University Staff, this is the same workshop that was presented at the Fall Conference. 

“Budget Bootcamp” is scheduled from 1:00PM – 2:30PM.

The workshops are not ‘tied’.  Feel free to attend either or both.  There is no fee.

Watch your e-mail for a registration link.

Contact Teri Ternes (ternest@uwgb.edu) or Bekky Vrabel (vrabelr@uwgb.edu) with questions.



Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program

Human Resources is pleased to announce the continuation of a certification opportunity targeted to UW-Green Bay supervisors.  The Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program is a collaboration between the Wisconsin Small Business Development Center and Human Resources.  The program is designed to help supervisors build leadership skills, invest in their employees, and advance their department.  Each semester, five supervisors will be selected to begin this program.  Approximately $300 – $400 in expenses for course materials will be charged to the department. If funding is a barrier to participation, supervisors are encouraged to discuss alternative funding options with Division Heads/Area Leaders. Please review the program flyer for more information.

Please complete and submit the Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program Interest Form to your supervisor to express interest in participation. Supervisors should review and complete their portion of the form, and forward to the Area Leader no later than September 16th. Forms will be forwarded to the Position Review Committee for consideration and decisions made on attendees will be communicated to employees and supervisors by late September.

If you applied for the program last year and were wait-listed, there is no need to resubmit an interest form.  Your form will be continue to be included in consideration going forward. If you are no longer interested in participating, please notify HR by e-mailing hr@uwgb.edu

If you have questions about the Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program, please feel free to contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu or (920) 465-2390.

2016 Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program Graduates

IMG_3469Congratulations to the 2016 graduates of the Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program!  The following supervisors have completed the certificate program:

* Michael Gallagher

* Lisa Jackovich

* Ron Kottnitz

* Laurie Rentmeester

The Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program targeted to UW-Green Bay supervisors is a collaboration between the Wisconsin Small Business Development Center and Human Resources.  Participants complete core and elective courses which build leadership skills, invest in their employees, advance their departments, and move their careers forward.  If you have questions about the program, please feel free to contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu or (920) 465-2390.

2016 Fall All-Employee Training Series

You are invited to attend the 2016 Fall All-Employee Training Series, which will take place on September 19th – 23rd!  Come to learn about programs on campus you may not be aware of, discover helpful tips and resources available to you, and become knowledgeable about important campus policies and best practices. You are welcome to attend one, some, or all of the sessions.

Please register and indicate which session(s) you will be attending. These sessions will take place in the 1965 Room, Room 103, and Phoenix B of the University Union.  There is no cost to your department for you to attend.

For more information about the following sessions, please see the 2016 Fall All-Employee Training Series Flyer.

PLEASE NOTE: The time and date of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Training for Supervisors has been adjusted.  It will now be held on Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. in the 1965 Room

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 – 1965 ROOM:

9:30 – 10:30 a.m.                Starting Strong: Examining Student Employee Hiring Practices

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.      Qualtrics User Interface Redesign – Navigating the New Qualtrics Insights

1:30 – 2:30 p.m.                  WISDM/WISER Training

3:00 – 3:45 p.m.                  Introduction to the Updated Personnel Action (PA Form) – This session is applicable to admin support in academic units, department chairs, and PA preparers.



9:00 – 10:00 a.m.                Required Response to Records Requests and Records Management

10:30 – 11:30 a.m.              Purchasing Policy, P-Card, Contracts, and Agreements



9:00 – 10:00 a.m.                E-Reimbursements for Travel

10:30 – 11:15 a.m.              Introduction to the Updated Personnel Action (PA) Form – This session is applicable to admin support in academic units, department chairs, and PA preparers.

1:00 – 2:00 p.m.                  Wading through the MUC(K)



10:00 – 11:00 a.m.              Planned 2 Perfection

1:00 – 1:45 p.m.                  Campus Connection Program

2:00 – 3:00 p.m.                  Affordable Care Act (ACA) Training for Supervisors



10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.      Inclusivity and Equity Certificate Program – Workshop 1

1:00 – 3:00 p.m.                  Inclusivity and Equity Certificate Program – Workshop 2


Click here to register for participation in any of the above sessions.  We hope to see you there!

“The Best Team Wins” Presented by USPDC and ASPDPC

University Staff Professional Development Committee and Academic Staff Professional Development Programming Committee invite all university employees to join them on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 in the Christie Theatre from 1-3 p.m. for “The Best Team Wins” presented by Randy Fox. Randy Fox is a former corporate executive, professional speaker, author and NCAA basketball official that believes success is not a solo effort and that together everyone accomplishes more. This workshop will focus on the power of appreciation, the importance of playing your part, and learning how persistence and overcoming obstacles increase your likelihood of success.

Registration is appreciated by April 25, 2016: http://uwgreenbay.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6nakJjwZryXwPVH

Questions may be directed to the chairs of USPDC and ASPDPC, Teri Ternes (ternest@uwgb.edu) or Jena Richter (richterj@uwgb.edu)

Adventures in Team Building

University Staff Professional Development Committee and Academic Staff Professional Development Programming Committee invite all university employees to join them on Wednesday, March 16, 2016 in the Kress Events Center’s special Events Room from 2-4 p.m. for “Adventures in Team Building” presented by UW System colleague, Ed Richmond. Ed serves as Campus Activities & Recreation Coordinator at UW-Stevens Points. This session will create a positive and fun learning environment through team building exercises. Participants can expect to delve into issues facing higher education and receive takeaways on how to help your specific department communicate more effectively and do more, with less. Because of the team building focus, working teams are encouraged to attend together! Individuals will also gain useful takeaways and have opportunities to meet colleagues from across the university!

Registration is appreciated by March 15, 2016: http://uwgreenbay.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cvBNrVVhktAlPtr

Questions may be directed to the chairs of USPC and ASPDPC, Teri Ternes (ternest@uwgb.edu) or Jena Richter (richterj@uwgb.edu)

Supervising for Success: Effective Management for the UW-Green Bay Workforce

At the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay, we are committed to providing an excellent educational and workplace experience, characterized by innovation, transformation, and place.  UW-Green Bay recognizes the impact that all supervisors have on the quality of work, level of productivity, and work attitude of the employees they direct.  Supervisors contribute greatly towards the growth, loyalty, motivation, retention, team spirit, and development of employees who report to them.

Ongoing training of all UW-Green Bay supervisors is important.  The University offers a program, Supervising for Success: Effective Management for the UW-Green Bay Workforce (formerly called Supervisor Bootcamp) which assists both new and experienced leaders in developing skills that will help them maximize individual and team performance.

The next offering of this full, two-day session will be Wednesday, April 20, 2016 – Thursday, April 21, 2016 in the Alumni A/B Rooms.  Topics that are included in this program include:

  • Legal issues for supervisors
  • Risk management and workers compensation
  • Personnel guidelines and titling
  • Governance structures
  • Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace
  • Position descriptions
  • Recruitment and staffing
  • Orientation and onboarding
  • Performance review, evaluation and employee development
  • Employee relations (conflict and discipline)
  • Communication, coaching, mentoring and motivation

If you are a current supervisor, and have not attended this program within the past two years, please plan to attend.   If you are unable to attend these dates, this program will offered biannually.

Please click here to register.

If you have attended the program in the past or are looking for additional supervisor training and leadership opportunities, UW-Green Bay also sponsors employees for the Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program as part of a collaboration with the Wisconsin Small Business Development Center, and one employee per year for Leadership Green Bay through the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce. Please review these opportunities and if applicable, submit an interest form to your supervisor.

Success through Humor

Register for ‘Success through Humor’

Academic Staff Professional Development Programming Committee and University Staff Professional Development Committee invite the UW-Green Bay campus community to register today for “Success through Humor,” a free professional development opportunity. The program is from 9-11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17 in Phoenix C. Comedian, speaker, trainer, Liysa Callsen will engage attendees with concepts applied from “improv” to:

  • Understand how to actively listen
  • Improve communication by “being in the moment”
  • Understanding the difference between “yes” and “yes, but”

Registration is appreciated. Liysa will have copies of her book Tell ‘em available for purchase at the price of $10. Questions may be directed to Jena Richter, richterj@uwgb.edu

Dealing with Disruption: Safety & Intervention Workshop


Register Today

Date:        Thursday, January 14, 2016

Time:        2 – 3:30 p.m.

Location:  Phoenix Room C

Have you ever been seriously concerned for a student, co-worker, maybe even a friend or family member and been unclear on a course of action? Have you thought of your personal safety and those around you in times of workplace disruption?

Mental health issues, stressful life circumstances, or odd behaviors do exist in our own lives and as part of the campus community regardless of our best efforts to prevent or control them. Dealing with Disruption will help you recognize when to be concerned, what to do, or not do, and who you can call for help.

This professional development opportunity will encourage discussion between you and your officemates on plans of action for personal safety. Please join members from the Counseling and Health Center, Public Safety and the Dean of Students office for this presentation so that you can assist yourself, students and your co-workers. The entire campus community is invited. Registration is appreciated.

This event is hosted by UW-Green Bay’s Academic Staff Professional Development Programming Committee and University Staff Professional Development Committee.