Well Wisconsin Radio: Let’s Talk Reducing Holidays Stress with Aromatherapy

Well Wisconsin Radio podcast discusses topics of health and well-being from experts around the State of Wisconsin.

New Episode: Reducing Holiday Stress with Aromatherapy

Join this episode for an interview with Robin Kourakis, a board-certified aromatherapist and trauma-informed sensory consultant, to discover the science behind aromas and their ability to bring up good or bad memories. The expert shares ideas for using aromatherapy to reduce stress this holiday season and discusses emotional rebalancing. You don’t want to miss this conversation that covers how to safely and effectively use essential oils and holiday aromas to find balance.

Listen HERE!

Wellness Committee: Winter Mindful Challenge

This time of year can be known to be stressful, and chaotic for people as we turn our focus on giving and making sure others needs are met. The Wellness Committee wants you to focus on yourself and reduce your stress. From November 26th to December 23rd be mindful/meditate for at least 10 minutes for at least 3 days a week, during the 4 week span. Use the form below to check off each day you are mindful/meditate, email your completed forms to wellness@uwgb.edu by January 10th to be put in a prize drawing.

Winter Meditation Challenge

Being Mindful/Meditation can help by releasing physical tension held in our bodies, which can help release worries buried in our minds, ease anxiety, stress and low mood. Meditation can even help have a more restful sleep.

Not sure where to begin we got you covered! Here are some resources and helpful tips on how to meditate.

UWGB has a subscription to YOU.uwgb which is sponsored by UW System and available not only for students but faculty and staff as well. You.uwgb has mindful/meditation examples that may help you.

One way to start would be to find a comfortable place to sit, typically cross legged with good posture and closing your eyes and just focus on your breathing.

Some other ways that the Mayo Clinic recommends is:

Walk and Meditate – Can do this when walking anywhere whether it be a path or on busy sidewalks. Have a slow walking pace and focus on each movement with your legs or feet. Focus on sights, sounds, and smells around you.

Read and Reflect – Read poems and take a few moments to reflect on their meaning. You can journal and write your reflections down.

Scan your body – Focus attention on different parts of your body, be being aware of various sensations such as pain, tension, warmth or relaxation.

Meditation apps are available. A free option is Insight Timer

How to meditate for beginners – Mental wellbeing tips – Every Mind Matters – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Meditation: Take a stress-reduction break wherever you are – Mayo Clinic

Well Wisconsin Awards Nomination

Do you think the Wellness Committee is helping you achieve well-being? Please feel free to vote for us in the Well Wisconsin Awards Nomination for Excellence and Innovation Nomination!

Here is the link to put your vote in: Well Wisconsin Awards Nomination Form Survey (surveymonkey.com)

The Wellness Committee was founded in 2012. We do fun well-being challenges throughout the year, this year we had the March Madness Challenge, Summer Bingo Challenge, and the Fall Wellness Challenge.

Thank you to everyone for their support and participation with the Wellness Committee!

Well-Being Resources for Employees

In line with Chancellor Alexander’s email on Tuesday, October 17th, we recognize that this has been difficult few weeks for UW-Green Bay employees and those in higher education across the State of Wisconsin. We acknowledge that this has likely caused stress and uneasiness and would like to provide a reminder that UW-Green Bay has extensive well-being resources available for employees.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is administered through Kepro. Our EAP is a free, confidential service to you, dependents, spouse, and anyone living in your household. Kepro is available 24 hours, 7 days a week with counseling and online services.

Kepro provides up to six in person or virtual visits per person per issue per calendar year. All services are confidential and intended to help with mild to moderate symptoms for various mental health and well-being topics (including but not limited to anxiety, depression, relationship issues, and stress). Kepro also has recorded webinars/videos and other resources available to access.

To log in, visit the website at https://sowi.mylifeexpert.com/.

Company ID: SOWI

Phone number: 833-539-7285

State Group Health Insurance

Employees, spouses, and dependents who are enrolled in the State Group Health Insurance (depending on health insurance plan design) can receive services. Depending on providers and plan there may be out-of-pocket costs for using mental health services through this program.

Using State Group Health Insurance, Kepro provides confidential mental health services directly by your primary care physician or specialist. Services are intended to provide treatment for mild to severe symptoms for various mental health and well-being topics (including but not limited to anxiety, depression, and stress).

Services are covered by the health insurance carrier you selected when you enrolled. Contact your primary care physician for additional information or contact your health insurance carrier to help you locate in-network providers that can assist with mental health services.

Well Wisconsin Program

Employees who are enrolled in the State Group Health Insurance and covered spouses are able to use this program. Services are employer-paid/ there is no cost for using mental health services through this program.

WebMD has certified health coaches who are available for confidential one-on-one conversations to support mild symptoms for various mental health and well-being topics (including but not limited to anxiety, depression, and stress).

Contact WebMD at 800-821-6591

Website: WebMD ONE – Login (webmdhealth.com)

Mental Health

YWCA Week Without Violence

Week without Violence is part of a global movement to end violence against women and girls. Join YWCA the Week of October 16th – 21st.

YWCA Greater Green Bay is committed to prevent gender-based violence in our community. This year they will educate our community and raise awareness that centers around tech-facilitated gender-based violence, such as the use of social media in online harassment and stalking. Learn more about what YWCA does every day and help take action.

Well Wisconsin Radio: Let’s Talk Mental Health

Well Wisconsin Radio podcast discusses topics of health and well-being from experts around the State of Wisconsin.

New Episode: Mental Health with Derek Bell

Listen in as Well Wisconsin Radio observes World Mental Health Day with an interview full of tips for starting conversations around this important topic. They will explore the importance of purpose in mental health and how it contributes to experiencing joy and meaning in our lives. Don’t miss this interview with Derek Bell, Vice President of Solutions and Clinical Operations at VITAL WorkLife. As a nationally recognized expert in the health and well-being field, Derek shares examples of his work experiences enhancing cultures of well-being through promoting gratitude, resilience and joy.

Listen HERE!

Register for Flu Clinic

Protect yourself this flu season by getting your annual flu vaccination!

The Well Wisconsin Program is offering workplace flu clinics.

Flu vaccinations are free and voluntary for all site employees and spouses who are enrolled in the State of Wisconsin Insurance Program.

  • You will be required to present your medical ID card at the flu clinic.
  • After you register for your appointment online, your next step will be to complete the digital consent form.
    • A link to the digital consent form will be available on the appointment confirmation page and in your confirmation email.

DATE: Monday November, 13 2023

TIME: 8:00 a.m to 9:45 a.m

LOCATION: World Unity Room A

The vaccination will protect against the four most likely causes of flu illness during the upcoming season.

The vaccine is preservative-free.

The vaccine is not recommended for the following individuals:

  • Those allergic to eggs or egg product.
  • Those who have an active neurological disorder.
  • Those with a fever, acute respiratory or other active infection or illness.

Preregistration is required. No cash payments or insurance payments accepted. To register for your flue vaccination appointment, log into the wellness portal at webmdhealth.com/wellwisconsin and click “Register Today” on the Flu Vaccination card.

For more information about the flu vaccination, visit cdc.gov/flu.