Skip the Extra Salt

SaltYou may like an extra shake of salt on your meals, but you should know that reducing your sodium intake can also lower your risk for heart disease. Here’s how you can remove salt from your meals:

  • Remove the saltshaker from the table.
  • Don’t add any salt to water when you’re cooking.
  • Try seasoning your food with lemon, lime, herbs, and spices instead of salt.

Here are other ways to pare down your sodium intake today:

  • Choose fresh vegetables and other foods that are fresh whenever possible. Or look for canned or frozen foods without added sauces or salt.
  • Cut back on convenience foods that are typically high in sodium, such as frozen pizza, TV dinners, instant rice mixes, and canned soups.
  • If you must buy packaged or processed foods, check the label first. Whenever possible, choose foods that have less than 100 mg of sodium per 100 grams.
  • Limit salty snacks, such as chips, pretzels, and salted nuts.
  • Eat at home more often to better control your sodium intake.
  • When dining out, request that your meal be prepared with little salt.

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC