The ASPDPC and the USPDC will be sponsoring two financial workshops on Thursday, November 16, 2016, in the Christie Theatre.
Register today for:
“Identity Theft: What YOU Can Do!” *
“Budget Bootcamp – How to Live Debt Free”
The workshops will be presented by Chastity Hartl, Retail Product Specialist at Nicolet National Bank. Chas has been in the financial industry for over 15 years. During this time she has had the opportunity to work with both businesses and non-profit groups to provide education and guidance to hundreds of individuals who were looking to truly understand and take control of their finances.
“Identity Theft” is scheduled from 10:00AM-11:30AM.
*University Staff, this is the same workshop that was presented at the Fall Conference.
“Budget Bootcamp” is scheduled from 1:00PM – 2:30PM.
The workshops are not ‘tied’. Feel free to attend either or both. There is no fee.
Watch your e-mail for a registration link.
Contact Teri Ternes ( or Bekky Vrabel ( with questions.