We have learned that the 2016 HSA employee and employer contributions have NOT been loaded to the employee TASC accounts as of Wednesday, January 13, 2016. 2016 funds are not available for use at this time.  The UW Service Center is working with TASC to fix the issue and HSA funds should be loaded by Tuesday, January 19, 2016.


TASC is transitioning to a new system platform effective January 1, 2016. Therefore the websites for plan years 2015 and 2016 are separate and distinct.

Use the following website for the 2016 plan year:

Please Note: If this is your first time logging into the 2016 TASC system, use the below logic to log in.  You will be prompted to change your password upon first login.

Username: First initial of first name + full last name + date of birth (mmddyy) + last 4 digits of your Social Security Number. Example: jsmith0315815643

Password: Same as username

HSA Transfer Form: Employees who were enrolled in the 2015 HSA and are re-enrolled in the 2016 HSA will have two separate accounts to manage, unless they take action to complete a form to have the two accounts merged.  TASC will be sending a communication to all employees enrolled in a HSA outlining the options available to them.  Participants who would like to have their two accounts merged should fill out this form and send it to TASC:

Please contact Human Resources at (920) 465-2390 or with any questions.