9/11 Memorial Stair Climb

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IMG_3642 IMG_3631 IMG_3633IMG_3638 IMG_3639IMG_3629Thanks to all who helped and participated in the 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb on Monday, September 11th.  About 50 people walked the stairs from the 2nd to 8th floor of the Cofrin Library, including members of the military, Public Safety, Green Bay Metro Fire Rescue, UWGB Swim & Dive Team, firefighters, employees and students.  Members of Vets 4 Vets and Public Safety were on hand and had a table of items displayed, as well as refreshments for walkers, and Wellness Committee members handed out flag pins and provided encouragement to walkers.

See What You Know About Fruits and Veggies

Whether you heard it from your parents, your doctor, a government agency, or any number of media outlets, you are most likely familiar with the fact that fruits and vegetables are good for you. Here’s your chance to show the world (or just yourself) how much you know about the health benefits of produce.Quiz


1. True or false: When a fruit or vegetable has a vivid color that means it’s not as good for you.

2. When you’re prepping fruits and vegetables to eat, which of these precautions should you take to ensure they’re clean and won’t make you sick?

  • A. Wash your hands before handling produce
  • B. Rinse produce with warm water—even if you don’t eat the skin or peel
  • C. Cut away bruised or damaged areas before eating
  • D. All of the above

3. Which of these is not a proven health benefit of eating fruits and vegetables?

  • A. It boosts your mood.
  • B. It strengthens your immune system.
  • C. It improves your hearing.
  • D. It improves your psychological health.

4. True or false: It’s possible that eating fruits and vegetables helps prevent cell damage in your body.


1. False. In fact, vivid colors mean the produce is full of chemicals like carotenoids and flavonoids, which contain good-for-you antioxidants.

2. D—All of the above. If the produce has a firm skin, you should use a scrub brush to clean it.

3. C—It improves your hearing. Sadly, this hasn’t been found. But you should still eat a lot of produce, because the other three health benefits have been proven.

4. True. The antioxidants that are prevalent in produce might help combat a process in your body that triggers cell damage.

Article from The StayWell Company, LLC

On-Site Health Screening on September 14th


Know your numbers!

Register today for the on-site health screening event at UW-Green Bay for employees and their spouse/domestic partner who are enrolled in the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program!

Date: Thursday, September 14, 2017

Time: 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Room: Phoenix Room in University Union

Complete two easy steps by October 20, 2017 to earn the $150* Well Wisconsin incentive:

STEP 1: Get your 2017 health screening** – log in to wellwisconsin.staywell.com and click the Programs tab to register for this event.

  • You’ll be in and out in 20 minutes
  • Screening includes measurements for blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), cholesterol (HDL, LDL and Total), triglycerides and glucose
  • Fasting is not required, but is highly recommended for more accurate results
  • Screening completion will be displayed in the StayWell wellness portal within two business days. Your results will be automatically uploaded to your profile within 10 business days
  • On-site health screenings are confidential, free and voluntary

STEP 2: Complete the StayWell health assessment** at wellwisconsin.staywell.com

It takes about 10 minutes and is mobile and tablet friendly!

NOTE: You must register ahead of time for this health screening – they do not allow walk-ins that day.

If you already completed your health screening this past April, you do not need to complete it again in 2017.  There will be another on-site screening event in April 2018, for the 2018 Well Wisconsin incentive.

Questions? For more information on on-site health screenings or the Well Wisconsin Program, log in to wellwisconsin.staywell.com or email payrollandbenefits@uwgb.edu.

* Those enrolled in Humana’s Medicare Advantage plan or have a postal address outside of the U.S. are not eligible to receive the $150 incentive. The $150 incentive is treated as taxable income and will be reported to your employer.

** Individual health information will never be shared with the employer.

9/11 Memorial Stair Climb



Join local firefighters, students, faculty and staff in memory of the brave souls who lost their lives the day of the attack.  Share your thoughts and memories of the day we swore as a nation to never forget as we climb the stairs of the Cofrin Library in respect to the fallen.

When: Monday, September 11, 2017 at 11 am – 1 pm

Where: Cofrin Library – 2nd to 8th floor stairwell

Vets 4 Vets and Public Safety representatives will be on hand, and there will be military, firefighter, and police related items/memorabilia on display at the plaza area of the library’s second floor.  Representatives from the Wellness Committee will be handing out flag pins to the first 50 people who climb to the 8th floor.

Do you remember where you were on September 11, 2001? Join the conversation on the Vets 4 Vets UW-Green Bay Facebook page and share your thoughts and memories.

Event presented by UW-Green Bay Vets 4 Vets Student Club, Public Safety and the Wellness Committee.

Fit More Fitness Into Your Workday

Moving more at work is easier said than done, especially if your job requires a lot of sitting. But physical activity can be added into the average workday in ways you may not realize.Chair

Take a Stand    

Set an alarm on your phone or computer for every 30 minutes. When it rings, do a two-minute exercise challenge.

2 Minute Challenge Ideas

Exercise can be done almost anywhere at any time at work. Here are some tips to get you off on the right track:

  • Walk in place with high knees
  • Perform arm circles forward for one minute, then backwards for another minute
  • Squats or walking lunges
  • Desk pushups

To gain support, challenge a coworker to perform these exercises together.

Quick Tip: Try changing out your chair. Use a stability ball instead of a chair to challenge your core and improve your posture.

Article from The StayWell Company, LLC

4 Exercise Excuses You Can Overcome


Regular exercise can help you feel better and live longer. So what’s stopping you? No matter your reason, there’s a solution. Get ready to stop making excuses and get going.


Excuse: I hate aerobics­. And weightlifting. And anything else that feels like gym class.

Get past it: Good news: You don’t have to revisit gym class. Studies show that lifestyle activities­ are just as effective as structured exercise programs in improving fitness. So walk the dog, do yard work, run up and down the stairs, or dance to your favorite music. It all counts as exercise.


Excuse: I don’t have time to exercise­.

Get past it:  If you can’t find 30 minutes in a row, break it up. Three different 10-minute activities are just as effective. Or scrub the bathroom for 15 minutes. Now you’ve already met half your exercise goal for the day.


Excuse: I’m too tired to exercise.

Get past it: Yes, it’s hard to get out of that chair. But if you do exercise regularly, you’ll actually feel less tired and have more energy. Studies show you’ll sleep better, too. Just start moving, and you’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll perk up.


Excuse: I’m not at risk for heart disease, so I don’t need to exercise.

Get past it: Actually, by not exercising, you are at risk for heart disease­. An inactive lifestyle also increases your risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, and colon cancer.


Article from The StayWell Company, LLC

August Wellness Webinar: Fitting a Healthy Life in a Hectic Lifestyle


Life can be busy. Filled with meetings, deadlines and family commitments. It’s no wonder that exercise gets put to the wayside and our meals are made at the drive-thru window. This webinar will discuss simple tricks and tips you can use to make healthy living fit into your hectic lifestyle.

Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Time: 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.

Location: Cofrin Library, 7th floor, room 735

No need to RSVP – just mark your calendar to join us, and bring your lunch!

You could also participate in this webinar at your workstation if you prefer – please visit wellwisconsin.staywell.com and go to Webinars to register.

Wellness webinars highlighting various health and well-being topics will take place the 3rd Wednesday of each month. All webinars will be recorded and available to Well Wisconsin Program participants on the wellness portal after the event date.

To access the wellness portal, you must be an employee, retiree, or enrolled spouse/domestic partner enrolled in the State of Wisconsin or Wisconsin Public Employers Group Health Insurance Program.

20 Easy Ways to Get More Exercise

When you think of exercise, you probably picture activities such as jogging, cycling, or lifting weights in a gym. However, exercise can take many different forms. The goal is to spend more time moving. What’s more, your workouts don’t have to last for a full 30 minutes at a time. You can break them up into smaller chunks throughout the day, lasting at least 10 minutes. Here are 20 ways to sneak in more exercise.

  1. Take a walk after dinner every night.WalkingDog
  2. Turn up the music and dance!
  3. Climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator.
  4. Park farther away from buildings so you get in more steps.
  5. Play a sport—join a local team and you’ll get in a workout while making new friends.
  6. Do chores around the house that keep you on your feet.
  7. Walk your dog instead of letting him outside in the yard.
  8. Stand up and walk while taking work calls instead of sitting.
  9. Hit the mall and walk, especially if the weather isn’t ideal for strolling outside.
  10. Work in the yard—rake, weed, plant, or mow.
  11. Skip the car wash and wash your car by hand.
  12. Stay active while watching TV—walk around, jog in place, or do sit-ups.
  13. Find exercise YouTube videos you enjoy doing at home.
  14. Choose family activities that keep you active, such as going to the park, lake, or zoo.
  15. Join your kids and go swimming at the pool.
  16. When it snows, use a shovel instead of a snowblower.
  17. Find an exercise buddy—a friend or family member who can help you stick with your plan, exercise together, and motivate you to live a more active life.
  18. Go hiking at a nearby park.
  19. Walk up and down the sidelines during your kids’ sports games.
  20. Keep hand weights available so you can grab them and do a few reps any time, even while on the phone.

Article from The StayWell Company, LLC

July Wellness Webinar: Debunking Fitness Myths


You know you should move for 30 minutes each day. Or is that 60? And shouldn’t you be lifting weights and stretching, too? But when? This webinar will separate the myths from the facts so you can move toward better health.

Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Time: 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.

Location: Cofrin Library, 7th floor, room 735

No need to RSVP – just mark your calendar to join us, and bring your lunch!

You could also participate in this webinar at your workstation if you prefer – please visit wellwisconsin.staywell.com and go to Webinars to register.

Wellness webinars highlighting various health and well-being topics will take place the 3rd Wednesday of each month. All webinars will be recorded and available to Well Wisconsin Program participants on the wellness portal after the event date.

To access the wellness portal, you must be an employee, retiree, or enrolled spouse/domestic partner enrolled in the State of Wisconsin or Wisconsin Public Employers Group Health Insurance Program.