Benefit Enrollment and Change Period

There are important changes to benefits for 2011 that may require you to take action during the Benefit Enrollment & Change Period.  Even if you are satisfied with your current benefit plans, please take time to read about changes to the benefit plans so you know how you may be impacted and if you need to take any action.

The Annual Benefit Enrollment and Change Period begins on October 4th and ends on October 29, 2010 for most plans.  Watch for an email near the beginning of the enrollment and change period that includes important details about changes to your benefit plans and your enrollment and change opportunities.

The My UW System portal will also have personalized benefit enrollment and change information available in early October.   Please review the UW System Benefit Enrollment and Change period website for details.

You may take the following actions during the benefit enrollment and change period:

• Change health insurance plans

• Change from single to family health insurance or add additional eligible family members to family health insurance (including      married children under age 26 and unmarried children under age 27)

• Enroll in plans that have an open enrollment (vision, dental, EPIC Benefits+)

• Enroll in Employee Reimbursement Account (medical expense and dependent care)

• Cancel vision or dental coverage for the 2011 plan year (must submit application by December 1)

• Remove eligible dependent children ages 19-27 or a domestic partner from benefit plans

Watch for benefit plan changes for 2011:

• Stand-alone dental insurance – there will be a new dental plan, Dental Wisconsin, and Anthem DentalBlue will no longer be available to employees not represented by a union.  Action needs to be taken by these employees to apply for the new dental plan.  Coverage will automatically end on December 31, 2010 for Anthem DentalBlue.

• The EPIC Dental & Excess Medical insurance plan changed its name to EPIC Benefits+ and has added an optional vision insurance benefit to their plan.

• Many over-the-counter drugs will no longer be a reimbursable medical expense under the Employee Reimbursement Account (ERA) program.

• Coverage and benefit levels under the Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance plan will be expanded.

• Premiums for State Group Health and State Group Life Insurance will be deducted one month in advance of coverage.  Premiums are currently deducted two months in advance of coverage so in order to make the change to paying premiums one month in advance, there will be no health or State Group Life Insurance deduction from your November earnings.  Normal premium deductions will resume on your December earnings.

• Married children under age 26 will be eligible for coverage under State Group Health Insurance.

• State Group Health has a new health plan available in several eastern Wisconsin counties- WEA Trust PPP. For more information, please see the 2011 It’s your Choice Decision Guide.

Please e-mail or call 465-2390 if you have any questions.

UWGB Employee Benefits & Wellness Fair

Monday, October 4, 2010

11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Phoenix Rooms – University Union

UW-Green Bay is hosting an Employee Benefits & Wellness Fair to provide employees with the opportunity to learn more information about their benefits.  Mark your calendar to attend!

Refreshments will be served and door prizes will be given out.  Bellin Health will provide blood pressure checks, Aurora will provide skin cancer screenings, and Prevea Clinics will have information available about headaches and diabetes. The following vendors will be available to talk with you:

  • * Ameriprise
  • * Ameritas
  • * Arise Health Plan
  • * Aurora
  • * Bellin Health
  • * Dental Associates
  • * Dreyfus
  • * Epic Life Insurance
  • * ERA
  • * ETF
  • * Health Choice Long Term Care Solutions
  • * Humana
  • * Kress Events Center
  • * Lincoln Financial
  • * Network Health
  • * Prevea Clinics
  • * Social Security
  • * Standard Plan
  • * T. Rowe Price
  • * TSA/WRS Retirement
  • * UWGB Dietetics/Nutrition
  • * UnitedHealthCare
  • * VSP (Vision Care)
  • * WEA Trust
  • * Western Racquet
  • * Wisconsin Deferred Compensation
  • * YMCA of Green Bay

Please e-mail or call 465-2390 if you have any questions.

Fidelity Individual Counseling Sessions

Fidelity is offering individual confidential counseling sessions for you to learn how to make the most of your opportunities to invest for the future.  Whether it’s enrolling in the plan, moving funds from old employer retirement plans, making sure you are on track, or answering basic questions, each session is specially designed to help you become better informed and more confident in planning for your retirement.   Knowing you can reach your retirement goals. That’s retirement readiness.  Please see the Fidelity Investments flyer for details.

 When:   Wednesday, September 15th,  9:00 am to 5:00pm

Where:   University Union Building, Heritage Room #232

 Please join Fidelity Investments for a confidential consultation with your Retirement Counselor, Jim Stair.   To schedule a time, call 1-800-642-7131, OR go to their website at:  to reserve a session for the date above.

Please e-mail or call 465-2390 if you have any questions.

Upcoming WRS Public Presentations: Understanding the WRS and Related Benefits

The Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF) will offer free public presentations on Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) benefits in September, October, and November.  These WRS workshops are valuable opportunities for WRS members, spouses, and other individuals seeking general information on retirement issues and ETF-administered benefit programs. Those considering or planning retirement in the near future are encouraged to attend.

Topics covered during the WRS presentations include:

• Requesting a retirement estimate

• Survivor benefits

• Calculating retirement benefits

• Health and life insurance benefits

• Annuity options

• Beneficiary designations

• Separation benefits

• Statement of benefits

• Taxes

• Additional contributions

 To see available dates and times, please follow this link to the schedule:

Please e-mail or call 465-2390 if you have any questions.

Use of Christmas Floating Holiday for Classified Employees

This year, Christmas Day falls on a Saturday, resulting in a floating holiday.  Please note that a floating legal holiday may be used at any time during the year it is earned.  You must use this floating holiday by December 30, 2010 or it will be forfeited, as it cannot be carried over into 2011.  You may use this floating holiday prior to it being earned on December 25, 2010 and usage of this time will appear as a negative balance on your earnings statement until after the holiday occurs.

Use of a floating holiday should be reported as “Legal Holiday” on your bi-weekly timesheet.

For more information regarding legal holidays, please visit our website.  If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources or Payroll.


Payroll Office, ES 107


Professional Development Seminars

The Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance, and the Office of Human Resources and Affirmative Action are pleased to present two professional development seminars:

Surviving Difficult Conversations

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


The Power of Real Colors®

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 or Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1:00 to 4:00 p.m. 

All UW-Green Bay employees are invited to attend.  Please view the flyer ( Colors and Difficult Conversations.pdf) for additional information, including a detailed description of both professional development opportunities.

If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources.

Office of Human Resources, ES 107


Office of Human Resources Announces Two New Staff Members

Please join the Office of Human Resources in welcoming two new Human Resources Assistants to UW-Green Bay, Jesse Retrum and Ingrid De Coste.

Jesse Retrum joined the HR staff on Monday, June 28.  Jesse is the campus contact for Kronos and is responsible for the student payroll.  He also assists with classified recruitments and answers I-9 Form questions.  Jesse has a degree in Business Administration and previously served as an HR Coordinator for the past three years.  Jesse can be reached at ext. 2839 or email at

Ingrid De Coste joined the HR staff on Tuesday, June 29.  Ingrid assists with unclassified personnel activities such as recruitment, processing of criminal background checks, conducting new employee orientations and visa processing.   Ingrid has a degree in Human Resource Management and brings with her over four years of experience in the HR field.   Ingrid can be reached at ext. 2235 or email at

Earnings Statement Reminder

As a reminder, Earnings Statements will no longer be e-mailed.  Please use the UW System Portal to access this information going forward.  Earning Statements are made available up to three days prior to the pay date.  Below is some additional helpful information regarding the My UW System Portal.

* The My UW System link is available on the Human Resources home page ( under “Employee Quick Links.”

* If you bookmark the My UW System web page, please bookmark to bring you to the web page where you select “University of Wisconsin-Green Bay” (if you bookmark the page after you select your institution, you could get an error message).

* If you have a space in your UWGB network password, you may have trouble logging into My UW System.  If this is the case, you can reset your password.

* At the screen where you select your institution, the Help Desk recommends that you don’t check “Remember Me.”

* The first time you log into My UW System, it may take awhile.  Successive log ins will proceed more quickly.

* If you received a notice that you need to reset your UWGB network password, and don’t reset your password, your My UW System log in may not work.  You would need to reset your password.

* If you need help with logging into My UW System, please contact the UWGB Help Desk at ext. 2309 or

* If you have questions regarding your earnings statements, leave statements and reports, annual tax statements, or benefits statements, please contact ext. 2390 or

Socially Responsible Investing Video Available Online

Scott J. Budde, CFA and Managing Director in TIAA-CREF’s Asset Management Division, presented a Socially Responsible Investing Workshop on May 6, 2010, which was presented via live streaming video conference at UW-Green Bay.

You may view the one-hour SRI Workshop online at

You can also access this presentation under the “What’s New” heading on the UW System TSA Home Page and at the UW System Counseling Web Page.

Please e-mail or call 465-2390 if you have any questions.