T. Rowe Price Retirement Webinar

T. Rowe Price, one of the investments companies in the UW TSA 403(b) Program, has made available the recorded webinar Retirement Investing from Beginning to End (http://www.wisconsin.edu/hr/benefits/retsav/trpwebinar.htm).  This 22-minute program is a comprehensive presentation that explains asset classes, reviews the concepts of risk and return, and helps employees make the most of their investment choices.   The plan’s investment options are profiled using market capitalization, investment style, and geographic characteristics.

Please take advantage of the opportunity to view this free webinar which will be available until 6/30/2012.

Please contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu or ext. 2390 if you have any questions.

T. Rowe Price Live Webinars

T. Rowe Price Live Webinars — Weeks of February 6 and February 13

T. Rowe Price will offer two live webinars this spring semester – Retirement Investing from Beginning to End and Retirement Milestones – both at various times. These are live presentations over the web, and there will be time for you at ask questions and get your questions answered. You may sign up and watch the presentations on your own computer. Listen to the audio portion on the telephone.  Registration Link – Web Meetings: http://rpstrowepricereg32.fugent.com.

Retirement Investing from Beginning to End – This 40-minute program is a comprehensive presentation that explains asset classes, reviews the concepts of risk and return, and helps employees make the most of their investment choices. The plan’s investment options are discussed and profiled using market capitalization, investment style, and geographic characteristics.

Retirement Milestones – This 30-minute interactive program is designed for active plan participants age 50 and older. However, employees younger than age 50 may find the webinar interesting. Topics such as retirement savings progress, retirement income calculations, and age 50+ milestones are discussed in this program. Retirement milestones reviewed in this program include age 50 catch-up contributions, age 55 and separate service options, and Social Security and Medicare eligibility dates.

Monday, February 6 – Investing, 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

Tuesday, February 7 – Investing, 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

Wednesday, February 8 – Milestones, 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 9 – Milestones, 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

Monday, February 13 – Milestones, 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday, February 14 – Milestones, 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

Wednesday, February 15 – Investing, 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 16 – Investing, 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

The UW System Enroll in the TSA Program website helps you through the enrollment process and provides links to online enrollment. The UW TSA 403(b) Question and Answer Guide is a list of frequently asked questions and describes the Program in detail.

Please contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu or ext. 2390 if you have any questions.

New ETF Retirement Video

New ETF Video: When Should I Retire?
Wisconsin Retirement System members planning to retire at the end of a year often question whether their initial benefit would be higher if they instead waited until the beginning of the next year. There is no “one-size-fits-all” answer. This presentation provides a detailed explanation that will help determine the best time to retire. There is a 10-minute introduction applicable to all members and four 8-minute individual chapters – view the one based on your personal circumstances. A printable reference document is also available.

View When Should I Retire?

Employee Trust Funds website: http://etf.wi.gov

Please contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu or ext. 2390 if you have any questions.

2012 TSA 403(b) Contribution Maximum

UW Tax Sheltered Annuity 403(b) Program Update

The Internal Revenue Service has announced the 2012 contribution maximums for the Tax Sheltered Annuity Program.

For 2012 University of Wisconsin employees may contribute a maximum of $17,000 to the Tax-Sheltered Annuity 403(b) Program. Employees age 50 and over can contribute an additional $5,500 for a total of $22,500. If you have 15 years or more of service with the UW, you may have an additional “catch-up” opportunity.  For more information, please see the announcement: pdf document on the 2012 limits, and the web page on TSA limits at http://www.uwsa.edu/hr/benefits/retsav/limits.htm.

Please contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu or ext. 2390 if you have any questions.

TIAA CREF Counseling Sessions

TIAA CREF is offering individual and confidential counseling sessions where you can discuss your financial situation with a TIAA CREF consultant.  They will be able available to help you achieve your financial goals by investing in financial solutions and help simplify your retirement planning.

When:            Monday, November 21, 2011, 9:45am – 5:00pm

                       Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 8:15am – 12:45pm

Where:           University Union Building, Wequiock Room, #101A

Don’t miss this opportunity — schedule a confidential consultation with your TIAA CREF representative, Chad Stein.   To schedule a time, call 1-866-843-5640  Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 8:00pm (EST).

Please contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu or ext. 2390 with questions.

Wisconsin Deferred Compensation Sessions

Scott Schewe, a representative from WDC, will be available to meet individually with employees regarding their current WDC enrollment and for those interested in learning more about the program and planning for retirement by investing before tax dollars.

When:   Thursday, November 3rd, 8:00 am to 4:30pm

Where:   University Union Building, Wequiock Room #101A (lower level)

To schedule a meeting with Scott, call the WDC Office in Madison at 1-608-241-6604.

Please contact Human Resources at ext. 2390 if or via e-mail at hr@uwgb.edu you have any questions.

Year-End Information for Classified Employees

**Important information regarding vacation carry over, compensatory time, and personal & floating holidays**

Please be advised: Employees eligible to utilize the Annual Leave Conversion Option will receive written notification of this by the end of November.

Attention Classified Employees and their Supervisors:

UW-Green Bay requires that vacation for classified employees be taken in the calendar year in which it is earned.  It is UW-Green Bay’s practice to allow up to 40 hours of vacation to be carried over into the following year, if approved by the employee’s supervisor.  A request to carry over more than 40 hours of vacation must be approved by Human Resources.  Any vacation carried over from 2011 into 2012 must be used by June 30, 2012.

Please complete the Vacation Carry Over Request Form (http://www.uwgb.edu/hr/documents/2011ClassifiedVacationCarryOverRequestForm.pdf)

ONLY if requesting to carry over more than 40 hours of vacation into 2012.

Requests must be submitted to HR, ES 107, no later than Friday, December 9, 2011.  A scanned, signed copy of the form may be e-mailed to hr@uwgb.edu in lieu of a hard copy submission.

If a new employee completes his or her original probationary period between July 1 and December 31, 2011, all vacation may be carried over (without supervisor or HR approval).  However, the leave must still be used by June 30, 2012.

In-so-far as possible, all 2011 Compensatory Time earned should be used by December 30, 2011.  Under exceptional circumstances, approval to carry unused compensatory time into 2012 may be granted by the immediate supervisor.  All 2011 compensatory time must be used by April 30, 2012 or it will be paid.

Personal holiday hours may not be carried into 2012 and if not used by December 30, 2011 will be forfeited.  Also, please remember that Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve both fall on a Saturday, resulting in two floating holidays.  You must use these floating holidays by December 30, 2011 or they will be lost.

Please visit the Legal Holidays section of our website to view 2012 Legal Holiday dates.

Please contact Human Resources at x 2390 if or via e-mail at hr@uwgb.edu you have any questions or concerns.

Benefits Enrollment and Change Period

Annual Benefit Enrollment and Change Period October 3 – 28, 2011

There are important changes to benefits for 2012 that may require action to be taken during the Benefit Enrollment and Change Period that begins October 3, 2011 and ends October 28, 2011 for all participating plans.  All changes made during this period will be effective January 1, 2012.  Detailed information is available on the UW System Benefit Enrollment and Change website www.uwservice.wisc.edu/2012, as well as the fall enrollment flyer: http://www.uwgb.edu/hr/documents/FallOpenEnrollmentFlyer.pdf.

New this October – Make Your Benefit Elections Online:  This the first year that we are eligible to make our benefit elections online through HRS self-service.  Beginning on October 3rd, we may use self-service by logging into My UW System and going to the Benefit Information module and clicking on the Open Enrollment link.  Please refer to the Open Enrollment Quick Start Guide and the Open Enrollment Knowledge Base document for additional information.

If elections are not made through HRS self-service, employees will need to submit paper applications to the UW-Green Bay Human Resources office.

The Following Benefit Plans Will Offer Enrollment and/or Change Opportunities October 3 – October 28

  • State Group Health Insurance – see the It’s Your Choice Decision and Reference Guides for details:  http://etf.wi.gov/members/benefits_state_health.htm
  • Dental Wisconsin Dental Insurance
  • EPIC Benefits+ (graduated dental benefits if you enroll during special enrollment)
  • VSP Vision Insurance
  • Anthem DentalBlue Dental Insurance (change period only)
  • UW Employees, Inc. Life Insurance
  • Individual and Family Group Life Insurance (annual increase period only – no new enrollments)
  • Employee Reimbursement Account (ERA) Program – you cannot use HRS self-service to enroll in ERA – you must use Fringe Benefit Management Company’s online enrollment process available at: http://www.myfbmc.com

Important Benefits Changes for 2012

  • State Group Health Insurance – true open enrollment period (can enroll if not currently enrolled); implementation of 10% coinsurance for non-preventive services (up to an annual maximum)
  • Anthem DentalBlue: change period only – no new enrollments allowed for 2012.  Plan will no longer be available in 2013.
  • EPIC Benefits+: removed excess medical benefit; added Surgery & Hospital benefit
  • Change to Adult Child Eligibility: adult children will be eligible for coverage under health, vision, dental and Benefits+ until the end of the month in which they turn age 26 (they were previously eligible until the end of the month in which they turned 27).
  • Employee Reimbursement Account (ERA) program:  the coinsurance that you pay under State Group Health Insurance for eligible services qualifies for reimbursement under the ERA program.
  • Change to Coverage End Date:  coverage under all benefit plans, except State Group Life Insurance, will end at the end of the month in which you terminate employment or retire.

Some of the Actions That May Be Taken During the Benefit Enrollment and Change Period Include:

  • Change health insurance plans and enroll in health insurance if not currently enrolled.
  • Change from single to family health insurance or add additional eligible family members to family health insurance.
  • Enroll in plans that have an enrollment opportunity.
  • Increase Individual and Family Life Insurance coverage if already enrolled.
  • Add or remove vision insurance from EPIC Benefits+ if already enrolled.
  • Cancel health, vision, dental or EPIC Benefits+ coverage for 2012.
  • Remove eligible dependent children ages 19-25 or a domestic partner from benefit plans.

Do not delay.   All benefit elections must be submitted by 4:30p.m., Friday, October 28, 2011.  Remember, the Benefit Enrollment and Change Period is typically the only time during the year when you are eligible to make benefit plan changes unless you have a life event (marriage, birth, divorce…) that allows you to add or change benefits.

Please contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu or ext. 2390 with questions.

Fidelity Counseling Sessions


Fidelity Investments is offering individual and confidential counseling sessions where you can discuss your financial situation with a Fidelity consultant.  Consultations are meant for participants to review their current retirement plan, investment strategy, or discuss ways in which Fidelity can help along the road to retirement.

When:  Tuesday, October 4, 2011 9:00am-11am, 2pm-5pm

Where:  Mary Ann Cofrin Hall (MAC) 201

To schedule a confidential consultation with your Fidelity Investments representative, Andrias Campbell, call 1-800-642-7131 or go to www.fidelity.com.

Please contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu or ext. 2390 with questions.

Benefits & Wellness Fair

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Phoenix Rooms – University Union

UW-Green Bay is hosting an Employee Benefits & Wellness Fair to provide employees with the opportunity to learn more information about their benefits.  Mark your calendar to attend!

Refreshments will be served and door prizes will be given out.  Aurora will have “Nutrition Wheel of Fortune” and Body Mass Index (BMI) checks. The following vendors will be available to talk with you:

  • Ameriprise
  • Ameritas
  • Arise Health Plan
  • Aurora
  • Bay Care Clinic
  • Bellin Health
  • Dental Associates
  • ETF
  • Health Choice Long Term Care Solutions
  • HRS eBenefits Team
  • Humana
  • Lincoln Financial
  • Network Health
  • Standard Plan
  • UnitedHealthCare
  • VSP (Vision Care)
  • WEA Trust
  • Western Racquet
  • Wisconsin Deferred Compensation

Please e-mail benefits@uwgb.edu or call 465-2390 if you have any questions.