Form I-9: Troubleshooting Access on Certain Browsers

When accessing the I-9 form from or directly from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services at, you may experience issues with the form opening properly.  Below are suggested troubleshooting steps to open a fillable I-9 form.

The fillable I-9 form runs on the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.  Please be sure you have the most current version of installed on your PC and that you are using Internet Explorer.  If you are unable or prefer using a different Internet browser, you will need to follow the steps below to access the I-9 form.


Go to  After clicking on the I-9 link to open the form, there should be a dialogue box in the lower, left-hand corner of the screen that says “I-9.pdf open with ^.”  Click on the arrow and select “Always open with system viewer.”

This should fix the issue for any future attempts to open the form.


From either one of the websites noted above, after clicking on the I-9 link to open the form, there should be a dialogue box that says “You have chosen to open.” Select the option “Open with Adobe Acrobat DC.”

As of now, it appears that the form will open by making this selection but will require you to follow the same steps for future attempts to open the form.

If you’re experiencing issues not noted here, please report those findings to Jenny Charapata, Human Resources Assistant, or extension 2326.

I-9 Form Compliance Training

Human Resources recently held three training sessions related to the updated I-9 form. There have been several changes, including new requirements on how to complete various parts of the form.  In order to remain in compliance with USCIS guidelines, most incorrect/incomplete I-9s must be returned to the department for editing and then returned to Human Resources before a new hire can be processed.

If you were unable to attend one of those sessions but would like to receive training, including how to access and complete the new “smart” I-9 form, please contact Jenny Charapata in Human Resources at  or 920-465-2326.


University Staff Performance Evaluations

The new year is upon us and with it begins the University Staff performance evaluation process for 2016. Supervisors should initiate the annual review process with University Staff within the next couple of weeks.

Annual performance evaluations are a key component to employee performance and development and provide employees and their supervisors an opportunity to discuss job performance, set goals for professional development, establish objectives for contributing to the department’s mission and discuss expectations and accomplishments.

Please review the presentation on Managing and Evaluating Employee Performance to familiarize yourself with this process and your responsibilities. If you would prefer an in-person training session on this topic, please contact


Per Operational Policy TC4, and any all compensation adjustments must be based upon merit and employee performance.  Any future pay adjustments will be based upon satisfactory performance.

In an effort to facilitate timely completion, evaluations are due by Friday, March 24, 2017.

Please note that annual performance evaluations are not required for individuals who have had a probationary review on or after July 1, 2016 or for new employees that have been hired since this date. Contact Human Resources if you have any questions about the University Staff performance evaluation process.

Student Employee of the Year Nominations

seoty2017Now’s a great time to nominate for Student Employee of the Year (SEOTY)!

The Student Employment Office is seeking nominations for the 2017 SEOTY competition.  Take advantage of the break between semesters to write a nomination for an outstanding student employee.  Applications are evaluated based on reliability, professionalism, quality of work, initiative, and uniqueness of contribution.  A special ceremony to recognize nominees and award winners will be held April 10, 2017.  Learn more about the program at  All nominations (forms available at are due to the Student Employment Office (SS1100) by February 17, 2017.  Please contact Allen Voelker ( or 920/465-2556) with any questions.


Employee Spotlight: Gail Trimberger

gail-trimberger-jan-2017Position at UWGB: Associate Professor of Social Work and MSW Program Chair

Summary of what you do: Teach courses in the Social Work Program and provide administrative oversight of the MSW Program

How long have you been employed: since 2008

Brief history of employment with UWGB: Started as a visiting lecturer with the Social Work (SW) program in 2008. Started my doctorate in 2009. That led to a tenure-track, assistant professor position with the SW Program. I received tenure and promoted to Associate Professor in 2015. I was interim chair of the SW program from 2014-2015 and became MSW Program Chair in 2015.

Three words that describe you: My family offered these three words to describe me: Compassionate, Hard-working, Humble

Personal interests: Fitness, family, gardening, snowmobiling, water skiing

Any favorite line from a movie? “In case I forget to tell you later, I had a great time tonight.” (Spoken by Julia Roberts to Richard Gere in Pretty Woman)

Are you messy or organized? Very organized on the outside. Somewhat messy on the inside (including my desk drawers.)

If you could interview one person (dead or alive) who would it be?  My Great-great Aunt Myrtle Brooke (1872-1948) who is nationally recognized as a pioneer for the Social Work Profession.

If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? Breakfast Skillet and black Coffee!

If you were an animal what would you be? A giraffe…strong, flexible, creative, tenacious

Motto or personal mantra? I am what I am (said Popeye the Sailor man)

Top 3 life highlights? Finding and marrying my husband, having 2 children and raising them to be beautiful adults, achieving my doctorate in the middle of my life

What do you like most about your job? My colleagues and our students

What tv show/movie are you ashamed to admit you love? Sappy Christmas movies

What’s the one thing, you can’t (don’t want to ever) live without? My family

I-9 Training Session

Our office will be holding three (3) training sessions on the updated I-9 form during January. We strongly encourage everyone who works with I-9’s to attend one of these sessions. We will be going through the I-9 form box by box online letting you know exactly what to fill in and how to utilize the tools that the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has built into the form for accuracy.

All training sessions will be held in the 1965 Room in the University Union. The dates and times are as follows:

  • Thursday, January 5, 2017 from 10 am to 11 am
  • Monday, January 9, 02017 from 2 pm to 3 pm
  • Wednesday, January 11, 2017 from 10 am to 11 am

Please sign up for the session that works best for you using this link to our Qualtrics survey: We will send an outlook calendar reminder two days prior to each session but please make sure to note which time you sign up for.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to me or our office. As you all know we do have to send I-9’s back if they are filled out incorrectly or are missing information before entering new appointments. The deadline to begin using the new I-9 form is 1/21/17, but we would like everyone to start using the new version of the form as soon as possible. The I-9 Form on our HR Website has been updated for a few weeks now as well, so please begin using that version if you have not already.

Deadlines for Employee Reimbursement Account and Health Savings Account


If you have a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA), please read the following information.

  • Expense Deadline –  For the 2016 benefit period, you must incur all eligible expenses by December 31, 2016.
    • Health Care FSA allows for up to $500 to carry over to the following plan year
    • Dependent Day Care FSA does not allow any carry over, funds must be used within plan year
  • Reimbursement Request Deadline – Reimbursement requests for the 2016 benefit period must be submitted to TASC no later than March 31, 2017.
  • Substantiation Deadline – All TASC Card transactions must be substantiated by December 31, 2016. Examples of acceptable documentation include an itemized statement, detailed receipt, or an Explanation of Benefits (EOB). Expenses not substantiated by the deadline will be ineligible and repayment will be required. Wages may be garnished for repayment.

To access your TASC Online account, visit the TASC Landing Page. For assistance, please call TASC Customer Care at 1-844-768-3947. 

TASC Card & New Participant Materials

If you are a current TASC participant, you can continue to use your unexpired TASC Card for the 2017 benefit period. If you newly enrolled during the recent It’s Your Choice open enrollment period, your card and new participant materials should arrive by the end of December.

TASC Benefits Mobile App

Save time and paperwork with the TASC Benefits Mobile App.

  • Access account(s) 24/7
  • Available balances always up to date
  • Submit reimbursement requests or substantiate your claim(s)
  • View charts summarizing account(s) and elections

To download the TASC Benefits Mobile App, visit the iOS App Store or the Google Play (for Android users) and search for “eflex Benefits”.

Please contact us at or (920) 465-2390 if you have any questions.

Reminder: Update Your Address by January 6, 2017, for W-2 Tax Form Distribution

Make sure your current address is up-to-date for the 2016 W-2 Tax Form distribution. In late January 2017 your W-2 Form will be sent via U.S. mail to your home address in the MyUW portal.

To ensure your W-2 Form is sent to your preferred address, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the MyUW portal.
  2. Review your current home address in the ‘Personal Information’ module.  If this is not your preferred address for W-2 Form distribution, update your mailing and/or home address.
  3. To update your address, click on the ‘Update my Personal Information’ link in the ‘Personal Information’ module. For additional instructions on updating your address, visit:
  4. Update your address by the January 6, 2017 deadline.

In addition to the hard copy W-2 Form that you will receive, an online copy of your W-2 Form will be available in the MyUW portal in the ‘Payroll Information’ module, ‘Tax Statements’ tab in late January.

Changing your address in the portal for W-2 distribution may not change your address for all of the benefit plans in which you are currently enrolled. For instructions on how to change your address for all of your benefits, visit: Change Your Name or Address.

If you have questions, contact Human Resources at (920) 465-2390 or

Faculty and Staff Giving Drive!







The Faculty and Staff Giving Drive is underway!

You can get involved by making a contribution to support students and programs at UW-Green Bay. To make your donation, visit the online giving site  or submit the pledge form provided in the Faculty and Staff Giving packet received through interoffice mail.

Support of the Brown County United Way is also encouraged through the Faculty and Staff Giving Drive. A personalized email has been sent with more information about how to contribute to the important causes the United Way supports. If you have questions about United Way giving, contact Rick Warpinski, or ext. 2090. We hope you will get involved!

StayWell New Administrator for Well Wisconsin Program

Starting in January 2017, the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program will be contracting with StayWell to bring us the Well Wisconsin Program.  The steps to earn the $150 incentive will be the same, but it’ll be easier to earn the incentive, and the deadline for submitting a request for the incentive will be moved up.  More details will be mailed out in early 2017, including how to access the StayWell web-portal.  The StayWell web-portal will contain the Well Wisconsin health survey, provider forms for health screenings, and resources and tools for getting and staying healthy.