9/11 Memorial Stair Climb

ThreeOfficers Military IMG_7511 IMG_7510 IMG_7509 IMG_7507 IMG_7501Thanks to all who helped and participated in the 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb on Tuesday, September 11th.  About 35 students, employees, community members, area protective services representatives, and members of the military walked the stairs from the 2nd to 8th floor of the Cofrin Library.

Thank you to Tony Decker and Dave Jones of Public Safety, as well as representatives of UWGB ROTC and Vets 4 Vets for sharing military and protective services items for display, being on hand during the event, and putting up the posters on each level which served as a poignant reminder.  Thank you also to Elaina Koltz and Lisa Schmelzer for handing out flag pins and providing encouragement to walkers, and to the Wellness Committee for providing refreshments.

Summer Yoga Challenge Wraps Up

This summer, 12 employees completed the Yoga Challenge by attending free yoga classes at the Kress Events Center over the lunch hour. Thank you to Alex Reichenberger, Fitness Coordinator (and excellent Yoga Instructor!) at the Kress, for coordinating this challenge!  The employees who completed this challenge will select an incentive prize, compliments of the Department of Employee Trust Funds wellness grant!

Do you have any ideas for another Wellness Challenge?  Please email wellness@uwgb.edu with your ideas or comments.


9/11 Memorial Stair Climb

StairsFlagJoin local protective services representatives, students, and staff to walk the Cofrin Library stairwell in memory of the brave souls who lost their lives the day of the 9/11 attacks. The four attacks killed almost 3,000 people and injured over 6,000 others.

When: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 11 am – 1 pm

Where: Cofrin Library – 2nd to 8th floor stairwell

ROTC, Vets 4 Vets and Public Safety representatives will be on hand, and there will be military, firefighter, and police related items/memorabilia on display at the plaza area of the library’s second floor.  Representatives will be handing out flag pins to the first 50 people who climb to the 8th floor, and refreshments (granola bars, fruit infused water and fruit) will be available too!

Event presented by UW-Green Bay ROTC, Vets 4 Vets Student Club, Public Safety and the Wellness Committee.

Tense up to relax today

Stress is often written all over your body: Your brow is furrowed, your lips are pursed, your shoulders are up by your ears, and your back is hunched. Using a method called progressive relaxation helps release tension throughout your body, inducing a more relaxed state. You can practice this technique by tensing one muscle group at a time for ten seconds and then letting it go. If you’re pressed for time, try this quickie version that tackles all muscle groups at once today:

  • Sit or lie comfortably.
  • Clench both fists, bend both arms, tense your biceps and legs, close your eyes, scrunch your face, bring your shoulders up to your ears and tense your stomach muscles.
  • Hold for about five seconds and then release, letting go of the tension and allowing all of your muscles to go limp.

As you do this, keep the idea of relaxation in the forefront of your mind.

Rely on friends. Make sure you have a strong support system of friends and family who can help you when you’re stressed. Talking with someone you trust about your stress can help you work through it. Without the support of others, stress can be even worse.

Remember, you can’t tackle everything at once. If you take things one task at a time, one day at a time, you’ll see progress and feel less stress.

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC


Take a moment to look around and be inspired

LeavesMany of us spend a good amount of time on autopilot. If you’ve ever driven somewhere only to realize you don’t remember much of your trip, you know that it’s easy to “space out.” Making an effort to become more mindful can help you focus on what you’re experiencing in the moment.

The next time you feel overwhelmed or distracted today, take a few minutes to look around and notice things that inspire you. Maybe you’ll see a bush that’s fully in bloom, or a bright red cardinal against the leafy green of a tree. Maybe you’ll notice someone holding the door for a stranger or spot a person with a colorful or quirky fashion sense. Even your workplace has something you may find inspiring—a screensaver of a beautiful waterfall or the smile of a co-worker. A little inspiration can go a long way.

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC


Start Small with Self-Care Today

LaughTeaIf time is holding you back from self-care, start small. Schedule 20 minutes today for meditation, a mind-body practice that promotes calmness. All you need is a quiet location, a comfortable posture, your focused attention, and an open attitude. Once there, ask your body what it needs. An intense workout? A good laugh? Find the revitalization methods that work for you. Start by trying one of these techniques:

  • Write a gratitude list. Write down at least one thing each day that was good. Even if it’s as simple as getting out of work 20 minutes early, document it as something that enhanced your outlook.
  • Sing in the shower. Research suggests that singing promotes self-expression, stress reduction, better mental health, spirituality, and feelings of empowerment.
  • Schedule a phone date with a friend. Friends near and far make life more enjoyable and provide support in times of need. And just as you may need a friend to talk to, it can be equally rewarding to lend an ear.
  • Try laughter yoga. Laughter yoga combines yoga breathing exercises with laughter, which increases the level of oxygen in the brain and body. Participants report enhanced feelings of self-belief, positive energy, and distraction from negative thoughts.
  • Have herbal tea for dessert. A mug of unsweetened tea every night after dinner may be a nice way to unwind and relax without adding extra calories and sugar.
  • Breathe in essential oils. Aromatherapy uses essential oils to make you feel better physically and emotionally. Try peppermint or rosemary to boost your energy, chamomile to help you sleep, or lavender to reduce anxiety.

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC

Shake up your routine today!

Outdoor fitness class

Do you keep seeing a “free trial membership” ad for your local gym or park district? If so, it’s time to give it a try. Many gyms offer at least one free personal training session for new members, too. Take advantage of freebies to help change up your routine. You never know, you might find something you enjoy! And keep your eyes peeled for deals on free fitness classes and other activities. From CrossFit to Pure Barre to high-intensity interval training, you’ll find that new facilities often offer free promotions to help draw business. Now is the perfect time for that boxing, yoga, or salsa aerobics class you’ve always wanted to take. Sign up today!

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC

Did you know that there are free fitness classes at Green Bay parks this summer, like yoga, Zumba, Tai Chi, HIIT, cardio sculpt, Buttz & Gutz, and aqua fitness?  Check out the class schedule and give something new a try: http://greenbaywi.gov/DocumentCenter/View/2889/FIT-in-the-Parks-2018-Schedule-PDF?bidId= 

Eat fruit before bed today

No, we’re not messing with you. If you don’t believe us, believe the National Sleep Foundation, which reports that eating certain fruits may help you fall Kiwiasleep faster and wake up less often.

The key ingredient here is a hormone called melatonin, which helps regulate your sleep/wake cycle. When you eat foods that have a lot of melatonin, you may sleep more soundly. And, lucky you, some of the foods that contain melatonin include delicious fruits like tart cherries, bananas, pineapple, and oranges.

If you’re looking for something even more specific, try eating kiwi. A study showed that eating two kiwis before bed can increase your sleep duration by an hour over the course of a month if you have insomnia. And since kiwis taste like candy, you’re getting a double dose of goodness—deliciousness and slumber!

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC

Power down electronics early today

Why wake up your brain before you go to sleep? Most experts recommend turning off your phone, computer, tablet, and television one to two hours before bedtime. In today’s hyper-engaged age, it’s tempting to unwind by snuggling into bed with Facebook or a favorite TV show in your hands. But the mental activity involved in playing games or catching up on email keeps your brain awake. Plus, while your phone’s screen is certainly smaller than the sun or an overhead light, even small electronic devices emit enough light to miscue the brain and promote wakefulness. The light restrains the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep/wake cycle, which makes it harder to fall and stay asleep. Tonight, ban the gadgets from your bedroom and unwind with a warm bath or a good old-fashioned book instead!

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC
