Please click on the following link to view the new TSA Investor newsletter: This newsletter is being made available earlier than usual to announce an increase in the TSA fee.
In this newsletter, you will find articles regarding the following topics:
* TSA fee increase
* TSA program services the University provides
* New low-cost TIAA-CREF mutual fund share classes for UW employees
* Fidelity funds with K (institutional) share classes
The TSA fee is being increased from $9.00 to $15.00. The last fee increase was in 1999. At that time, the $6.50 fee from 1995 was increased to $9.00. We have been able to hold the fee to $9.00 for the past 12 years, but inflation and increased costs have necessitated the increase. If you have already paid the $9.00 fee, you will only be charged the difference of $6.00.
Please e-mail or call 465-2390 if you have any questions.