Intro to Shared Governance Program
Friday, April 24 at 2:00 PM in the Christie Theatre
All Academic Staff are encouraged to attend this introduction (or refresher) run through about shared governance and how and why you should get involved. Then stick around for the Academic Staff Spring Assembly at 3:00 PM.
Brought to you by the AS Professional Development Programming, AS Leadership and Involvement Committees and Human Resources
Beyond Diversity: Generations in the Workplace by Theresa Zimmerman
Wednesday, May 27 10-12 PM in Alumni A/B
Managers of today are required to lead in a rapidly transforming world of work. The world has gotten smaller, globalization has taken hold and demographics continue to shift. Remaining resilient during this century and beyond will require a fresh perspective blending multiple generations and cultures. This workshop will take participants beyond the traditional concept of diversity.
Sponsored by the AS and US Professional Development Programming Committees