Are you using the right benefit ID card when you see your doctor, pick up a prescription, visit the dentist, or get your eyes checked? Make sure you have your ID cards prior to needing them. Then, be sure to use the right ID card to save you time and prevent issues later.
State Group Health Insurance ID Card
Present your health insurance ID card for the following visits including telehealth, virtual, office, urgent care, emergency room, and any other visit/appointment that involves healthcare services.
If you did not receive your ID card or need to request a new one, contact your health insurance carrier directly. The phone numbers for the health insurance carriers are listed in the Health Benefits Decision Guide (page 18).
Pharmacy Benefits ID Card
If you are enrolled in the State Group Health Insurance Program, you will have a separate ID card to use for pharmacy benefits. Navitus administers the pharmacy benefits. Present your Navitus ID card when you:
- Visit a pharmacy to pick-up your prescriptions or
- Request prescriptions through mail order
Go to the Navitus website to request or print a new ID card or contact Navitus at (866) 333-2757 to request a new ID card.
Uniform and Supplemental Dental Insurance ID Cards
Delta Dental administers the Uniform Dental and Supplemental Dental Insurance plans. There are separate ID cards for the Uniform Dental and Supplemental Dental Insurance plans. Present both ID cards at your dental appointments if you are enrolled in more than one plan.
Go to the Delta Dental website to print an ID card. If you already have an account with Delta Dental, click the Sign In link. After you login, your ID card will appear on the right. Click the link to download to save an electronic version of your ID card.
If you do not already have an account with Delta Dental, or do not recall your login credentials, contact Delta Dental at (800) 236-3712 to have them mail your ID cards to your home address.
Vision Insurance ID Card
DeltaVision/EyeMed administer the vision insurance. If you are enrolled in vision insurance, present your DeltaVision/EyeMed ID card at your vision appointment.
Go to the DeltaVision/EyeMed website to print a vision insurance plan ID card.
- If you already have an account, enter your login information, then click Sign In
- If you do not already have an account, click the Need to Register link
After you login, go to the Account tab and select Print My ID Card. Contact DeltaVision/EyeMed at (855) 544-6035 to have them mail your ID cards to your home address.
Payment Card: Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA), Limited Purpose FSA, and Health Savings Account
Optum Financial administers these accounts. After you enroll, you will be issued a single payment card even if you are enrolled in multiple accounts. Click the links below to review eligible expenses for each account.
Contact Optum Financial at (833) 881-8158 to request a new payment card.
Review Your Cards for Accuracy
Review your ID cards for accuracy. If there are errors, contact If you have not received your ID cards, contact the insurance carrier directly.
Source: UW System Human Resources