Join the staff and faculty who have a FAST Meal Plan by purchasing one of your own. You can get meals in the Marketplace inside Leona Cloud Commons for as low as $5.64/meal (FAST 70 Plan) or Transfer/Trade meals from the various retail locations throughout campus. Your FAST meals and points do not expire until used. As an added benefit to the meals, purchasers of the FAST 50 & 70 plans for this spring receive a free stainless steel reusable mug that includes unlimited refills of coffee and soda (through May 16, 2019), plus bonus FAST Points. To enroll in a plan, complete the FAST Meal Plan Deduction Request form or stop at the University Ticketing and Information Center (Union 2nd Floor) to purchase a plan with cash, check or credit/debit. Please direct your questions to Tammy Olp at The option for payroll deduction is good through February 8, 2019.