Updated Titling & Compensation Websites

The Human Resources website has been updated to provide comprehensive information related to titling and compensation in a format that is simpler for employees to navigate. Please see below for the structure of the two revised websites:

    • Titling – includes the following topic areas:
      • Employee Categories
      • Titling Guidelines
      • Business Titles
      • Title Review Process
      • Titling FAQs
    • Compensation – includes the following topic areas:
      • Position & Budget Control
      • Annual Compensation Analysis
      • Compensation Adjustments (including pay plan)
      • Compensation Resources & FAQs

With these updates, the former UW-Green Bay Title & Total Compensation Project website was discontinued, and applicable information has been incorporated within the above sites. There were no changes in titling/compensation policy or process as part of the website updates.

If you have questions related to information on the revised Titling or Compensation websites, please contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu.