Since January 19, 2021, it has been a UW System requirement that any employee who comes into any UW-Green Bay building once a week or more to conduct business must obtain a negative COVID-19 test through an antigen test, or through a subsequent confirmation test administered not more than 14 days prior to accessing the campus building. In response on the recent update to SYS 600-02, Interim: Summer 2021 COVID-19 Testing Requirements, it is with pleasure, that we share the news that any UW-Green Bay employee that is fully vaccinated and does not have symptoms of COVID-19 will no longer be required to participate in bi-weekly surveillance testing effective May 10, 2021.
Employees who are fully vaccinated can get an exemption from the testing requirement by completing the Immunization Record Form located in the MyUWPortal. As part of the form, employees will be required to upload proof of vaccination, by providing a copy of their vaccination record from the Wisconsin Immunization Registry. Instructions on how to complete the form can be viewed here. An individual is considered fully vaccinated:
Employees who are not fully vaccinated or choose not to receive the vaccination will still be required to obtain a test through the UW Green Bay Testing Center or have the testing administered at a medical service provider of their choice or an alternative testing location. Please note campus testing locations and hours have changed. On-Campus Testing Logistics: Green Bay Campus (East Gym located in the Kress Events Center)
*All appointment availability will be listed on the MyPrevea app, please plan in advance to guarantee availability for a testing appointment. Marinette Campus (Cafeteria)
Manitowoc Campus (Gym)
Sheboygan Campus (Fine Arts Gallery – Theater Building)
Employees who are unable to obtain a test on campus can find a local community testing site. Testing at these sites are provided at no cost and may require an appointment. Wisconsin residents may also request an at-home specimen collection kit at no cost. It is important to know that many of these testing sites are only administering PCR (lab resulted) tests and may take 3-5 business days to get the result. Daily Self-Assessment: Employees who have completed the Immunization Record Form exempting them from testing will no longer be required to complete the Daily Self-Assessment prior to arriving to campus each day. Face Coverings & Social Distancing: Aligned with the Center for Disease Control’s “CDC” recent update to the COVID-19 Safety Guidelines, the University of Wisconsin System removed the System-wide mask mandate. Effective June 1, 2021, employees who have a verified vaccination through the above process will be exempt from the use of face coverings and the practice of social distancing. There is no requirement to receive a vaccination or apply for an exemption, however employees who are present in buildings who are not exempt will need to still participate in the current COVID-19 Safety Protocols unless an exemption is confirmed through the exemption process. Employees should continue to monitor for symptoms and stay home if they are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms. Should you have questions related to any of the information contained within this e-mail, please feel free to contact Human Resources at or (920) 465-2390. |