June Well Wisconsin Challenge: Financial Wellness, Wisconsin Strong

One of our main stressors in life is finances and being stressed about money impacts our health and mental well-being. That, coupled with the financial strains caused by the pandemic, has caused a lot of hardship and worry for employees across the nation. This month we encourage you to focus on your financial health.

Start by taking the online Wisconsin Strong Financial Fitness Challenge, offered by the Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds. After you complete a 5-minute Financial Fitness Checkup self-assessment, you’ll receive a code to enter in the Employer Sponsored Activity section of your rewards tab in your Well Wisconsin* portal. You will also gain free access to a personalized playlist of courses on topics such as debt management, budgeting, investments, estate planning, and retirement planning.

The Financial Fitness Challenge is a part of ETF’s recently debuted Wisconsin Strong: Your Financial Security™, a free financial wellness program available to Wisconsin Retirement System members and their families. Wisconsin Strong is designed to empower members to maximize their WRS benefits, save for the future, and achieve financial wellness at any age.

Check out all of the Wisconsin Strong financial wellness education, resources, and tools at etf.wi.gov/wi-strong. Follow along at #WIStrongSecurity.

*Well Wisconsin rewards are only available to subscribers and spouses enrolled in the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program, except for members who are enrolled in UHC’s Medicare Advantage plan.