Mental Wellness Challenge

As discussed in our last Coffee Talk, mental wellness is so important in our lives right now.  Please be intentional about your mental wellness – consider what areas are going well and what needs some attention.  Decide what you can do to build on the things that are working well, and look at options for improving the things that aren’t going well.  Use your resources and ask for help.  We can all improve our lives by focusing on our mental wellness – talk about it, think about it, and then take action.  Don’t worry about doing something big – just start with something small to get things moving in the right direction.

As part of our mental health focus, we challenge you to take two weeks, February 8th to 19th, to complete at least one of the activities listed on the sheet each weekday.  Click here to access this sheet, mark off activities as you complete them, and then email your completed sheet (or just let us know that you did the challenge!) to by Friday, February 26th to get an employee incentiveQuestions? Please email