With direction and support from the Chancellor’s Council for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence, an online training has been developed related to mitigating implicit bias within the recruitment process. This is a great step forward in helping to mitigate bias (both intentional and unintentional) from the evaluation of applicants to ensure that no individual receives advantage or disadvantage based upon a protected status.
This training has been designed for participants in UW-Green Bay recruitments, including recruitment chairs and committee/panel members. Moving forward, all committee/panel members must successfully complete this training prior to gaining access to applicant materials in TAM. Information about accessing the training will be shared with recruitment chairs and their panels/committees as those members are identified during the recruitment process.
This new training requirement will be effective for any recruitments approved to move forward by Position Review Committee starting the week of February 4th, 2019. However, if you are participating in a recruitment which is ongoing and would like to take the training, or would like to take the training in anticipation of being involved in a recruitment in the future, you are welcome to do so by contacting Melissa Nash at nashm@uwgb.edu to receive enrollment information.
If you have questions about the implementation of this training, please feel free to contact the Office of Human Resources and Workforce Diversity at hr@uwgb.edu.