On June 7, 2018, the Board of Regents adopted Resolution 11038 on employee personnel files and reference checks, which required the development or modification of certain human resources policies for all UW institutions regarding:
- Documenting sexual harassment allegations and investigations;
- Maintaining personnel files and conducting reference checks; and
- Exchanging personnel files between all UW institutions and State of Wisconsin agencies
Effective January 1, 2019, Operational policies Operational Policy HR13: Personnel Files and Operational Policy TC1: Recruitment Policies were modified and published to satisfy these new requirements.
As part of the modification to the Operational Policy HR13: Personnel Files, updates were made to clearly identify a list of what must be in an employee’s personnel file, define when and with whom personnel files are shared, and require appropriate documentation of sexual violence and sexual harassment in personnel files.
In addition, updates to the Operational Policy TC1: Recruitment Policies were made to ensure consistent disclosure of violations of sexual violence and sexual harassment policies to hiring institutions. Furthermore, institutions are required to ask about sexual violence and sexual harassment during the hiring process. Human Resources will be working directly with areas currently conducting recruitments to ensure that these new requirements are communicated and understood.
If you have questions about either of these policy revisions, please contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu or (920) 465-2390.