On August 20, 2018, the Natural and Applied Sciences department welcomed Golam Ahsan as an Assistant Professor – Computer Science.
Golam comes to UW-Green Bay from Marquette University where he previously worked as a Lab Manager for Ubicomp Lab, MSCS Department and was a graduate teaching and research assistant, MSCS department, at Marquette University.
Golam enjoys photography, biking, reading, board games, and puzzles. He has a Ph.D. in Computational Sciences from Marquette University, a M.S. in Computational Sciences from Marquette University, a B.Sc (Engineering) in Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Golam is from Dhaka, Bangladesh and has a wife, Nabila who is a final year graduate student in Mechanical Engineering at UW-Milwaukee, a brother who also graduated from Marquette University, and his parents are retired government officers of Bangladesh, where they live now.
Welcome, Golam!