Name: Mike Bergsbaken
Position at UWGB: Power Plant Operator
Summary of what you do: I maintain the power plant in the most cost efficient way I can, plus fix and/or repair things daily.
How long have you been employed: 4years
Brief history of employment with UWGB: I am a Power Plant Operator Senior
Three words that describe you: Just good looking!
Personal interests: I’m really too busy taking care of my home and family to do anything else.
Do you recall any embarrassing moment at work? Too many to mention.
If given a chance, who would you like to be for a day? Don’t need a chance, good just being me.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see cast as you? Mark Wenzel
If you could change one thing about working here, what would it be? The pay
If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see? The BIG BANG
If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? Ribeye, and the rest of my life would be approximately 6 months long.
If you were an animal what would you be? A bear, if your going to be a bear best be a grizzly bear!
If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you name it? Who the hell was he?
Motto or personal mantra? At the least (TRY)
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us? This questionnaire feels like a psych. Exam and yes I have taken them to work in nuclear power plants.
What celebrity do people think you look like? When I was younger, Lou Ferrigno
What children’s character can you relate with most? Why? Oscar. Not because I live ln a can.
What else do you do for fun? I love playing with my grand kids
What is your biggest pet peeve? Answering a lot of questions and people who stop half way through a door.
What is your favorite sport? Football
What one food do you wish had zero calories? Cheesecake
What’s on your bucket list? Start a bucket list.
What’s the one thing, you can’t live without? Air
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Right here
Where is your favorite place to eat? Longhorn
Where is your home town? Green Bay