It is recommended Americans save 15% of their annual income for retirement – are you?
If you are, great!
If you’re not, 15% probably seems a little intimidating, but don’t worry, there are easy ways you can begin increasing how much you save for retirement without breaking the bank. Consider increasing your UW Tax-Sheltered Annuity (TSA) 403(b) contribution by 1%. With this increase you may hardly notice a change in your take-home pay, BUT it could translate to tens of thousands of dollars to use in retirement (depending on future market values).
Your Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) benefit is a great tool in saving for retirement, but a UW TSA account can also help.
If you already have a UW TSA account and want to see how you are doing in saving for retirement, sign up for an individual counseling session with your provider. You can do so by visiting Counseling Sessions under the Education section of the UW TSA website.
If you do not have an account, there is no time like the present to sign up! Visit the UW Tax-Sheltered Annuity (TSA) 403(b) website for information on how to enroll.
Source: UW System Human Resources