Mindfullness Challenge – Tai Chi Classes!


To promote a culture of well-being and help us be more mindful at work, Tai Chi classes will be presented to UWGB employees by Green Bay Tai Chi on the following dates.  Please note that there is a maximum of 10 attendees per class, so pre-registration is required, and will be capped at 10 people.  All classes will be held at 12:00 to 12:45 p.m. in the Mauthe Center.

  • Wednesday, May 3rd
  • Wednesday, May 10th
  • Wednesday, May 17th
  • Wednesday, May 24th
  • Wednesday, May 31st

Please click on this link to register for the classes: http://uwgreenbay.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0TdXqTSM2wXTd3v

The instructor has suggested that attendees wear loose fitting clothing and gym shoes.

A big THANK YOU to the Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF) for their wellness grant to UWGB to fund the entire cost of these classes, so there is no charge to employees to attend!  Another big THANK YOU to the Richard Mauthe Center for co-sponsoring these classes!

Please contact the Wellness Committee at wellness@uwgb.edu or ext. 2203 if you have any questions.